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The CEPII Newsletter       
January 2014        

The French edition is slightly different as it also includes material available in French only  

Europe Monnaie & Finance Trade & Globalization Migrations Economic Policy Emerging Economies Competitivness & Growth Environment & Natural Ressources

CEPII's Panoramas

This new collection provides statistical highlights on international economy. Thematic statistical analysis in the Panoramas analytiques, compendiums realised using CEPII's original data in the Panoramas statistiques, and methodological panoramas, describing the methods used in the panoramas.
For an easy integration to your own documents, the illustrations are downloadable as images.

Happy New Year 2014


The shift of the world economy gravity center

The remarkable changes in the distribution of wealth and trade flows in recent decades are subject to abundant interpretations as a shift of the world economy gravity center towards Asia. Using CHELEM and BACI databases of CEPII this panorama examines and illustrates major geographical trends of the international trade in a coherent and comprehensive framework. The shifting of the center of global economy to Asia appears then as a natural phenomenon given the size of its population. A detailed analysis places each country on the world trade map.

  Facts & Figures

The region, anchor of trade globalization

Despite globalization, intra-regional flows still dominate international trade. Developed later than in Europe or America, regional trade now accounts for more than half of Asian trade.
Deniz Ünal


Negative interest rate on bank deposits at the central bank: an option for the ECB?

For a long time considered as impossible to implement, the negative interest rates on deposits of commercial banks at the central bank is now often mentioned as an option for the European Central Bank (ECB).

ISSN: 1255-7072
Editorial Director : Antoine Bouët
Managing Editor : Dominique Pianelli