Le blog du CEPII

How Could We Finance Low-Carbon Investments in Europe?

 PostOctober 22, 2015
By Michel Aglietta, Etienne Espagne, Vincent Aussilloux, Baptiste Perrissin-Fabert
This year, Europe is confronted with a critical double challenge: addressing the climate change issue and pulling itself out of a persistent low growth trap. Today these two challenges are addressed separately. We propose to make private low-carbon assets eligible for the ECB asset purchase program.

Climate Finance in the Context of Sustainable Development

 PostOctober 22, 2015
By Ottmar Edenhofer, Jan Christoph Steckel, Michael Jakob
Novel ideas how to spend climate finance in a way that reduces emissions and at the same time promotes recipients’ immediate development objectives are required. In this short commentary, we propose to regard climate finance in the broader context of sustainable development.

Donner un prix au carbone ne suffira pas !

 PostOctober 15, 2015
By Dominique Dron
Certaines discussions sur la transition écologique et énergétique et la COP21 traitent de la monétarisation du carbone. Un prix unique mondial semble pour certains efficace voire suffisant pour faire basculer nos sociétés vers la soutenabilité. Cette apparente simplicité paraît devoir être nuancée.

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