Beyond Target: Indirect Impacts of Antidumping
This Working Paper proposes a close examination of the indirect impacts of antidumping cases on the bilateral trade relationship between plaintiff and defendant, based on Chinese firm-level data between 2000 and 2011. Authors find evidence that antidumping cases affect Chinese bilateral exports beyond targeted products: multi-product exporters reduce their export volume on their entire product basket. In contrast, indirect impacts on export participations are not found to be statistically significant. Sébastien Jean, Kevin Lefebvre
| UIP Deviations in Times of Uncertainty: Not all Countries Behave Alike
This Working Paper reconsiders the role of uncertainty in explaining uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) deviations by focusing on 60 emerging and developing (EMDE) and advanced (AE) economies. It shows that differentiating between EMDE currencies and AE currencies is crucial for understanding UIP deviations. In periods of uncertainty, UIP deviations become wider for EMDEs and narrower for AEs. Purva Gole, Erica Perego, Camelia Turcu
| The Percolation of Knowledge across Space
The Working Paper shows that the negative effect of geographical distance on knowledge flows stems from how firms gain sources of knowledge through their existing network. In aggregate, the distance elasticity of patent citations flows has remained constant since the 1980s, despite the rise of the internet. At the micro level, firms disproportionately cite existing knowledge sources, and patents cited by their sources. Authors introduce a model featuring the latter phenomenon, and generating a negative distance elasticity in aggregate. While the distance effect should have decreased with constant country composition, the rise of East Asian economies, associated to large distance elasticities, compensated lower frictions in other countries. Pierre Cotterlaz, Arthur Guillouzouic
Call for papers until 15 September 2024:
Immigration in OECD countries - 14th Annual International Conference
The CEPII, LISER and the OECD as well as their partners from the International Migration Economics Chair at Paris School of Economics, the Fondazione Rodolfo De Benedetti, the LEM (Laboratory of Economics and Management), and the University of Luxembourg are jointly organizing the 14th Annual Conference on “Immigration in OECD Countries” on December 12-13, 2024. The conference will examine the economic aspects of international migration in OECD countries by mapping the migratory flows and analyzing their socio-economic determinants and consequences. Topics of interest include, among others, the determinants of immigration to the OECD, migrants’ self-selection, the political economy of immigration, its labor market and public finance effects, as well as migrants and refugees social, political and economic integration.
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ISSN: 1255-7072
Editorial Director : Antoine Bouët
Managing Editor : Evgenia Korotkova