TUV provides yearly data on unit values at the product level. Products are identified using the Harmonized System (HS), which is the standard nomenclature for international trade, used by most customs. The Harmonized System was revised in 1992, 1996, 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017, and we provide TUV in 4 of those 6 revisions:
HS revision | Years available | Name of the files |
96 | 2000-2019 | TUV_HS96_regime_Yyear_Vversion.csv |
02 | 2000-2019 | TUV_HS02_regime_Yyear_Vversion.csv |
07 | 2000-2019 | TUV_HS07_regime_Yyear_Vversion.csv |
12 | 2000-2019 | TUV_HS12_regime_Yyear_Vversion.csv |
regime indicates the declaration regime: “x” for exports and “m” for imports.
Each version of TUV is identified by the year and the month of its release, under the form YYYYMM (202104 for the April 2021 release, for instance)
year identifies the year during which the recorded trade flows took place.
For instance, TUV_HS96_m_Y2012_V202104.csv contains records of trade flows that occured in 2012, as reported by the importer, and corresponds to the April 2021 version of the database.
Each trade flow within TUV is characterized by a combination reporter-partner-product-year. We provide the unit value of the flow (value divided by quantity).
TUV contains 6 variables:
Variable | Description |
t |
Year |
r |
Reporter (ISO 3-digit country code) |
p |
Partner (ISO 3-digit country code) |
k |
Product (HS 6-digit code) |
uv |
Unit value of the trade flow (in current USD / metric ton) |
All files are in CSV format, using commas as field delimiters, and dots as decimal separators. When reading the data, we advise you not to treat the product code (k
) variable as numeric, this would remove the leading zeros of the HS codes.