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The CEPII Newsletter       
March 2014        

The French edition is slightly different as it also includes material available in French only  

Europe Monnaie & Finance Trade & Globalization Migrations Economic Policy Emerging Economies Competitivness & Growth Environment & Natural Ressources

The CHELEM nouveau has arrived

The new edition of CHELEM provides 2012 data, GDP and population projections to 2018. In addition, the balance of payments has been completly revised following to the changes brought to IMF methodology.
CHELEM is available by subscription.
More about the CEPII database on the World Economy >>>

T-TIP Economic Impact

Given the low average level of the import tariffs – 2% in the US and 3% in the EU – the setting of influential norms, standards, and other rules is probably where the main benefits lie for the US and the EU in the long run.
Lionel Fontagné, Julien Gourdon, Sébastien Jean


Euro area: deflation is the wrong debate

For a fact, measures of headline consumer price inflation have decelerated sharply over the recent past. At 0.8-1%; inflation hovers around levels that are clearly below the ECB’s flagship 2% medium-term objective.

ISSN: 1255-7072
Editorial Director : Antoine Bouët
Managing Editor : Dominique Pianelli