CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale


AVE-Services contains ad valorem equivalents of restrictions on cross-border trade in services for 118 countries and 9 sectors, using the GTAP databaseof trade in services for 2011. Results compare with those of Fontagné, Guillin, and Mitaritonna (2011) for the year 2004. We use the same method, for a larger set of countries. For sake of comparison the database proposes also ad valorem equivalents for 2004 and 2007 estimated for the original (2004) set of 64 countries of Fontagné, Guillin, and Mitaritonna.

Reference document to cite: Estimated Tariff Equivalents of Services NTMs, CEPII Working Paper, N°2016-20, août 2016, Lionel Fontagné, Cristina Mitaritonna, José E. Signoret

Person in charge & contact: Cristina Mitaritonna, cristina.mitaritonnacepii.fr

Licence: Etalab 2.0


A reduced form of the gravity approach is used to estimate services trade. The tariff equivalents are inferred by comparing the inward multilateral resistance term for each country with that of a benchmark country and assuming a common elasticity of substitution across countries and sectors. The econometric estimation is performed by sector and year for 117 countries in 2011 and 64 countries in 2004, 2007 and 2011. Hence the estimated AVE might differ for a given importer-sector pair between two years since the sample of countries is different. The excel file is comprising different sheets. The sheet "200420072011" shows the results of the estimation performed with the sample of 64 countries of 2004, separately for the years 2004, 2007 and 2011. The sheet "2011_all" shows the results estimation performed with the sample of 117 countries, for the year 2011. The sheet "2007_all" shows the estimation performed with the sample of 117 countries, for the year 2007. The sheet "2011_all" shows the estimation performed with the sample of 117 countries, for the year 2011. In each sheet blank cells correspond to pairs importer-sector for which the estimated coefficient is not significant. The GTAP codes are used for the importing countries in the first column of each sheet.