Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Les produits de santé dans le commerce international : une filière à part entière Author-Name: Pierre Cotterlaz Author-Name: Guillaume Gaulier Author-Name: Aude Sztulman Author-Name: Deniz Ünal Keywords: filière de produits de santé;commerce international;pays avancés;pays émergents et en développement Classification-JEL:F10;F13;I11 Abstract: Les échanges internationaux de produits de santé ont pris leur essor à partir des années 2000, en pleine phase d’hypermondialisation. Vingt ans après, le choc du Covid a confirmé l’importance de la sécurité sanitaire pour les États et mis en lumière les questions de souveraineté industrielle posées par l’organisation internationale de la production. Or, la traçabilité de la fabrication de ces biens essentiels à la vie est devenue malaisée dans l’écheveau des chaînes de valeur internationales. Par ailleurs, le classement des produits de santé dans de multiples filières au sein des nomenclatures de commerce et de production rend leur repérage difficile et contribue à l’opacité. Un travail minutieux d’identification a permis au CEPII de les regrouper dans une même filière et d’apprécier l’envergure et l’évolution des échanges visant à répondre aux besoins des systèmes de santé nationaux. Recouvrant un vaste ensemble de produits (médicaments et leurs composants, équipements de technologie et petit matériel), cette filière de santé est celle qui a enregistré la plus forte progression depuis 2000 si bien que sa part dans le commerce mondial se situe en 2021 au second rang, juste après celle des produits électroniques. Ce Panorama détaille la nature des échanges mondiaux de la filière de santé et de ses cinq branches en distinguant les stades de production (intermédiaires ou finals), les types de flux (univoques ou croisés) et les gammes de qualité/prix, avant de présenter le positionnement des pays avancés vis-à-vis du reste du monde. Creation-Date: 2023-09 Issue: 3 Year: 2023 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2023/pa2023-03.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2023-03 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Les Profils Régions du CEPII : indicateurs, bases et nomenclatures Author-Name: Pierre Cotterlaz, Matteo Gagliardi, Carl Grekou, Houssein Guimbard, Laurence Nayman, Erica Perego, Alix de Saint Vaulry, Gianluca Santoni & Deniz Ünal Keywords: Data;Country;International;CHELEM;MAcMap;BACI;EQCHANGE;EconMap Classification-JEL:F13 Abstract: Les Profils Régions du CEPII offrent un outil d’analyse original du commerce international de huit grandes régions composant le monde, ainsi que dix zones d’intégration géographique en utilisant des bases statistiques élaborées par le CEPII. Ainsi, CHELEM qui propose une représentation complète et cohérente des flux commerciaux, des balances des paiements et des revenus mondiaux depuis les années 1960 ; EconMap qui permet de projeter à l'horizon 2050 et 2100 le PIB avec ses composantes dans un cadre mondial et en tenant compte des scénarios climatiques ; EQCHANGE qui comprend des taux de change effectifs nominaux, réels et d’équilibre depuis les années 1970 ; MAcMap-HS6 qui estime la protection moyenne des pays ; BACI qui propose des statistiques harmonisées sur les valeurs et quantités échangées à un niveau très fin de produits depuis la fin des années 1980 ; et WTFC qui définit la gamme de prix et le type de chaque flux de commerce depuis l’an 2000, sont utilisées pour proposer un ensemble cohérent d’indicateurs. Les tableaux et graphiques y figurent sous sept rubriques thématiques : cadrage ; projections ; balance & change ; protection tarifaire ; avantages comparatifs ; types & gammes ; produits & partenaires. Ce document précise les indicateurs, les bases de données et les nomenclatures utilisés dans les Profils Régions du CEPII. Creation-Date: 2023-07 Issue: 2 Year: 2023 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2023/pa2023-02.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2023-02 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Les Profils Pays du CEPII : indicateurs, bases et nomenclatures Author-Name: Pierre Cotterlaz, Matteo Gagliardi, Carl Grekou, Houssein Guimbard, Laurence Nayman, Erica Perego, Alix de Saint Vaulry, Gianluca Santoni & Deniz Ünal Keywords: Data;Country;International;CHELEM;MAcMap;BACI;EQCHANGE;EconMap Classification-JEL:F13 Abstract: Les Profils Pays du CEPII offrent un outil d’analyse original de l’insertion de quatre-vingts pays dans le commerce international en utilisant des bases statistiques élaborées par le CEPII. Ainsi, CHELEM qui propose une représentation complète et cohérente des flux commerciaux, des balances des paiements et des revenus mondiaux depuis les années 1960 ; EconMap qui permet de projeter à l'horizon 2050 et 2100 le PIB avec ses composantes dans un cadre mondial et en tenant compte des scénarios climatiques ; EQCHANGE qui comprend des taux de change effectifs nominaux, réels et d’équilibre depuis les années 1970 ; MAcMap-HS6 qui estime la protection moyenne des pays ; BACI qui propose des statistiques harmonisées sur les valeurs et quantités échangées à un niveau très fin de produits depuis la fin des années 1980 ; et WTFC qui définit la gamme de prix et le type de chaque flux de commerce depuis l’an 2000, sont utilisées pour proposer un ensemble cohérent d’indicateurs. Les tableaux et graphiques y figurent sous sept rubriques thématiques : cadrage ; projections ; balance & change ; protection tarifaire ; avantages comparatifs ; types & gammes ; produits & partenaires. Ce document précise les indicateurs, les bases de données et les nomenclatures utilisés dans les Profils Pays du CEPII. Creation-Date: 2023-07 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2023/pa2023-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2023-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: CEPII Region Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications Author-Name: Pierre Cotterlaz, Matteo Gagliardi, Carl Grekou, Houssein Guimbard, Laurence Nayman, Erica Perego, Alix de Saint Vaulry, Gianluca Santoni & Deniz Ünal Keywords: Data;Country;International;CHELEM;MAcMap;BACI;EQCHANGE;EconMap Classification-JEL:F13 Abstract: The CEPII Region Profiles put forward an original tool to analyse the insertion in international trade of eighth large regions composing the world, as well as ten aggregated trade areas using databases developed by the CEPII. Thus, CHELEM which provides a complete and consistent representation of international trade flows, balance of payments and world revenues since the 1960s; EconMap which allows to project by 2050 or 2100 GDP with its components in a global context and taking into account climate scenarios; EQCHANGE which includes nominal, real and equilibrium effective exchange rates since the 1970s; MAcMap-HS6 which estimates the average regions’ protection; BACI which offers harmonised statistics on values and quantities at a very detailed level of products since the late 1980s; and WTFC which defines type and price range of trade flows since 2000, are used to present a consistent set of indicators. Tables and figures are grouped under seven thematic sections: broad patterns; projections; balance & forex; tariff protection; comparative advantages; types & ranges; products & partners. This document specifies the indicators, databases and classifications used in the CEPII Region Profiles. Creation-Date: 2022-08 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2022/pa2022-02.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2022-02 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: CEPII Country Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications Author-Name: Pierre Cotterlaz, Matteo Gagliardi, Carl Grekou, Houssein Guimbard, Laurence Nayman, Erica Perego, Alix de Saint Vaulry, Gianluca Santoni & Deniz Ünal Keywords: Data;Country;International;CHELEM;MAcMap;BACI;EQCHANGE;EconMap Classification-JEL:F13 Abstract: The CEPII Country Profiles put forward an original tool to analyse the insertion of eighty countries in international trade using databases developed by the CEPII. Thus, CHELEM which provides a complete and coherent rebdd_modele_item of international trade flows, balance of payments and world revenues since the 1960s; EconMap which allows to project by 2050 or 2100 GDP with its components in a global context and taking into account climate scenarios; EQCHANGE which includes nominal, real and equilibrium effective exchange rates since the 1970s; MAcMap-HS6 which estimates the average country’s protection; BACI which offers harmonised statistics on values and quantities at a very detailed level of products since the late 1980s; and WTFC which defines type and price range of trade flows since 2000, are used to present a consistent set of indicators. Tables and figures are grouped under seven thematic sections: broad patterns; projections; balance & forex; tariff protection; comparative advantages; types & ranges; products & partners. This document specifies the indicators, databases and classifications used in the CEPII Country Profiles. Creation-Date: 2022-08 Issue: 1 Year: 2022 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2022/pa2022-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2022-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: CEPII Region Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications Author-Name: Pierre Cotterlaz Author-Name: Carl Grekou Author-Name: Houssein Guimbard Author-Name: Laurence Nayman Author-Name: Alix de Saint Vaulry Keywords: Data;Country;International;CHELEM;MAcMap;BACI;EQCHANGE Classification-JEL:f13 Abstract: The CEPII Region Profiles put forward an original tool to analyse the insertion in international trade of eighth large regions composing the world, as well as ten aggregated trade areas using databases developed by the CEPII. Thus, CHELEM which provides a complete and consistent representation of international trade flows, balance of payments and world revenues since the 1960s; EconMap which allows to project by 2050 or 2100 GDP with its components in a global context and taking into account climate scenarios; EQCHANGE which includes nominal, real and equilibrium effective exchange rates since the 1970s; MAcMap-HS6 which estimates the average regions’ protection; BACI which offers harmonised statistics on values and quantities at a very detailed level of products since the late 1980s; and WTFC which defines type and price range of trade flows since 2000, are used to present a consistent set of indicators. Tables and figures are grouped under seven thematic sections: broad patterns; projections; balance & forex; tariff protection; comparative advantages; types & ranges; products & partners. This document specifies the indicators, databases and classifications used in the CEPII Region Profiles. Creation-Date: 2021-06 Issue: 2 Year: 2021 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2021/pa2021-02.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2021-02 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: CEPII Country Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications Author-Name: Pierre Cotterlaz Author-Name: Carl Grekou Author-Name: Houssein Guimbard Author-Name: Laurence Nayman Author-Name: Alix de Saint Vaulry Keywords: Data;Country;International;CHELEM;MAcMap;BACI;EQCHANGE Classification-JEL:f13 Abstract: The CEPII Country Profiles put forward an original tool to analyse the insertion of eighty countries in international trade using databases developed by the CEPII. Thus, CHELEM which provides a complete and coherent representation of international trade flows, balance of payments and world revenues since the 1960s; EconMap which allows to project by 2050 or 2100 GDP with its components in a global context and taking into account climate scenarios; EQCHANGE which includes nominal, real and equilibrium effective exchange rates since the 1970s; MAcMap-HS6 which estimates the average country’s protection; BACI which offers harmonised statistics on values and quantities at a very detailed level of products since the late 1980s; and WTFC which defines type and price range of trade flows since 2000, are used to present a consistent set of indicators. Tables and figures are grouped under seven thematic sections: broad patterns; projections; balance & forex; tariff protection; comparative advantages; types & ranges; products & partners. This document specifies the indicators, databases and classifications used in the CEPII Country Profiles. Creation-Date: 2021-06 Issue: 1 Year: 2021 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2021/pa2021-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2021-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: CEPII Country Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications Author-Name: Pierre Cotterlaz Author-Name: Charlotte Emlinger, Jean Fouré Author-Name: Carl Grekou Author-Name: Houssein Guimbard Author-Name: Laurence Nayman Keywords: Data;Country;International;CHELEM;MAcMap;BACI;EQCHANGE Classification-JEL:f13 Abstract: The CEPII Country Profiles put forward an original tool to analyse the insertion of eighty countries in international trade using databases developed by the CEPII. Thus, CHELEM which provides a complete and coherent representation of international trade flows, balance of payments and world revenues since the 1960s; EconMap which allows to project by 2050 or 2100 GDP with its components in a global context and taking into account climate scenarios; EQCHANGE which includes nominal, real and equilibrium effective exchange rates since the 1970s; MAcMap-HS6 which estimates the average country’s protection; BACI which offers harmonised statistics on values and quantities at a very detailed level of products since the late 1980s; and WTFC which defines type and price range of trade flows since 2000, are used to present a consistent set of indicators. Tables and figures are grouped under seven thematic sections: broad patterns; projections; balance & forex; tariff protection; comparative advantages; types & ranges; products & partners. This document specifies the indicators, databases and classifications used in the CEPII Country Profiles. Creation-Date: 2020-07 Issue: 1 Year: 2020 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2020/pa2020-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2020-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: CEPII Country Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications Author-Name: Charlotte Emlinger Author-Name: Jean Fouré Author-Name: Carl Grekou Author-Name: Houssein Guimbard Author-Name: Laurence Nayman Keywords: ;Country;International;CHELEM;MAcMap;BACI;EQCHANGE Classification-JEL:f13 Abstract: The CEPII Country Profiles put forward an original tool to analyse the insertion of eighty countries in international trade using databases developed by the CEPII. Thus, CHELEM which provides a complete and coherent representation of international trade flows, balance of payments and world revenues since the 1960s; EconMap which allows to project by 2050 or 2100 GDP with its components in a global context and taking into account climate scenarios; EQCHANGE which includes nominal, real and equilibrium effective exchange rates since the 1970s; MAcMap-HS6 which estimates the average country’s protection; BACI which offers harmonised statistics on values and quantities at a very detailed level of products since the late 1980s; and WTFC which defines type and price range of trade flows since 2000, are used to present a consistent set of indicators. Tables and figures are grouped under seven thematic sections: broad patterns; projections; balance & forex; tariff protection; comparative advantages; types & ranges; products & partners. This document specifies the indicators, databases and classifications used in the CEPII Country Profiles. Creation-Date: 2019-11 Issue: 2 Year: 2019 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2019/pa2019-02.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2019-02 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: A world more equal, but countries less so? Author-Name: Isabelle Bensidoun Author-Name: Grégoire Elkouby Abstract: While at the end of the 1990’s, the debate around inequality worldwide was focused on the evolution of international inequality or inequality between countries, it has now shifted to the dynamics of within-country inequality. The purpose of this panorama is to overview changes in income inequalitiy over the last decades at different levels: inequality between countries, international inequality, global inequality and within-country inequality. Inequality between countries provide information about the gaps between average living standards worldwide. From that perspective, evolutions since 2000 show that the increase in inequality observed until then flipped over: enough developing countries have experienced a strong growth of their GDP per capita to lead to a fall of inequality between countries. As a result, inequality between countries and international inequality (i.e., weighting countries by their population), have moved in the same direction since then. This reduction in international inequality is largely responsible for the reduction in global inequality, reflecting the way income gaps between world citizens have evolved. However, at the end of the period, the decrease in global inequality is also due (in some estimates) to domestic inequality. While those inequalities have sharply increased in many countries between the mid-1980’s and the financial crisis of 2007-2008, they now evolve in more contrasting ways. Creation-Date: 2019-02 Issue: 1 Year: 2019 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2019/pa2019-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2019-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Profits of multinational firms abroad: measurement and impact on their home country Author-Name: Laurence Nayman Author-Name: Vincent Vicard Keywords: FDI income;multinational firms;tax havens;current account;balance of payments Classification-JEL:F23;F62 Abstract: This panorama measures the national income linked to the activity abroad of multinational enterprises, recorded in the foreign direct investment (FDI) income item of the balance of payments. These FDI income flows have been more dynamic than the other current account items (goods, services, other primary income and secondary income) so that their share in world flows doubled between 1995 and 2015. They contribute positively to the current account balance of high-income countries, but negatively to that of the rest of the world. As a result, they add to the gross national income (GNI) of high-income countries. The predominant role of tax havens in FDI income flows underlines the significance of tax issues in the measurement and analysis of multinationals activity. Creation-Date: 2018-05 Issue: 1 Year: 2018 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2018/pa2018-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2018-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: International statistical comparisons: France-Germany figurations Author-Name: Stéphane Tagnani Author-Name: Deniz Ünal Keywords: International comparisons;Methodological issues;France-Germany Classification-JEL:C18;F00;O52 Abstract: France-Germany comparison studies consider often that the data for these very similar economies are comparable. The apparent proximity of the two neighbors reveals however many divergences in the statistical field. The relevant interpretation of the results requires a better knowledge of these differences. At a symposium held last year, the National Council for Statistical Information (Cnis) initiated a collective reflection on the international comparability of statistics by considering concrete cases of some flagship indicators for economic governance (corporate profits, public and private debt, public deficit, working hours) and OECD action to improve comparability. This Panorama aims to disseminate these rich views to a wide audience. Creation-Date: 2017-06 Issue: 2 Year: 2017 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2017/pa2017-02.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2017-02 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: China’s rising demand for consumer goods and its impact on international trade Author-Name: Françoise Lemoine Author-Name: Deniz Ünal Keywords: Classification-JEL: Abstract: In the present stage of China’s economic development, household consumption should become the main driver of growth, ahead of investment and exports. This rebalancing is crucial for the rate and sustainability of the country's economic growth in the coming years and has had already an impact on its trade relations with the rest of the world. This Panorama first analyzes the domestic supply of consumer goods and shows that this sector is one of the most dynamic of China’s industry since 2007. It then reveals that China’s imports of consumer goods have increased at an accelerated pace since ten years, driven by a strong demand for high-end products. China is now the world's third largest importer of consumer goods, the second largest for high-end products, with Europe as the main supplier. Creation-Date: 2017-03 Issue: 1 Year: 2017 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2017/pa2017-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2017-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Brazil: self-inflicted pain Author-Name: Cristina Terra Keywords: Brazil Classification-JEL:O54;F63 Abstract: The Brazilian economy grew 7.5% in 2010, when Mr. Lula finished his second mandate as president with a popularity rate of 85%. Six years later, his successor, Ms. Rousseff, is suspended from the presidency under an impeachment trial, while the economy endures a recession of 3.8% of the GDP for the second consecutive year. In this article I argue that the current economic crisis is the result of ill-advised economic policies. Ms. Rousseff’s government altered each one of the tripod of policies implemented by Mr. Cardoso in the 1990s, which had been successful in maintaining macroeconomic stability (namely, the inflation targeting regime, the floating exchange rate and the fiscal austerity). Also, Ms. Rousseff’s government greatly expanded the improperly designed industrial policies that were reintroduced in Brazil during the second mandate of Mr. Lula, which created distortions in the economy and a large fiscal burden for the government. The acting president, Mr. Temer faces great difficulties to put the economy back in order, since unpopular measures are required that are very hard to be implemented in the midst of the current political turmoil. Creation-Date: 2016-07 Issue: 3 Year: 2016 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2016/pa2016-03.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2016-03 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: CEPII Country Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications Author-Name: Charlotte Emlinger Author-Name: Houssein Guimbard Author-Name: Alix de Saint Vaulry Author-Name: Deniz Ünal Keywords: Data;Country;international;CHELEM ;MAcMap;BACI Classification-JEL:f13 Abstract: The CEPII Country Profiles put forward an original tool to analyze the insertion of eighty countries in international trade using databases developed by the CEPII. Thus, CHELEM which provides long period trade data since the 1960s in goods and services, GDP and population; MAcMap which estimates the average country’s protection by partners and products; BACI which offers harmonized statistics on values and quantities at a very detailed level of products; and World Trade Flows Characterization (WTFC) which defines type and price range of trade flows, are used to present a consistent set of indicators. Tables and figures are grouped under seven thematic sections: broad patterns; tariff protection; products and partners; comparative advantages; one-way and two-way trade; unit value ranges; and terms of trade. This document specifies the indicators, databases and classifications used in the CEPII Country Profiles. Access to CEPII Country Profiles on Visual Data Creation-Date: 2016-06 Issue: 2 Year: 2016 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2016/pa2016-02.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2016-02 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Taux d’intérêt négatifs et stagnation séculaire : politique monétaire ou choix sociétal ? Author-Name: Michel Aglietta Author-Name: Natacha Valla Keywords: Classification-JEL:E50 Abstract: Les taux d’intérêt négatifs apparaissent, en concordance avec l’expansion des bilans des banques centrales, comme une nouvelle étape, dans la recherche d’instruments monétaires destinés à conjurer les deux maux qui minent les économies développées depuis la grande crise financière de 2008 : demande anémique et menace de la déflation. Or ces maux se situent au-delà des leviers d’action de la politique monétaire ; ils relèvent d’une stagnation séculaire où le rendement du capital et les gains de productivité sont très faibles. Les gouvernements se déchargent depuis maintenant trop longtemps de leurs responsabilités politiques. Les efforts remarquables des banques centrales pour éviter la déflation ont commencé à entraîner des effets pervers. Ces politiques monétaires insolites, qui pèsent sur les inégalités de revenu comme sur le financement des investissements nécessaires pour surmonter les externalités environnementales, apparaissent comme la lame de fond d’un choix économique et sociétal. Leur pérennisation n’est pas compatible avec une croissance de long terme inclusive et soutenable. Cette analyse sur les anomalies des taux d’intérêt négatifs nous invite à une réflexion collective sur un référentiel évolutionniste où le bien-être de l’individu négocie avec le devoir-être de la société. Creation-Date: 2016-02 Issue: 1 Year: 2016 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2016/pa2016-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2016-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: CEPII Country Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications Author-Name: Charlotte Emlinger Author-Name: Houssein Guimbard Author-Name: Alix de Saint Vaulry Keywords: Data;Country;international;CHELEM ;MAcMap; BACI Classification-JEL:f13 Abstract: The CEPII Country Profiles put forward an original tool to analyze the insertion of eighty countries in international trade using databases developed by the CEPII. Thus, CHELEM which provides long period trade data since the 1960s in goods and services, GDP and population; MAcMap which estimates the average country’s protection by partners and products; BACI which offers harmonized statistics on values and quantities at a very detailed level of products; and World Trade Flows Characterization (WTFC) which defines type and price range of trade flows, are used to present a consistent set of indicators. Tables and figures are grouped under seven thematic sections: broad patterns; tariff protection; products and partners; comparative advantages; one-way and two-way trade; unit value ranges; and terms of trade. This document specifies the indicators, databases and classifications used in the CEPII Country Profiles. Access to CEPII Country Profiles on Visual Data Creation-Date: 2015-06 Issue: 1 Year: 2015 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2015/pa2015-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2015-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Growth and population dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa Author-Name: Agnès Chevallier Author-Name: Maëlan Le Goff Keywords: Sub-Saharan Africa;Development;Growth;Demographics;Education;Poverty Classification-JEL:O55;O11;F63;I25;J11 Abstract: 2000’s were marked by the return to growth in most of sub-Saharan African countries. However, their GDP per capita levels remain significantly lower than in other developing countries and the effect of growth on poverty is very small. At the same time, sub-Saharan Africa has the fastest growing population in the world, due notably to the slow fertility decline and improvements of sanitary conditions. The population is very young and, with the exception of countries in southern Africa, the region should benefit from a demographic dividend until 2050. This opportunity could turn into an economic asset, provided that this workforce is well educated and skilled enough. Yet, despite remarkable progress, educational levels remain low, while high residence and gender inequalities of access persist. Creation-Date: 2014-07 Issue: 3 Year: 2014 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2014/pa2014-03.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2014-03 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Blue and Yellow China: Spatial Dynamics and Convergence Author-Name: Françoise Lemoine Author-Name: Sandra Poncet Author-Name: Deniz Ünal Keywords: China;Regional inequality;Manufacturing industry;Convergence;Growth Classification-JEL:f63;o14;o25;o53;r12 Abstract: Since the early phase of the country modernization, the center of gravity of China’s economy has been alternately located in the coastal area (Blue China) and in inland area (Yellow China). Such a shift is now taking place in China’s economic geography: the interior regions are catching up the coastal area (which was the engine of economic takeoff the last thirty years), thanks to an outstanding convergence speed in industry. This rebalancing goes hand in hand with China’s new growth regime which relies increasingly on its expanding domestic market. The analysis is based on the data from the National Bureau of Statistics of the PRC: the statistical yearbooks provide the long term macroeconomic series at provincial level (1952-2011); the data from the census of industrial firms allow an in-depth analysis of the period 1997-2009, a period in which the manufacturing industry has played a leading role in the spectacular growth of the Chinese economy. Creation-Date: 2014-03 Issue: 2 Year: 2014 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2014/pa2014-02.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2014-02 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: The World Trade Geography: 1967-2011 Author-Name: Deniz Ünal Keywords: International Trade;Regionalisation;Globalization;Trade Geography Classification-JEL:F13;F14;F15;F60;Y10 Abstract: The remarkable changes in the distribution of wealth and trade flows in recent decades are subject to abundant interpretations as a shift of the world economy gravity center towards Asia. Using CHELEM and BACI databases of CEPII this panorama examines and illustrates major geographical trends of the international trade in a coherent and comprehensive framework. The shifting of the center of global economy to Asia appears then as a natural phenomenon given the size of its population. A detailed analysis places each country on the world trade map. It appears that the globalization of trade flows has not erased the regional polarization; the major part of countries exports and imports mainly within their own geographical area. Despite globalization, intra-regional flows still dominate international trade. Developed later than in Europe or America, regional trade now accounts for more than half of Asian trade. Creation-Date: 2014-01 Issue: 1 Year: 2014 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2014/pa2014-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2014-01 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: World Economic Overview Author-Name: Michel Fouquin Author-Name: Houssein Guimbard Author-Name: Colette Herzog Author-Name: Deniz Ünal Keywords: World economy Classification-JEL:F13 Abstract: This World Economic Overview highlights the main changes in the world economy in the long run and how nations took part in it. Trends over some forty years are featured in the overview : from 1960 to 2012 for GDP, and from 1967 to 2009 for international trade in goods and services. The first part of the overview is dedicated to changes in the world ranking of economic and population weights as well as in the one of nations development levels. The second part describes trade flows. It sets out the growing share of trade in goods and services in the world production along with trade balances and imbalances across nations. Trade in goods and services, reflecting and explaining global and national transformations, is observed in detail. On one side through the product structure evolution, on the other side through the changes in geographical breakdowns. In the third part, specialization indicators – in terms of comparative advantages – are presented for about twenty major countries. This overview has been carried out from the CHELEM database (Harmonized Accounts on the World Economy).https://chelem.bvdep.com Références: Base de données CHELEM-BAL du CEPII, Document de travail n° 2006-08, mars 2006 Base de données CHELEM-Commerce International, Document de travail n° 2008-09, Juin 2008 Creation-Date: 2012-12 Issue: 2 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2012/pa2012-02.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2012-02 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Title: Panorama de la spécialisation européenne Author-Name: Colette Herzog Author-Name: Deniz Ünal Keywords: EUROPE Classification-JEL:f13 Abstract: L’objet de ce panorama est d’offrir une vision structurelle de la compétitivité des pays de l’Union européenne à travers leurs spécialisations dans le commerce international sur la période 1995-2009. La première partie présente la spécialisation de l’UE27 sur l’ensemble de biens et services regroupés en 81 postes en considérant : 1) l’Union comme un bloc pour la comparer aux deux autres pays de la Triade (Etats-Unis, Japon) ainsi qu’aux trois grandes économies émergentes (Chine, Inde, Brésil); 2) individuellement chacun des pays membres (et les pays candidats à l’adhésion) de façon à faire des comparaisons intra-européennes. La deuxième partie se concentre sur la structure des échanges manufacturés de l’UE15 par: types de commerce: échanges univoques (intra branche), commerce croisé de « qualités » (intra-branche avec différenciation verticale) et commerce croisé de « variétés » (intra-branche avec différenciation horizontale);et groupe de partenaires: monde, intra-UE15, nouveaux états membres, reste du monde. La troisième partie considère la spécialisation manufacturière de l’UE15 par:gammes de prix-qualité (basse, moyenne et haute) et branches (21 branches CITI regroupés en 9 catégories). Enfin, les références bibliographiques ainsi que deux annexes relatives aux nomenclatures sectorielles et à la méthodologie des indicateurs utilisés complètent le panorama. Creation-Date: 2012-01 Issue: 1 Year: 2012 File-URL: http://www.cepii.fr/PDF_PUB/panorama/2012/pa2012-01.pdf Handle: RePEc:cii:cepipa:2012-01