Industrie pharmaceutique européenne : quand rentabilité rime avec vulnérabilité
En misant sur l’aval de l’industrie pharmaceutique, où les prix ont fortement augmenté, les producteurs européens ont joué la carte de la rentabilité avec succès. Pour preuve, la place dominante qu’occupe l’Europe dans le commerce de produits pharmaceutiques avec 75% des exportations mondiales. Revers de la médaille, une dépendance accrue à l’égard de l’Asie émergente en amont, où la concentration des fournisseurs fragilise la sécurité des approvisionnements. Une situation qui justifie l’intervention des pouvoirs publics pour répondre aux pénuries de médicaments de plus en plus nombreuses depuis les années 2010. Pierre Cotterlaz, Guillaume Gaulier, Aude Sztulman, Deniz Ünal
Élections 2022 : les questions de l'économie internationale s'imposent au cœur de la campagne électorale : climat, protectionnisme, mondialisation, immigration, fiscalité, instabilité financière... Sur notre blog, retrouvez les décryptages des experts du CEPII recueillis par Isabelle Bensidoun.
Bases de données
EQCHANGE annual assessment 2021: an overview of exchange rate misalignments for 2020
Despite the large shock that represented the Covid-19 pandemic, the global configuration of currencies misalignments did not undergo any significant changes except for few EMEs that registered important movements. Among advanced economies, the picture was broadly unchanged. The US dollar registered a slight increase of its overvaluation; the British pound, the Canadian dollar and the Japanese yen registered an upward movement that led to the reduction of the undervaluations. The euro area is again featured with various situations with undervaluations prevailing in Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands while Belgium, France, Italy were close to their equilibrium. In EMEs, the Brazilian real registered the largest swings against the US dollar and have consequently seen a dramatic increase of its undervaluation. The Turkish lira continued its plunge against the US dollar and also increased its undervaluation. In contrast, the Chinese renminbi remained relatively stable and appeared broadly in line with its fundamental value. Carl Grekou
International Economics: the December issue is out now, the next issue to be released in March
International Economics is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of research in the area of applied international economics. The journal especially welcomes empirical contributions that include, but are not limited to, topics in international trade, commercial policy, open economy macroeconomics, international finance, exchange rates, financial and monetary policies, economic development, migration and factor movements.
The CEPII is a member of the European Network for Economic and Fiscal Policy Research, a unique collaboration between policy-oriented university and non-university research institutes that contribute with their scientific expertise to the debate over the EU’s future design.
Read the latest news of the EconPol Europe.
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ISSN: 1255-7072
Directeur de publication : Antoine Bouët
Rédacteur en chef : Evgenia Korotkova