CEPII Country Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications
The CEPII Country Profiles put forward an original tool to analyze the insertion of eighty countries in international trade using databases developed by the CEPII. Thus, CHELEM which provides long period trade data since the 1960s in goods and services, GDP and population; MAcMap which estimates the average country’s protection by partners and products; BACI which offers harmonized statistics on values and quantities at a very detailed level of products; and World Trade Flows Characterization (WTFC) which defines type and price range of trade flows, are used to present a consistent set of indicators. Tables and figures are grouped under seven thematic sections: broad patterns; tariff protection; products and partners; comparative advantages; one-way and two-way trade; unit value ranges; and terms of trade. This document specifies the indicators, databases and classifications used in the CEPII Country Profiles.
Access to CEPII Country Profiles on >>>
- Collateral Damage: The impact of the Russia sanctions on sanctioning countries’ exports
Matthieu Crozet, Julian Hinz
- The March of the Techies: Technology, Trade, and Job Polarization in France, 1994-2007
James Harrigan, Ariell Reshef, Farid Toubal
- Two Centuries of Bilateral Trade and Gravity Data: 1827-2014
Michel Fouquin, Jules Hugot
- Back to the Future: International Trade Costs and the Two Globalizations
Michel Fouquin, Jules Hugot
- Competing Liberalizations: Tariffs and Trade in the 21st Century
Jean-Christophe Bureau, Houssein Guimbard, Sébastien Jean
- On the impact of dollar movements on oil currencies
Gabriel Gomes
Discussion - India: Better than most, but could it be better?June 10, 2016Hélène Rey on " the future of the Eurozone "June 10, 2016The economic consequences of the wars in the Middle East and Northern African CountriesJune 28, 201616th Doctoral Meetings in International Trade and International FinanceJuly 5 - 6, 2016CEPII-CESifo-DIW-OFCE Franco-German ConferenceJuly 7 - 8, 2016How to improve the governance of the euro area? Views from France and GermanyJuly 8, 2016SUERF/PSE/CEPII Conference: Rethinking Capital Controls and Capital FlowsSeptember 16, 2016AEEF 2016 : 10 years Anniversary EventSeptember 21 - 22, 2016XIV ELSNIT Annual Conference : Investment Treaties and Investment Promotion PoliciesOctober 21 - 22, 2016Immigration in OECD Countries - 6th Annual International ConferenceDecember 12, 2016Modeling real international relationships - A MIRAGE Consortium WorkshopDecember 15 - 16, 2016
The cost of sanctions against Russia for the EU countries
The impact of the conflict on Western exports to Russia is strong. From December ’13 to June ’15, the total export loss is 60:2 billion USD. The major part of this loss (82.2%) is accounted for by the products that are not targeted by the Russian counter-sanctions. The EU countries bear 76.7% of all trade loss. Matthieu Crozet and Julian Hinz also exploit French firm-level export data to study how firms reacted to the sanctions. Econometric results show that the military conflict in Ukraine and the sanctions reduced severely both firm export participation and the value exported. Further analyses suggest that the disruption of the provision of trade finance services have played an important role in the decline in exports. >>>
Profils Pays / Country Profiles
Interactive Data on Trade and Protection
Update June 30, 2016
- long time trade flows series include a new year (2014);
- one-way and two-way trade refers now only to manufactured goods, excluding primary goods and petrochimicals;
- new figures describe the evolution of structures by industry over the 10 last years;
- new graphs show the prices evolution of exports and imports, as well as the terms of trade in non energy manufactured goods;
- a new document regarding the methodology >>>
Update of GDP data (estimations up to 2021) and Balance of payments data (year 2014 completed) >>>
To Stay Informed
ISSN: 1255-7072
Editorial Director : Antoine Bouët
Managing Editor : Dominique Pianelli