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The CEPII Newsletter       
December 2014        

The French edition is slightly different as it also includes material available in French only  

Europe Monnaie & Finance Trade & Globalization Migrations Economic Policy Emerging Economies Competitivness & Growth Environment & Natural Ressources

A new type of negotiations challenging economists

Can economists say anything about the likely economic impact of a TTIP agreement? This column estimates that a phasing-out of tariffs accompanied by a 25% cut in the trade restrictiveness of non-tariff measures would increase trade in goods and services between the two regions by 50%. >>>
Lionel Fontagné, Sébastien Jean

Best Wishes

  Facts & Figures

Updated Data and Projections

The macroeconomic projections database EconMap has been updated, providing homogenized and up-to-date data from 1980 to 2012, as well as improved projections up to year 2050 for 167 countries (20 more than the previous version), regarding Gross Domestic Product, production factors (capital, labor, energy) and productivity (energy-specific and capital-labor-specific).
This database is built from an updated version of the MaGE model, introducing better insights in the dynamics of global energy productivity along with economic development.

ISSN: 1255-7072
Editorial Director : Antoine Bouët
Managing Editor : Dominique Pianelli