CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Commerce & Mondialisation

1641 document(s) : résultats 1481 à 1500
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Gravity, Market Potential and Development
Journal of Economic Geography, N°11(2), p.281-294, 2011
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer

Formulas and Flexibility in Trade Negotiations Sensitive Agricultural Products in the WTO’s Doha Agenda
World Bank Economic Review, vol. 24(3), p.500-519, 2011
Sébastien Jean, David Laborde, Will Martin

International Trade and Income Distribution: Reconsidering the Evidence
Review of World Economics, vol. 147(4), p.593-619, 2011
Isabelle BensidounSébastien JeanAude Sztulman

How do Multiproduct Exporters React to a Change in Trade Costs
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Forthcoming, 2011
Antoine BerthouLionel Fontagné

The Efficiency of Training and Hiring with Intrafirm Bargaining
Labour Economics, vol. 4(18), p.527-538, 2011
Fabien Tripier

Determinants of successful RTAs
Economics Letters, vol. 3(111), p.188-190, 2011
Vincent Vicard

Wholesalers in International Trade
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-31, décembre 2010
Matthieu Crozet, Guy Lalanne, Sandra Poncet

Les firmes françaises dans le commerce de service
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-28, décembre 2010
Guillaume Gaulier, Emmanuel Milet, Daniel Mirza

Le club 'ultra-select' des firmes exportatrices de services
La Lettre du CEPII, N°302, novembre 2010
Matthieu Crozet, Daniel Mirza, Emmanuel Millet

The Ultra-Select Club of Service Export Firms
La Lettre du CEPII, N°302, novembre 2010
Matthieu Crozet, Daniel Mirza, Emmanuel Millet

Determinants and Pervasiveness of the Evasion of Customs Duties
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-26, novembre 2010
Sébastien JeanCristina Mitaritonna

BACI: International Trade Database at the Product-Level. The 1994-2007 Version
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-23, octobre 2010
Guillaume Gaulier, Soledad Zignago

Indirect Exporters
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-22, octobre 2010
Fergal McCann

The Art of Exceptions: Sensitive Products in the Doha Negotiations
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-20, octobre 2010
Christophe GouelCristina MitaritonnaMaria Priscila Ramos

European Export Performance
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-12, juillet 2010
Angela Cheptea, Lionel Fontagné, Soledad Zignago

Quality and Specialization: CEPII Indicators
The CEPII Newsletter, N°44, juin 2010
Antoine Berthou

The Economic Impact of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the European Union and Korea
CEPII Research Report, N°2010-02, mai 2010
Yvan Decreux, Chris Milner, Nicolas Péridy

The Distorted Effect of Financial Development on International Trade Flows
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-09, avril 2010
Antoine Berthou

Trade in Services of French Firms
The CEPII Newsletter, N°43, mars 2010
Guillaume Gaulier, Emmanuel Milet, Daniel Mirza

Crises and the Collapse of World Trade: the Shift to Lower Quality
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-07, mars 2010
Antoine BerthouCharlotte Emlinger

1641 document(s) : résultats 1481 à 1500
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