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©CEPII 2001

Mentions légales

Beyond Target: Indirect Impacts of Antidumping
Sébastien Jean, Kevin Lefebvre
July 2024 N°2024- 10
UIP Deviations in Times of Uncertainty: Not all Countries Behave Alike
Purva Gole, Erica Perego, Camelia Turcu
July 2024 N°2024- 09
The Percolation of Knowledge across Space
Pierre Cotterlaz, Arthur Guillouzouic
July 2024 N°2024- 08
The Industrial Cost of Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes
Blaise Gnimassoun, Carl Grekou, Valérie Mignon
June 2024 N°2024- 07
Reconciling Contrasting Views on the Growth Effect of Currency Undervaluations
Cécile Couharde, Carl Grekou, Valérie Mignon,  Florian Morvillier
May 2024 N°2024- 06
Protection of Geographical Indications in Trade Agreements: Is it worth it?
Charlotte Emlinger, Karine Latouche
March 2024 N°2024- 05
Greening the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement
Lionel Fontagné, Stephen Karingi, Simon Mevel, Cristina Mitaritonna, Yu Zheng
February 2024 N°2024- 04
Are Mass Layoffs Individually Costly But Socially Beneficial?
Axelle Arquié, Thomas Grjebine
January 2024 N°2024- 03
Pioneering a new classification: a comprehensive study of healthcare products in global trade
Pierre Cotterlaz, Guillaume Gaulier, Aude Sztulman, Deniz Ünal
January 2024 N°2024- 02
Media Coverage of Immigration and the Polarization of Attitudes
Sarah Schneider-Strawczynski, Jérôme Valette
January 2024 N°2024- 01
Why Origin Matters in Trade Data
Pierre Cotterlaz, Vincent Vicard
December 2023 N°2023- 23
Containing Tariff Evasion
Clément Anne, Cyril Chalendard, Ana Fernandes, Bob Rijkers, Vincent Vicard
November 2023 N°2023- 22
Interest Rate Dynamics and Commodity Prices
Christophe Gouel, Qingyin Ma, John Stachurski
October 2023 N°2023- 21
The Impact of Immigration on the Employment Dynamics of European Regions
Anthony Edo, Cem Özgüzel
September 2023 N°2023- 20
Reasons Behind Words: OPEC Narratives and the Oil Market
Celso Brunetti, Marc Joëts, Valérie Mignon
September 2023 N°2023- 19
Energy, Inflation and Market Power: Excess Pass-Through in France
Axelle Arquié, Malte Thie
September 2023 N°2023- 16
Monopsony, Efficiency, and the Regularization of Undocumented Immigrants
George J. Borjas, Anthony Edo
July 2023 N°2023- 18
Cheaper and Faster: The Role of Air Services Agreements on Transportation
Charlotte Emlinger, Amélie Guillin
July 2023 N°2023- 17
Profit-shifting Frictions and the Geography of Multinational Activity
Alessandro Ferrari, Sébastien Laffitte, Mathieu Parenti, Farid Toubal
June 2023 N°2023- 15
Trade and Infrastructure Integration in Africa
Lionel Fontagné, Mathilde Lebrand, Siobhan Murray, Michele Ruta, Gianluca Santoni
June 2023 N°2023- 14
Understanding Differences in Attitudes to Immigration: A Meta-Analysis of Individuallevel Factors
Lenka Drazanova, Jérôme Gonnot, Tobias Heidland, Finja Kruger
May 2023 N°2023- 13
Cultural Transmission and Political Attitudes: Explaining Differences between Natives and Immigrants in Western Europe
Jérôme Gonnot, Federica lo Polito
May 2023 N°2023- 12
Inequality, Current Account Imbalances and Middle Incomes
Océane Blomme, Jérôme Héricourt
April 2023 N°2023- 11
Populism and the Skill-Content of Globalization: Evidence from the Last 60 Years
Frédéric Docquier, Lucas Guichard, Stefano Iandolo, Hillel Rapoport, Riccardo Turati
April 2023 N°2023- 10
Fire Sales and Bank Runs in the Presence of a Saving Allocation by Depositors
Axelle Arquié
March 2023 N°2023- 09
Retaliation through Temporary Trade Barriers
Davide Furceri, Jonathan Ostry, Chris Papageorgiou, Pauline Wibaux
March 2023 N°2023- 08
Visa Policy and International Student Migration: Evidence from the Student Partners Program in Canada
Jérôme Gonnot, Mauro Lanati
March 2023 N°2023- 07
The Unintended Consequences of High Regional Content Requirements
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer, Marc Melitz
March 2023 N°2023- 06
Automation, Global Value Chains and Functional Specialization
Lionel Fontagné, Ariell Reshef, Gianluca Santoni, Giulio Vannelli
March 2023 N°2023- 05
Tax Avoidance and the Complexity of Multinational Enterprises
Manon Francois, Vincent Vicard
February 2023 N°2023- 04
Securing Foreign Markets: Exports, Relational Specificity and New Investment Locations
Giorgia Giovannetti, Gianluca Santoni, Giulio Vannelli
February 2023 N°2023- 03
Border Apprehensions and Federal Sentencing of Hispanic Citizens in the United States
Simone Bertoli, Morgane Laouenan, Jérôme Valette
January 2023 N°2023- 02
The CEPII Trade and Production Database
Thierry Mayer, Gianluca Santoni,  Vincent Vicard
January 2023 N°2023- 01
EQCHANGE Annual Assessment 2022
Carl Grekou
December 2022 N°2022- 13
Current Account Balances’ Divergence in the Euro Area: an Appraisal of the Underlying Forces
Emmanuelle Faure, Carl Grekou,  Valérie Mignon
December 2022 N°2022- 12
Skilled Immigration, Task Allocation and the Innovation of Firms
Anna Maria Mayda, Gianluca Orefice, Gianluca Santoni
November 2022 N°2022- 11
The Usual Suspects: Offender Origin, Media Reporting and Natives’ Attitudes Towards Immigration
Sekou Keita, Thomas Renault, Jérôme Valette
October 2022 N°2022- 10
The Heterogenous Effects of Employers’ Concentration on Wages: Better Sorting or Uneven Rent Extracting?
Axelle Arquié, Julia Bertin
October 2022 N°2022- 09
Regional Diffusion of Foreign Demand Shocks Through Trade and Ownership Networks
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni
September 2022 N°2022- 08
Not all political relation shocks are alike: Assessing the impacts of US-China tensions on the oil market
Yifei Cai, Valérie Mignon, Jamel Saadaoui
August 2022 N°2022- 07
The Culture-Promotion Effect of Multinationals on Trade: the IKEA case
Dylan Bourny, Daniel Mirza,  Camelia Turcu
July 2022 N°2022- 06
The CEPII Gravity Database
Maddalena Conte, Pierre Cotterlaz, Thierry Mayer
July 2022 N°2022- 05
The Role of Storage in Commodity Markets: Indirect Inference Based on Grains Data
Christophe Gouel, Nicolas Legrand
July 2022 N°2022- 04
Second-generation immigrants and native attitudes toward immigrants in Europe
Oscar Barrera, Isabelle Bensidoun, Anthony Edo
June 2022 N°2022- 03
EU in Search of a WTO-Compatible Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Cecilia Bellora,  Lionel Fontagné
May 2022 N°2022- 01
Trade Liberalization, Collective Bargaining and Workers: Wages and Working Conditions
Bastien Alvarez, Gianluca Orefice,  Farid Toubal
April 2022 N°2022- 02
EQCHANGE annual assessment 2021
Carl Grekou
December 2021 N°2021- 13
Poor Substitutes? Counterfactual methods in IO and Trade compared
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer
December 2021 N°2021- 11
Free Trade Agreements and the Movement of Business People
Thierry Mayer, Hillel Rapoport, Camilo Umana Dajud
December 2021 N°2021- 10
Love of Variety and Gains from Trade
Christophe Gouel, Sébastien Jean
December 2021 N°2021- 09
The Impact of Common Law on the Volume of Legal Services: An International Study
Enzo Dia, Jacques Melitz
November 2021 N°2021- 08
Better Two Eyes than One: A Synthesis Classification of Exchange Rate Regimes
Cécile Couharde, Carl Grekou
October 2021 N°2021- 07
How Do Immigrants Promote Exports?
Gianluca Orefice, Hillel Rapoport, Gianluca Santoni
June 2021 N°2021- 06
MaGE 3.1: Long-Term Macroeconomic Projections of the World Economy
Lionel Fontagné, Erica Perego, Gianluca Santoni
May 2021 N°2021- 12
Gender, Selection into Employment, and the Wage Impact of Immigration
George J. Borjas,  Anthony Edo
April 2021 N°2021- 05
Risk Shocks and Divergence between the Euro Area and the US in the aftermath of the Great Recession
Thomas Brand, Fabien Tripier
March 2021 N°2021- 04
On the economic desirability of the West African monetary union: would one currency fit all?
Cécile Couharde, Carl Grekou, Valérie Mignon
February 2021 N°2021- 03
Information in the First Globalization: News Agencies and Trade
Pierre Cotterlaz, Etienne Fize
February 2021 N°2021- 02
World Interest Rates and Macroeconomic Adjustments in Developing Commodity Producing Countries
Vincent Bodart, François Courtoy, Erica Perego
January 2021 N°2021- 01
EQCHANGE annual assessment 2020
Carl Grekou
December 2020 N°2020- 16
One Nation, One Language? Domestic Language Diversity, Trade and Welfare
Tamara Gurevitch,  Peter R. Herman, Farid Toubal,  Yoto Yotov
December 2020 N°2020- 15
Wealth and Shifting Demand Pressures on the Price Level in England After the Black Death
Anthony Edo, Jacques Melitz
December 2020 N°2020- 14
Global Giants and Local Stars: How Changes in Brand Ownership Affect Competition
Vanessa Alviarez,  Keith Head, Thierry Mayer
November 2020 N°2020- 13
MULTIPRIL, a New Database on Multilateral Price Levels and Currency Misalignments
Cécile Couharde, Carl Grekou, Valérie Mignon
October 2020 N°2020- 12
COVID-Induced Sovereign Risk in the Euro Area: When Did the ECB Stop the Contagion?
Aymeric Ortmans, Fabien Tripier
October 2020 N°2020- 11
Migration and Cultural Change
Hillel Rapoport, Sulin Sardoschau, Arthur Silve
September 2020 N°2020- 10
Corporate tax avoidance and industry concentration
Julien Martin, Mathieu Parenti, Farid Toubal
July 2020 N°2020- 09
Covid 19: a new challenge for the EMU
Anne-Laure Delatte, Alexis Guillaume
July 2020 N°2020- 08
Grey Zones in Global Finance: the Distorted Geography of Cross-Border Investments
Anne-Laure Delatte, Amélie Guillin, Vincent Vicard
May 2020 N°2020- 07
Private Credit under Political Influence: Evidence from France
Anne-Laure Delatte, Adrien Matray, Noémie Pinardon-Touati
April 2020 N°2020- 06
Currency Misalignments and Exchange Rate Regimes in Latin American countries: A Trade-Off issue
Jorge Carrera, Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon,  Romain Restout
April 2020 N°2020- 05
Immigration and Worker-Firm Matching
Gianluca Orefice, Giovanni Peri
March 2020 N°2020- 04
Cross-border Investments and Uncertainty Firm-level Evidence
Rafael Cezar, Timothée Gigout,  Fabien Tripier
March 2020 N°2020- 03
Weather Shocks and Migration Intentions in Western Africa: Insights from a Multilevel Analysis
Simone Bertolia, Frédéric Docquier, Hillel Rapoport,  Ilse Ruyssen
February 2020 N°2020- 02
Does Birthplace Diversity affect Economic Complexity? Cross-country Evidence
Dany Bahar, Hillel Rapoport,  Riccardo Turati
January 2020 N°2020- 01
EQCHANGE Annual Assessment 2019
Carl Grekou
December 2019 N°2019- 19
Shooting Oneself in the Foot? Trade War and Global Value Chains
Cecilia Bellora, Lionel Fontagné
December 2019 N°2019- 18
Product-Level Trade Elasticities
Lionel Fontagné, Houssein Guimbard, Gianluca Orefice
December 2019 N°2019- 17
Are Your Labor Shares Set in Beijing? The View through the Lens of Global Value Chains
Ariell Reshef, Gianluca Santoni
December 2019 N°2019- 16
Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe
Alberto Alesina, Elie Murard, Hillel Rapoport
November 2019 N°2019- 15
TBTs, Firm Organization and Labour Structure
Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Orefice, Giovanni Pica, Anna Cecilia Rosso
October 2019 N°2019- 14
Migrant Inventors and the Technological Advantage of Nations
Dany Bahar, Prithwiraj Choudhury, Hillel Rapoport
October 2019 N°2019- 13
Migration and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: The Effect of Returning Refugees on Export Performance in the Former Yugoslavia
Dany Bahar, Andreas Hauptmann, Cem Özgüzel, Hillel Rapoport
October 2019 N°2019- 12
Measuring the Balassa-Samuelson Effect: A guidance Note on the RPROD Database
Cécile Couharde, Anne-Laure Delatte, Carl Grekou, Valérie Mignon, Florian Morvillier
October 2019 N°2019- 11
The Primary Cause of European Inflation in 1500-1700: Precious Metals or Population? The English Evidence
Anthony Edo, Jacques Melitz
October 2019 N°2019- 10
Sectoral reallocations, Real estate shocks, and productivity divergence in Europe
Thomas Grjebine, Jérôme Héricourt, Fabien Tripier
September 2019 N°2019- 09
Exchange rate pass-through to import prices: Accounting for changes in the Eurozone trade structure
Antonia Lopez-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
June 2019 N°2019- 08
The transmission channels of unconventional monetary policy: Evidence from a change in collateral requirements in France
Anne-Laure Delatte, Pranav Garg, Jean Imbs
May 2019 N°2019- 07
The Exorbitant Privilege of High Tax Countries
Vincent Vicard
March 2019 N°2019- 06
Heterogeneity within the Euro Area: New Insights into an Old Story
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Carl Grekou, Valérie Mignon
March 2019 N°2019- 05
Activism and Trade
Pamina Koenig, Sandra Poncet
March 2019 N°2019- 04
International Business Cycles: Information Matters
Eleni Iliopulos, Erica Perego, Thepthida Sopraseuth
February 2019 N°2019- 03
A Fistful of Dollars? Foreign Sales Platforms and Profit Shifting in Tax Havens
Sébastien Laffitte, Farid Toubal
January 2019 N°2019- 02
Are global value chains receding? The jury is still out. Key findings from the analysis of deflated world trade in parts and components
Guillaume Gaulier, Aude Sztulman, Deniz Ünal
January 2019 N°2019- 01
Institutions and Customs Duty Evasion
Sébastien Jean, Cristina Mitaritonna, Antoine Vatan
December 2018 N°2018- 24
EQCHANGE annual assessment 2018
Carl Grekou
December 2018 N°2018- 23
Misfits in the car industry: Offshore assembly decisions at the variety level
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer
December 2018 N°2018- 22
Techies, Trade, and Skill-Biased Productivity
James Harrigan, Ariell Reshef, Farid Toubal
December 2018 N°2018- 21
Firms' Exports, Volatility and Skills: Evidence from France
Maria Bas, Pamela Bombarda, Sébastien Jean, Gianluca Orefice
December 2018 N°2018- 20
Uncertainty Shocks and Firm Creation: Search and Monitoring in the Credit Market
Thomas Brand, Marlène Isoré, Fabien Tripier
November 2018 N°2018- 19
Sovereign Risk and Asset Market Dynamics in the Euro Area
Erica Perego
November 2018 N°2018- 18
On the competitiveness effects of quality labels: Evidence from the French cheese industry
Sabine Duvaleix-Treguer, Charlotte Emlinger, Carl Gaigné,  Karine Latouche
October 2018 N°2018- 17
Deviations in real exchange rate levels in the OECD countries and their structural determinants
Martin Berka, Daan Steenkamp
September 2018 N°2018- 16
The third demographic dividend: measuring the “demographic tax” in the Arab Countries in Transition
Gilles Dufrénot
September 2018 N°2018- 15
Looking for the Bright Side of the China Syndrome: Rising Export Opportunities and Life Satisfaction in China
Matthieu Crozet, Laura Hering, Sandra Poncet
September 2018 N°2018- 14
Do Global Value Chains Amplify Global Imbalances?
Antonia López-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
September 2018 N°2018- 13
Currency Misalignments and Economic Growth: The Foreign Currency-Denominated Debt Channel
Carl Grekou
September 2018 N°2018- 12
Somatic Distance, Trust and Trade
Jacques Melitz, Farid Toubal
September 2018 N°2018- 11
International Transport costs: New Findings from modeling additive costs
Guillaume Daudin, Jérôme Héricourt, Lise Patureau
August 2018 N°2018- 10
The Changing Structure of Immigration to the OECD: What Welfare Effects on Member Countries?
Micha? Burzy?ski, Frédéric Docquier, Hillel Rapoport
June 2018 N°2018- 09
Trade and currency weapons
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Matthieu Bussière, Pauline Wibaux
June 2018 N°2018- 08
Do Unit Labor Costs Matter? A Decomposition Exercise on European Data
Sophie Piton
April 2018 N°2018- 07
The Cost of Non-Europe, Revisited
Thierry Mayer, Vincent Vicard, Soledad Zignago
April 2018 N°2018- 06
GVCs and the Endogenous Geography of RTAs
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni
April 2018 N°2018- 05
L'impact budgétaire de 30 ans d'immigration en France : (I) une approche comptable
Xavier Chojnicki, Lionel Ragot, Ndeye-Penda Sokhna
avril 2018 N°2018- 04
Property Tax Shocks and Macroeconomics
François Geerolf, Thomas Grjebine
March 2018 N°2018- 03
The tale of two international phenomena: International migration and global imbalances
Dramane Coulibaly, Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon
March 2018 N°2018- 02
Immigrant entrepreneurs, diasporas and exports
Massimiliano Bratti, Luca De Benedictis, Gianluca Santoni
January 2018 N°2018- 01
Uncertainty and the Macroeconomy: Evidence from an Uncertainty Composite Indicator
Amélie Charles, Olivier Darné, Fabien Tripier
December 2017 N°2017- 25
Breaking Away from Icebreakers: The Effect of Melting Distances on Trade and Welfare
Jules Hugot, Camilo Umana Dajud
December 2017 N°2017- 24
Corruption for Sales
Mathieu Couttenier, Farid Toubal
December 2017 N°2017- 23
Hierarchy of Trade and Sequential Exporting
Vincent Boitier, Antoine Vatan
December 2017 N°2017- 22
Regional Integration and Informal Trade in Africa: Evidence from Benin's Borders
Cristina Mitaritonna, Sami Bensassi, Joachim Jarreau
December 2017 N°2017- 21
Immigration and Electoral Support for the Far Left and the Far Right
Anthony Edo, Yvonne Giesing, Jonathan Öztunc, Panu Poutvaara
December 2017 N°2017- 20
Some Doubts about the Economic Analysis of the Flow of Silver to China in 1550-1820
Jacques Melitz
November 2017 N°2017- 19
International Trade, Quality Sorting and Trade Costs: The Case of Cognac
Charlotte Emlinger, Viola Lamani
October 2017 N°2017- 18
Exporting Creative and Cultural Products: Birthplace Diversity Matters!
Gianluca Orefice, Gianluca Santoni
September 2017 N°2017- 17
Banks Defy Gravity in Tax Havens
Vincent Bouvatier, Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Anne-Laure Delatte
September 2017 N°2017- 16
Trilemma, Dilemma and Global Players
Samuel Ligonnière
August 2017 N°2017- 15
EQCHANGE: A World Database on Actual and Equilibrium Effective Exchange Rates
Cécile Couharde, Anne-Laure Delatte, Carl Grekou, Valérie Mignon, Florian Morvillier
July 2017 N°2017- 14
The Impact of Immigration on Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Algerian Independence War
Anthony Edo
July 2017 N°2017- 13
Minimum Wages and the Labor Market Effects of Immigration
Anthony Edo, Hillel Rapoport
July 2017 N°2017- 12
Agricultural Trade Liberalization in the 21st Century: Has it Done the Business?
Jean-Christophe Bureau, Houssein Guimbard, Sébastien Jean
June 2017 N°2017- 11
Spatial Differencing: Estimation and Inference
Federico Belotti, Edoardo Di Porto, Gianluca Santoni
June 2017 N°2017- 10
Banks' leverage Procyclicality: Does Currency Diversification Matter?
Justine Pedrono, Aurélien Violon
June 2017 N°2017- 09
On the seemingly incompleteness of exchange rate pass-through to import prices: Do globalization and/or regional trade matter?
Antonia Lopez-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
June 2017 N°2017- 08
On the Current Account - Biofuels Link in Emerging and Developing Countries: Do Oil Price Fluctuations Matter?
Gabriel Gomes, Emmanuel Hache, Valérie Mignon, Anthony Paris
May 2017 N°2017- 07
Banking Leverage Procyclicality: a Theoretical Model Introducing Currency Diversification
Justine Pedrono
April 2017 N°2017- 06
Nutrition transition and the structure of global food demand
Christophe Gouel, Houssein Guimbard
March 2017 N°2017- 05
The Role of Fees in Foreign Education: Evidence From Italy and the United Kingdom
Michel Beine, Marco Delogu, Lionel Ragot
March 2017 N°2017- 04
The International Elasticity Puzzle Is Worse Than You Think
Lionel Fontagné, Philippe Martin, Gianluca Orefice
February 2017 N°2017- 03
Domestic transport costs, Canada, and the Panama Canal
Camilo Umana Dajud
February 2017 N°2017- 02
Structure of Income Inequality and Household Leverage: Theory and Cross-Country Evidence
Rémi Bazillier, Jérôme Héricourt, Samuel Ligonnière
February 2017 N°2017- 01
Do Visas Hinder International Trade in Goods?
Camilo Umana Dajud
December 2016 N°2016- 30
Trade Costs and the Suez and Panama Canals
Jules Hugot, Camilo Umana Dajud
December 2016 N°2016- 29
Finance and Growth: From the Business Cycle to the Long Run
Thomas Grjebine, Fabien Tripier
December 2016 N°2016- 28
Local Financial Development and constraints on private firms' exports: Evidence from City Commercial Banks in China
Zhao Chen, Sandra Poncet, Ruixiang Xiong
December 2016 N°2016- 27
Growth-enhancing Effect of Openness to Trade and Migrations: What is the Effective Transmission Channel for Africa
Dramane Coulibaly, Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon
November 2016 N°2016- 25
Agglomeration Economies and Firm Level Labor Misallocation
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni
November 2016 N°2016- 24
The Effect of Labor Migration on the Diffusion of Democracy: Evidence from a Former Soviet Republic
Toman Barsbai, Hillel Rapoport, Andreas Steinmayr, Christoph Trebesch
September 2016 N°2016- 26
Markets are Smart! Structural Reforms and Country Risk
Christopher Findlay, Silvia Sorescu, Camilo Umana Dajud
September 2016 N°2016- 23
Third Country Effect of Migration: the Trade-Migration Nexus Revisited
Erik Figueiredo, Luiz Renato Lima, Gianluca Orefice
September 2016 N°2016- 22
The Impact of Offshoring and Migration Policies on Migration Flows
Cosimo Beverelli, Gianluca Orefice, Nadia Rocha
September 2016 N°2016- 21
Estimated Tariff Equivalents of Services NTMs
Lionel Fontagné, Cristina Mitaritonna, José E. Signoret
August 2016 N°2016- 20
Do Uncertainty Shocks Always Matter for Business Cycles?
Stéphane Lhuissier, Fabien Tripier
August 2016 N°2016- 19
Let's Try Next Door: Technical Barriers to Trade and Multi-destination Firms
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Orefice
July 2016 N°2016- 18
Product Mix and Firm Productivity Responses to Trade Competition
Thierry Mayer, Marc Melitz, Gianmarco Ottaviano
July 2016 N°2016- 17
Collateral Damage: The impact of the Russia sanctions on sanctioning countries’ exports
Matthieu Crozet, Julian Hinz
June 2016 N°2016- 16
The March of the Techies: Technology, Trade, and Job Polarization in France, 1994-2007
James Harrigan, Ariell Reshef, Farid Toubal
June 2016 N°2016- 15
Two Centuries of Bilateral Trade and Gravity Data: 1827-2014
Michel Fouquin, Jules Hugot
May 2016 N°2016- 14
Back to the Future: International Trade Costs and the Two Globalizations
Michel Fouquin, Jules Hugot
May 2016 N°2016- 13
Competing Liberalizations: Tariffs and Trade in the 21st Century
Jean-Christophe Bureau, Houssein Guimbard, Sébastien Jean
May 2016 N°2016- 12
On the impact of dollar movements on oil currencies
Gabriel Gomes
May 2016 N°2016- 11
Climate and finance systemic risks, more than an analogy? The climate fragility hypothesis
Michel Aglietta, Etienne Espagne
April 2016 N°2016- 10
A European Disease? Non-tradable inflation and real interest rate divergence
Sophie Piton
April 2016 N°2016- 09
Making (Small) Firms Happy. The Heterogeneous Effect of Trade Facilitation Measures
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Orefice, Roberta Piermartini
April 2016 N°2016- 08
Exchange Rate Pass-through in Emerging Countries: Do the Inflation Environment, Monetary Policy Regime and Institutional Quality Matter?
Antonia Lopez-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
April 2016 N°2016- 07
Food trade, Biodiversity Effects and Price Volatility
Cecilia Bellora, Jean-Marc Bourgeon
March 2016 N°2016- 06
How Multi-Destination Firms Shape the Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade: Micro Evidence and Aggregate Implications
Jérôme Héricourt, Clément Nedoncelle
March 2016 N°2016- 05
Impact of European Food Safety Border Inspections on Agri-Food Exports: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Lionel Fontagné, Anne-Célia Disdier, Matthias Beestermöller
March 2016 N°2016- 04
The effect of local taxes on firm performance: evidence from geo referenced data
Federico Belotti, Edoardo di Porto, Gianluca Santoni
February 2016 N°2016- 03
Inter-industry relatedness and industrial-policy efficiency: Evidence from China's Export Processing Zones
Zhao Chen, Sandra Poncet, Ruixiang Xiong
February 2016 N°2016- 02
With a Little Help from My Friends: Multinational Retailers and China's consumer Market Penetration
Charlotte Emlinger, Sandra Poncet
January 2016 N°2016- 01
From the Investment Plan to the Capital Markets Union: European Financial Structure and Cross Border Risk-sharing
Jesper Berg, Laurent Clerc, Olivier Garnier, Erik Nielsen, Natacha Valla
December 2015 N°2015- 34
Which import restrictions matter for trade in services ?
Julien Gooris, Cristina Mitaritonna
December 2015 N°2015- 33
Liquidity, Government Bonds and Sovereign Debt Crises
Francesco Molteni
December 2015 N°2015- 32
Excess Finance and Growth: Don't Lose Sight of Expansions !
Thomas Grjebine, Fabien Tripier
December 2015 N°2015- 31
Non-Tariff Measures, Specific Trade Concerns and Tariff Reduction
Gianluca Orefice
December 2015 N°2015- 30
Trade and The Spatial Distribution of Transport Infrastructure
Gabriel J. Felbermayr, Alexander Tarasov
December 2015 N°2015- 29
Wage and Employment Gains from Exports: Evidence from Developing Countries
Irene Brambilla, Nicolas Depetris Chauvin, Guido Porto
December 2015 N°2015- 28
The Multinational Wage Premium and Wage Dynamics
Gianluca Orefice, Nicholas Sly, Farid Toubal
December 2015 N°2015- 27
Brands in Motion: How frictions shape multinational production
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer
December 2015 N°2015- 26
Reassessing the empirical relationship between the oil price and the dollar
Virginie Coudert, Valérie Mignon
December 2015 N°2015- 25
Can the magic of Abenomics succeed?
Evelyne Dourille-Feer
December 2015 N°2015- 24
Langues, commerce, bien-être et francophonie
Jacques Melitz
décembre 2015 N°2015- 23
The Regime-switching volatility of Euro Area Business Cycles
Stéphane Lhuissier
November 2015 N°2015- 22
Do exporting firms benefit from retail internationalization? Evidence from France
Angela Cheptea, Charlotte Emlinger, Karine Latouche
November 2015 N°2015- 21
Quality Screening and Trade Intermediaries: Evidence from China
Sandra Poncet, Meina Xu
October 2015 N°2015- 20
Should everybody be in services? The effect of servitization on manufacturing firm performance
Matthieu Crozet, Emmanuel Milet
October 2015 N°2015- 19
Oil currencies in the face of oil shocks: What can be learned from time-varying specifications?
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon, Tovonony Razafindrabe
October 2015 N°2015- 18
Immigration and the Gender Wage Gap
Anthony Edo, Farid Toubal
October 2015 N°2015- 17
Disaster Risk and Preference Shifts in a New Keynesian Model
Marlène Isoré, Urszula Szczerbowicz
September 2015 N°2015- 16
Changes in Migration Patterns and Remittances: Do Females and Skilled Migrants Remit More?
Maëlan Le Goff, Sara Salomone
September 2015 N°2015- 15
Market Size, Trade and Quality: Evidence from French Exporters
Silja Baller
September 2015 N°2015- 14
Foreign Language Learning: An Econometric Analysis
Victor Ginsburgh, Jacques Melitz, Farid Toubal
July 2015 N°2015- 13
Firm Level Allocative Inefficiency: Evidence from France
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni
July 2015 N°2015- 12
Has trade openness reduced pollution in China?
José de Sousa, Laura Hering, Sandra Poncet
July 2015 N°2015- 11
Atlantic versus Pacific Agreement in Agri-food Sectors: Does the Winner Take it All?
Anne Célia Disdier, Charlotte Emlinger, Jean Fouré
July 2015 N°2015- 10
Do Regional Trade Agreements Really Boost Trade? Estimates for Agricultural Products
Sébastien Jean, Jean-Christophe Bureau
June 2015 N°2015- 09
Variable Trade Costs, Composition Effects, and the Intensive Margin of Trade
Lionel Fontagné, Antoine Berthou
June 2015 N°2015- 08
From Micro to Macro: Demand, Supply, and Heterogeneity in the Trade Elasticity
Maria Bas, Thierry Mayer, Mathias Thoenig
June 2015 N°2015- 07
Does Exporting Improve Matching? Evidence from French Employer-Employee Data
Matilde Bombardini, Gianluca Orefice, Maria D. Tito
June 2015 N°2015- 06
Trade policy and industrial policy in China: What motivates public authorities to apply restrictions on exports?
Julien Gourdon, Stéphanie Monjon, Sandra Poncet
April 2015 N°2015- 05
L’usine du monde au ralenti ou le changement de régime du commerce extérieur chinois
Françoise Lemoine, Sandra Poncet, Deniz Ünal, Clément Cassé
mars 2015 N°2015- 04
Relative Real Exchange-Rate Volatility, Multi-Destination Firms and Trade: Micro Evidence and Aggregate Implications
Jérôme Héricourt, Clément Nedoncelle
March 2015 N°2015- 03
Does the volatility of commodity prices reflect macroeconomic uncertainty?
Marc Joëts, Valérie Mignon, Tovonony Razafindrabe
March 2015 N°2015- 02
NTMs, Preferential Trade Agreements, and Prices: New evidence
Olivier Cadot, Julien Gourdon
February 2015 N°2015- 01
Mega-deals: What Consequences for sub-Saharan Africa?
Houssein Guimbard, Maëlan Le Goff
décembre 2014 N°2014- 28
European High-End Varieties in International Competition
Lionel Fontagné, Sophie Hatte
December 2014 N°2014- 27
World Trade Flows Characterization: Unit Values, Trade Types and Price Ranges
Charlotte Emlinger, Sophie Piton
December 2014 N°2014- 26
Assessing House Price Effects on Unemployment Dynamics
François Geerolf, Thomas Grjebine
December 2014 N°2014- 25
CEPII NTM-MAP: A Tool for Assessing the Economic Impact of Non-Tariff Measures
Julien Gourdon
December 2014 N°2014- 24
Trade Policy Coordination and Food Price Volatility
Christophe Gouel
December 2014 N°2014- 23
The Circular Relationship between Inequality, Leverage, and Financial Crises: Intertwined Mechanisms and Competing Evidence
Rémi Bazillier, Jérôme Héricourt
December 2014 N°2014- 22
Knocking on Tax Haven's Door: Multinational Firms and Transfer Pricing
Ronald B. Davies, Julien Martin, Mathieu Parenti, Farid Toubal
December 2014 N°2014- 21
Agricultural Supply Chains and Farmers Constraints: Welfare Impacts in ECOWAS Countries
Nicolas Depetris-Chauvin, Guido Porto
December 2014 N°2014- 20
Corporate Debt Structure and Economic Recoveries
Thomas Grjebine, Urszula Szczerbowicz, Fabien Tripier
November 2014 N°2014- 19
A Search-Theoretic Approach to Efficient Financial Intermediation
Fabien Tripier
November 2014 N°2014- 18
Capital Inflows, Exchange Rate Regimes and Credit Dynamics in Emerging Market Economies
Robin Boudias
September 2014 N°2014- 17
The cleansing effect of minimum wage : Minimum wage rules, firm dynamics and aggregate productivity in China
Florian Mayneris, Sandra Poncet, Tao Zhang
September 2014 N°2014- 16
International Trade and Firm-Level Markups when Location and Quality Matter
Flora Bellone, Patrick Musso, Lionel Nesta, Frederic Warzynski
September 2014 N°2014- 15
Offshoring and the Shortening of the Quality Ladder: Evidence from Danish Apparel
Valérie Smeets, Sharon Traiberman, Frederic Warzynski
September 2014 N°2014- 14
Migration and Regional Trade Agreement: a (new) Gravity Estimation
Gianluca Orefice, Luiz Lima, Erik Figueiredo
September 2014 N°2014- 13
Fragmenting global business processes: A protection for proprietary information
Julien Gooris, Carine Peeters
September 2014 N°2014- 12
Risk shocks and divergence between the Euro area and the US
Thomas Brand, Fabien Tripier
July 2014 N°2014- 11
The Servitization of French Manufacturing Firms
Matthieu Crozet, Emmanuel Milet
May 2014 N°2014- 10
Immigrants and Firms' Productivity: Evidence from France
Cristina Mitaritonna, Gianluca Orefice, Giovanni Peri
March 2014 N°2014- 09
Trade Liberalization, Democratization and Technology Adoption
Matteo Cervellati, Alireza Naghavi, Farid Toubal
March 2014 N°2014- 08
Intellectual Property Rights, Product Complexity, and the Organization
Alireza Naghavi, Julia Spies, Farid Toubal
March 2014 N°2014- 07
The Development of EU and EU Member States’ External Competitiveness
Angela Cheptea,  Charlotte Emlinger, Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Orefice, Olga Pindyuk
March 2014 N°2014- 06
Incomplete VAT Rebates to Exporters : How Do They Affect China's Export Performance?
Julien Gourdon, Stéphanie Monjon, Sandra Poncet
February 2014 N°2014- 05
The Geographic Pattern of China's Growth and Convergence within Industry
Françoise Lemoine, Grégoire Mayo, Sandra Poncet, Deniz Ünal
February 2014 N°2014- 04
Looking at the Other Side of Carry Trades: Are there any Safe Haven Currencies?
Virginie Coudert, Cyriac Guillaumin,  Hélène Raymond
February 2014 N°2014- 03
Tariff Reductions, Trade patterns and the Wage Gap in a Monopolistic Competition Model with Vertical Linkages
Francesco Di Comite, Antonella Nocco, Gianluca Orefice
January 2014 N°2014- 02
Oil Price Shocks and Global Imbalances: Lessons from a Model with Trade and Financial Interdependencies
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Valérie Mignon, Audrey Sallenave
January 2014 N°2014- 01
How Macroeconomic Imbalances Interact? Evidence from a Panel VAR Analysis
Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon
December 2013 N°2013- 42
Search Frictions, Credit Market Liquidity, and Net Interest Margin Cyclicality
Kevin E. Beaubrun-Diant, Fabien Tripier
December 2013 N°2013- 41
On the Impact of Oil Price Volatility on the Real Exchange Rate - Terms of Trade Nexus : Revisiting Commodity Currencies
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon
December 2013 N°2013- 40
MIRAGE-e: A General Equilibrium Long-term Path of the World Economy
Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré, Maria Priscila Ramos
December 2013 N°2013- 39
What Did Happen in the DDA? Quantifying the Role of Negotiation Modalities
Yvan Decreux, Lionel Fontagné
November 2013 N°2013- 38
Public-Debt Financing in the case of External Debt
Gianluca Cafiso
November 2013 N°2013- 37
Tariff Liberalization and Trade Integration of Emerging Countries
Anne-Célia Disdier, Lionel Fontagné, Mondher Mimouni
November 2013 N°2013- 36
Fiscal Consolidations and Public Debt in Europe
Gianluca Cafiso, Roberto Cellini
November 2013 N°2013- 35
Border Carbon Ajustment in Europe and Trade Retaliation: What would be the Cost for European Union?
Jean Fouré, Houssein Guimbard, Stéphanie Monjon
November 2013 N°2013- 34
Evaluating Aid for Trade: A Survey of Recent Studies
Olivier Cadot, Ana Fernandes, Julien Gourdon, Aaditya Mattoo, Jaime de Melo
October 2013 N°2013- 33
Is There any Rebalancing in the Euro Area?
Benjamin Carton, Karine Hervé
October 2013 N°2013- 32
IPR, Product Complexity and the Organization of Multinational Firms
Alireza Naghavi, Julia Spies, Farid Toubal
October 2013 N°2013- 31
The Determinants of International Mobility of Students
Michel Beine, Romain Noël, Lionel Ragot
September 2013 N°2013- 30
Current-Account Adjustments and Exchange-Rate Misalignments
Blaise Gnimassoun, Valérie Mignon
September 2013 N°2013- 29
Energy Prices and the Real Exchange Rate of Commodity-Exporting Countries
Magali Dauvin
September 2013 N°2013- 28
Gravity Equations: Workhorse,Toolkit, and Cookbook
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer
September 2013 N°2013- 27
What Separates Us? Sources of Resistance to Globalization
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer
September 2013 N°2013- 26
The Economic Incentives of Cultural Transmission: Spatial Evidence from Naming Patterns across France
Yann Algan, Thierry Mayer, Mathias Thoenig
September 2013 N°2013- 25
Network Analysis of World Trade using the BACI-CEPII dataset
Luca De Benedictis, Silvia Nenci, Gianluca Santoni, Lucia Tajoli, Claudio Vicarelli
August 2013 N°2013- 24
Per-Unit Duties: Friends or Foes of Developing Country Exporters?
Charlotte Emlinger, Houssein Guimbard
July 2013 N°2013- 23
Opening a Pandora's Box: Modelling World Trade Patterns at the 2035 Horizon
Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré
July 2013 N°2013- 22
Incidence of Bank Levy and Bank Market Power
Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Olena Havrylchyk
July 2013 N°2013- 21
New Revealed Comparative Advantage Index: Dataset and Empirical Distribution
Elsa Leromain, Gianluca Orefice
June 2013 N°2013- 20
Current Accounts and Oil Price Fluctuations in Oil-Exporting Countries: the Role of Financial Development
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Cécile Couharde, Dramane Coulibaly, Valérie Mignon
June 2013 N°2013- 19
House Prices Drive Current Accounts: Evidence From Property Tax Variations
François Geerolf, Thomas Grjebine
June 2013 N°2013- 18
Does Services Liberalization Affect Manufacturing Firms' Export Performance? Evidence from India
Maria Bas
June 2013 N°2013- 17
Prices and Productivity: A France-Germany Comparison
Laurence Nayman
May 2013 N°2013- 16
Trade Liberalization in the Bio-Economy: Coping with a New Landscape
Jean-Christophe Bureau, Sébastien Jean
May 2013 N°2013- 15
The Impact of Yuan Internationalization on the Euro-Dollar Exchange Rate
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Yeganeh Forouheshfar
May 2013 N°2013- 14
Post-Recession US Employment through the Lens of a Non-Linear Okun's Law
Menzie Chinn, Laurent Ferrara, Valérie Mignon
May 2013 N°2013- 13
Disaster Risk in a New Keynesian Model
Marlène Isoré, Urszula Szczerbowicz
April 2013 N°2013- 12
Does Input-Trade Liberalization Affect Firms' Foreign Technology Choice?
Maria Bas, Antoine Berthou
April 2013 N°2013- 11
A Model of Firm Experimentation under Demand Uncertainty: an Application to Multi-Destination Exporters
Cristina Mitaritonna, Zhanar Akhmetova
April 2013 N°2013- 10
The Ability of Banks to Shift Corporate Income Taxes to Customers
Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Olena Havrylchyk
February 2013 N°2013- 09
Internationalization versus Regionalisation in the Emerging Stock Markets
Virgine Coudert, Karine Hervé, Pierre Mabille
February 2013 N°2013- 08
Economic Policy, Tourism Trade and Productive Diversification
Iza Lejárraga, Peter Walkenhorst
February 2013 N°2013- 07
Product Standards and Margins of Trade: Firm Level Evidence
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Orefice, Roberta Piermartini, Nadia Rocha
February 2013 N°2013- 06
If Foreign Investment Is not Foreign: Round-Trip Versus Genuine Foreign Investment in Russia
Svetlana Ledyaeva, Päivi Karhunen, John Whalley
February 2013 N°2013- 05
Preferential Trade Agreements Proliferation: Sorting out the Effects
Sami Bensassi, José de Sousa, Joachim Jarreau
February 2013 N°2013- 04
Trend Shocks and Economic Development
Claude Francis Naoussi, Fabien Tripier
January 2013 N°2013- 03
Nonlinearity of the inflation-output trade-off and time-varying price rigidity
Antonia López-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
January 2013 N°2013- 02
The Solow Growth Model with Keynesian Involuntary Unemployment
Riccardo Magnani
January 2013 N°2013- 01
Does Migration Foster Exports? An African Perspective
Hélène Ehrhart, Maëlan Le Goff, Emmanuel Rocher, Raju Jan Singh
December 2012 N°2012- 38
The Impact of Market Regulations on Intra European Real Exchange Rates
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Dramane Coulibaly
December 2012 N°2012- 37
The ECB Unconventional Monetary Policies: Have They Lowered Market Borrowing Costs for Banks and Governments?
Urszula Szczerbowicz
December 2012 N°2012- 36
Exchange Rate Volatility, Financial Constraints and Trade: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Firms
Jérôme Héricourt, Sandra Poncet
December 2012 N°2012- 35
Multinational Retailers and Home Country Exports
Angela Cheptea, Charlotte Emlinger, Karine Latouche
December 2012 N°2012- 34
G-MonD Policy Paper - Ending the Euro Area Crisis: Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Yves-Emmanuel Bara, Benjamin Carton, Christophe Destais, Sophie Piton
November 2012 N°2012- 39
Food Prices and Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies
Marc Pourroy, Benjamin Carton, Dramane Coulibaly
November 2012 N°2012- 33
Fiscal Consolidations and Banking Stability
Jacopo Cimadomo, Sebastian Hauptmeier, Tom Zimmermann
November 2012 N°2012- 32
The Contribution of the Yen Appreciation since 2007 to the Japanese Economic Debacle
Willem Thorbecke
November 2012 N°2012- 31
Are the Benefits of Export Support Durable? Evidence from Tunisia
Olivier Cadot, Ana M. Fernandes, Julien Gourdon, Aaditya Mattoo
November 2012 N°2012- 30
Les dessous de la dette publique japonaise
Evelyne Dourille-Feer
octobre 2012 N°2012- 29
Invoicing Currency, Firm Size, and Hedging
Julien Martin, Isabelle Méjean
October 2012 N°2012- 28
Product relatedness and firm exports in China
Sandra Poncet, Felipe Starosta de Waldemar
October 2012 N°2012- 27
Export upgrading and growth: the prerequisite of domestic embeddedness
Sandra Poncet, Felipe Starosta de Waldemar
October 2012 N°2012- 26
Time to ship during financial crises
Nicolas Berman, José de Sousa, Philippe Martin, Thierry Mayer
October 2012 N°2012- 25
Foreign ownership wage premium: Does financial health matter?
Maria Bas
October 2012 N°2012- 24
Tax Reform and Coordination in a Currency Union
Benjamin Carton
October 2012 N°2012- 23
The Unequal Effects of Financial Development on Firms' Growth in India
Maria Bas, Antoine Berthou
October 2012 N°2012- 22
Pegging emerging currencies in the face of dollar swings
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon
October 2012 N°2012- 21
On the links between stock and commodity markets' volatility
Anna Creti, Marc Joëts, Valérie Mignon
October 2012 N°2012- 20
European Export Performance
Angela Cheptea, Lionel Fontagné, Soledad Zignago
October 2012 N°2012- 19
The Few Leading the Many: Foreign Affiliates and Business Cycle Comovement
Jörn Kleinert, Julien Martin, Farid Toubal
August 2012 N°2012- 18
Assessing the price-raising effect of non-tariff measures in Africa
Olivier Cadot, Julien Gourdon
August 2012 N°2012- 16
Native language, spoken language, translation and trade
Jacques Melitz, Farid Toubal
July 2012 N°2012- 17
International Migration and Trade Agreements: the new role of PTAs
Gianluca Orefice
July 2012 N°2012- 15
Scanning the Ups and Downs of China’s Trade Imbalances
Françoise Lemoine, Deniz Ünal
June 2012 N°2012- 14
Revisiting the theory of optimum currency areas: Is the CFA franc zone sustainable?
Cécile Couharde, Issiaka Coulibaly, David Guerreiro, Valérie Mignon
June 2012 N°2012- 13
Macroeconomic transmission of eurozone shocks to emerging economies
Bilge Erten
June 2012 N°2012- 12
The fiscal impact of immigration in France: a generational accounting approach
Xavier Chojnicki
June 2012 N°2012- 11
MAcMap-HS6 2007, an exhaustive and consistent measure of applied protection in 2007
Houssein Guimbard, Sébastien Jean, Mondher Mimouni, Xavier Pichot
May 2012 N°2012- 10
Regional Integration and Natural Resources: who benefits? Evidence from MENA
Céline Carrère, Julien Gourdon, Marcelo Olarreaga
May 2012 N°2012- 09
A Foreign Direct Investment database for global CGE models
Christophe Gouel, Houssein Guimbard, David Laborde
April 2012 N°2012- 08
On currency misalignments within the euro area
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon
April 2012 N°2012- 07
How frequently firms export? Evidence from France
Gábor Békés, Lionel Fontagné, Balázs Muraközy, Vincent Vicard
April 2012 N°2012- 06
Fiscal sustainability in the presence of systemic banks: the case of EU countries
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Guillaume Roussellet
March 2012 N°2012- 05
Low-Wage Countries’ Competition, Reallocation Across Firms and the Quality Content of Exports
Julien Martin, Isabelle Méjean
February 2012 N°2012- 04
The Great Shift: Macroeconomic projections for the world economy at the 2050 horizon
Jean Fouré, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné
February 2012 N°2012- 03
The Discriminatory Effect of Domestic Regulations on International Services Trade
Matthieu Crozet, Emmanuel Milet, Daniel Mirza
January 2012 N°2012- 02
Optimal Food Price Stabilization in a Small Open Developing Country
Christophe Gouel, Sébastien Jean
January 2012 N°2012- 01
Export Dynamics and Sales at Home
Nicolas Berman, Antoine Berthou, Jérôme Héricourt
December 2011 N°2011- 33
Entry on difficult export markets by Chinese domestic firms: the role of foreign export spillovers
Florian Mayneris, Sandra Poncet
December 2011 N°2011- 32
French Firms at the Conquest of Asian Markets: The Role of Export Spillovers
Florian Mayneris, Sandra Poncet
December 2011 N°2011- 31
Environmental policy and trade performance: Evidence from China
Laura Hering, Sandra Poncet
December 2011 N°2011- 30
Immigration, unemployment and GDP in the host country: Bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis on OECD countries
Ekrame Boubtane, Dramane Coulibaly, Christophe Rault
December 2011 N°2011- 29
Index Trading and Agricultural Commodity Prices: A Panel Granger Causality Analysis
Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Dramane Coulibaly
December 2011 N°2011- 28
The Impossible Trinity Revised: An Application to China
Benjamin Carton
December 2011 N°2011- 27
Isolating the Network Effect of Immigrants on Trade
Mariya Aleksynska, Giovanni Peri
December 2011 N°2011- 26
Notes on CEPII’s distances measures: The GeoDist database
Thierry Mayer, Soledad Zignago
December 2011 N°2011- 25
Estimations of Tariff Equivalents for the Services Sectors
Lionel Fontagné, Amélie Guillin, Cristina Mitaritonna
December 2011 N°2011- 24
Economic Impact of Potential Outcome of the DDA
Yvan Decreux, Lionel Fontagné
November 2011 N°2011- 23
More Bankers, More Growth? Evidence from OECD Countries
Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Claire Labonne
November 2011 N°2011- 22
EMU, EU, Market Integration and Consumption Smoothing
Atanas Christev, Jacques Melitz
October 2011 N°2011- 21
Real-Time Data and Fiscal Policy Analysis: a Survey of the Literature
Jacopo Cimadomo
October 2011 N°2011- 20
On the Inclusion of the Chinese Renminbi in the SDR Basket
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Damien Capelle
July 2011 N°2011- 19
Unilateral trade reform, Market Access and Foreign Competition: the Patterns of Multi-Product Exporters
Maria Bas, Pamela Bombarda
July 2011 N°2011- 18
The “Forward Premium Puzzle” and the Sovereign Default Risk
Virginie Coudert, Valérie Mignon
July 2011 N°2011- 17
Occupation-Education Mismatch of Immigrant Workers in Europe: Context and Policies
Mariya Aleksynska, Ahmed Tritah
July 2011 N°2011- 16
Does Importing more Inputs Raise Exports? Firm Level Evidence from France
Maria Bas, Vanessa Strauss-Kahn
June 2011 N°2011- 15
Joint Estimates of Automatic and Discretionary Fiscal Policy: the OECD 1981-2003
Julia Darby, Jacques Melitz
May 2011 N°2011- 14
Impacts of Immigration on Aging Welfare-State An Applied General Equilibrium Model for France
Xavier Chojnicki, Lionel Ragot
May 2011 N°2011- 13
The Performance of Socially Responsible Funds: Does the Screening Process Matter?
Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Stéphanie Monjon
May 2011 N°2011- 12
Market Size, Competition, and the Product Mix of Exporters
Thierry Mayer, Marc Melitz, Gianmarco Ottaviano
May 2011 N°2011- 11
The Trade Unit Values Database
Antoine Berthou, Charlotte Emlinger
April 2011 N°2011- 10
Carbon Price Drivers: Phase I Versus Phase II Equilibrium?
Anna Creti, Pierre-André Jouvet, Valérie Mignon
April 2011 N°2011- 09
Rebalancing Growth in China: An International Perspective
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Benjamin Carton, Ludovic Gauvin
April 2011 N°2011- 08
Economic Integration in the EuroMed: Current Status and Review of Studies
Joachim Jarreau
March 2011 N°2011- 07
The Decision to Import Capital Goods in India: Firms' Financial Factors Matter
Maria Bas, Antoine Berthou
March 2011 N°2011- 06
FDI from the South: the Role of Institutional Distance and Natural Resources
Mariya Aleksynska, Olena Havrylchyk
March 2011 N°2011- 05
Quel système monétaire international pour une économie mondiale en mutation rapide ?
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Jean Pisani-Ferry
mars 2011 N°2011- 04
What International Monetary System for a Fast-Changing World Economy?
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Jean Pisani-Ferry
March 2011 N°2011- 04
China's Foreign Trade in the Perspective of a More Balanced Economic Growth
Guillaume Gaulier, Françoise Lemoine, Deniz Ünal
March 2011 N°2011- 03
The Interactions Between the Credit Default Swap and the Bond Markets in Financial Turmoil
Virginie Coudert, Mathieu Gex
February 2011 N°2011- 02
Comparative Advantage and Within-Industry Firms Performance
Matthieu Crozet, Federico Trionfetti
January 2011 N°2011- 01
Export Performance and Credit Constraints in China
Joachim Jarreau, Sandra Poncet
December 2010 N°2010- 33
Export Performance of China's Domestic Firms: the Role of Foreign Export Spillovers
Florian Mayneris, Sandra Poncet
December 2010 N°2010- 32
Wholesalers in International Trade
Matthieu Crozet, Guy Lalanne, Sandra Poncet
December 2010 N°2010- 31
TVA et taux de marge : une analyse empirique sur données d'entreprises
Philippe Andrade, Martine Carré, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
décembre 2010 N°2010- 30
Economic and Cultural Assimilation and Integration of Immigration in Europe
Mariya Aleksynska, Yann Algan
December 2010 N°2010- 29
Les firmes françaises dans le commerce de service
Guillaume Gaulier, Emmanuel Milet, Daniel Mirza
décembre 2010 N°2010- 28
The World Economy in 2050: a Tentative Picture
Jean Fouré, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné
December 2010 N°2010- 27
Determinants and Pervasiveness of the Evasion of Customs Duties
Sébastien Jean, Cristina Mitaritonna
November 2010 N°2010- 26
On the Link Between Credit Procyclicality and Bank Competition
Vincent Bouvatier, Antonia Lopez-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
November 2010 N°2010- 25
Are Derivatives Dangerous? a Literature Survey
Gunther Capelle-Blancard
November 2010 N°2010- 24
BACI: International Trade Database at the Product-Level. The 1994-2007 Version
Guillaume Gaulier, Soledad Zignago
October 2010 N°2010- 23
Indirect Exporters
Fergal McCann
October 2010 N°2010- 22
Réforme des retraites en France : évaluation de la mise en place d'un système par comptes notionnels
Xavier Chojnicki, Riccardo Magnani
octobre 2010 N°2010- 21
The Art of Exceptions: Sensitive Products in the Doha Negotiations
Christophe Gouel, Cristina Mitaritonna, Maria Priscila Ramos
October 2010 N°2010- 20
Measuring Intangible Capital Investment: an Application to the 'French Data'
Vincent Delbecque, Laurence Nayman
September 2010 N°2010- 19
Clustering the Winners: the French Policy of Competitiveness Clusters
Lionel Fontagné, Pamina Koenig, Florian Mayneris, Sandra Poncet
September 2010 N°2010- 18
The Credit Default Swap Market and the Settlement of Large Defaults
Virginie Coudert, Mathieu Gex
August 2010 N°2010- 17
The Impact of the 2007-2010 Crisis on the Geography of Finance
Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Yamina Tadjeddine
August 2010 N°2010- 16
Socially Responsible Investing: it Takes More than Words
Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Stéphanie Monjon
August 2010 N°2010- 15
A Case for Intermediate Exchange-Rate Regimes
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Véronique Salins
August 2010 N°2010- 14
Gold and Financial Assets: Are There Any Safe Havens in Bear Markets?
Virginie Coudert, Hélène Raymond
July 2010 N°2010- 13
European Export Performance
Angela Cheptea, Lionel Fontagné, Soledad Zignago
July 2010 N°2010- 12
The Effects of the Subprime Crisis on the Latin American Financial Markets: an Empirical Assessment
Gilles Dufrénot, Valérie Mignon, Anne Péguin-Feissolle
July 2010 N°2010- 11
Foreign Bank Presence and its Effect on Firm Entry and Exit in Transition Economies
Olena Havrylchyk
June 2010 N°2010- 10
The Distorted Effect of Financial Development on International Trade Flows
Antoine Berthou
April 2010 N°2010- 09
Exchange Rate Flexibility Across Financial Crises
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon
April 2010 N°2010- 08
Crises and the Collapse of World Trade: the Shift to Lower Quality
Antoine Berthou, Charlotte Emlinger
March 2010 N°2010- 07
The Heterogeneous Effect of International Outsourcing on Firm Productivity
Fergal McCann
March 2010 N°2010- 06
Fiscal Expectations on the Stability and Growth Pact: Evidence from Survey Data
Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro, Jan-Christoph Rülke
March 2010 N°2010- 05
Terrorism Networks and Trade: Does the Neighor Hurt?
José de Sousa, Daniel Mirza, Thierry Verdier
March 2010 N°2010- 04
Wage Bargaining and the Boundaries of the Multinational Firm
Maria Bas, Juan Carluccio
March 2010 N°2010- 03
Estimation of Consistent Multi-Country FEERs
Benjamin Carton, Karine Hervé
February 2010 N°2010- 02
The Elusive Impact of Investing Abroad for Japanese Parent Firms: Can Disaggregation According to FDI Motives Help?
Laura Hering, Tomohiko Inui, Sandra Poncet
January 2010 N°2010- 01
The Effects at Home of Initiating Production Abroad: Evidence from Matched French Firms
Alexander Hijzen, Sébastien Jean, Thierry Mayer
December 2009 N°2009- 39
On Equilibrium Exchange Rates: Is Emerging Asia Different?
Antonia López-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
December 2009 N°2009- 38
Assessing Barriers to Trade in the Distribution and Telecom Sectors in Emerging Countries
Lionel Fontagné, Cristina Mitaritonna
December 2009 N°2009- 37
Les impacts économiques du changement climatique : enjeux de modélisation
Pierre Besson, Nina Kousnetzoff
décembre 2009 N°2009- 36
Trade, Foreign Inputs and Firms’ Decisions: Theory and Evidence
Maria Bas
December 2009 N°2009- 35
Export Sophistication and Economic Performance: Evidence from Chinese Provinces
Joachim Jarreau, Sandra Poncet
December 2009 N°2009- 34
Assessing the Sustainability of Credit Growth: the Case of Central and Eastern European Countries
Virginie Coudert, Cyril Pouvelle
December 2009 N°2009- 33
How do Different Exporters React to Exchange Rate Changes? Theory, Empirics and Aggregate Implications
Nicolas Berman, Philippe Martin, Thierry Mayer
December 2009 N°2009- 32
Spillovers from Multinationals to Heterogeneous Domestic Firms: Evidence from Hungary
Gábor Békés, Jörn Kleinert, Farid Toubal
December 2009 N°2009- 31
Ethnic Networks, Information, and International Trade: Revisiting the Evidence
Gabriel J. Felbermayr, Benjamin Jung, Farid Toubal
December 2009 N°2009- 30
Financial Constraints in China: Firm-Level Evidence
Sandra Poncet, Walter Steingress, Hylke Vandenbussche
November 2009 N°2009- 29
The Crisis: Policy Lessons and Policy Challenges
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Benoît Coeuré, Pierre Jacquet, Jean Pisani-Ferry
November 2009 N°2009- 28
Commerce et flux financiers internationaux : MIRAGE-D
André Lemelin
novembre 2009 N°2009- 27
Oil Prices, Geography and Endogenous Regionalism: Too Much Ado About (Almost) Nothing
Daniel Mirza, Habib Zitouna
October 2009 N°2009- 26
EU15 Trade with Emerging Economies and Rentier States: Leveraging Geography
Guillaume Gaulier, Françoise Lemoine, Deniz Ünal
October 2009 N°2009- 25
Market Potential and Development
Thierry Mayer
October 2009 N°2009- 24
Immigration, Income and Productivity of Host Countries: a Channel Accounting Approach
Mariya Aleksynska, Ahmed Tritah
October 2009 N°2009- 23
A Picture of Tariff Protection Across the World in 2004 MAcMap-HS6, Version 2
Houssein Guimbard, David Laborde Debucquet, Cristina Mitaritonna
September 2009 N°2009- 22
Spatial Price Discrimination in International Markets
Julien Martin
September 2009 N°2009- 21
Is Russia Sick with the Dutch Disease?
Victoria Dobrynskaya, Edouard Turkish
September 2009 N°2009- 20
Economies d'agglomération à l'exportation et difficulté d'accès aux marchés
Pamina Koenig, Florian Mayneris, Sandra Poncet
septembre 2009 N°2009- 19
Local Export Spillovers in France
Pamina Koenig, Florian Mayneris, Sandra Poncet
September 2009 N°2009- 18
Currency Misalignments and Growth: a New Look Using Nonlinear Panel Data Methods
Sophie Béreau, Antonia Lopez Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
September 2009 N°2009- 17
Trade Impact of European Measures on GMOs Condemned by the WTO Panel
Anne-Célia Disdier, Lionel Fontagné
July 2009 N°2009- 16
Economic Crisis and Global Supply Chains
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Yvan Decreux, Lionel Fontagné, David Khoudour-Castéras
July 2009 N°2009- 15
Quality Sorting and Trade: Firm-Level Evidence for French Wine
Matthieu Crozet, Keith Head, Thierry Mayer
July 2009 N°2009- 14
New Evidence on the Effectiveness of Europe's Fiscal Restrictions
Marcos Poplawski Ribeiro
July 2009 N°2009- 13
Remittances, Capital Flows and Financial Development during the Mass Migration Period, 1870-1913
Rui Esteves, David Khoudour-Castéras
June 2009 N°2009- 12
Evolution of EU and its Member States' Competitiveness in International Trade
Louise Curran, Soledad Zignago
June 2009 N°2009- 11
Exchange-Rate Misalignments in Duopoly: the Case of Airbus and Boeing
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné, Horst Raff
June 2009 N°2009- 10
Market Positioning of Varieties in World Trade: is Latin America Losing Out on Asia?
Nanno Mulder, Rodrigo Paiilacar, Soledad Zignago
April 2009 N°2009- 09
The Dollar in the Turmoil
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Sophie Béreau, Valérie Mignon
April 2009 N°2009- 08
Term of Trade Shocks in a Monetary Union: an Application to West-Africa
Loïc Batté, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Benjamin Carton, Gilles Dufrénot
April 2009 N°2009- 07
Macroeconomic Consequences of Global Endogenous Migration: a General Equilibrium Analysis
Vladimir Borgy, Xavier Chojnicki, Gilles Le Garrec, Cyrille Schwellnus
April 2009 N°2009- 06
Equivalence entre taxation et permis d'émission échangeables
Pierre Villa
mars 2009 N°2009- 05
The Trade-Growth Nexus in the Developing Countries: a Quantile Regression Approach
Gilles Dufrénot, Valérie Mignon, Charalambos Tsangarides
March 2009 N°2009- 04
Price Convergence in the European Union: Within Firms or Composition of Firms?
Isabelle Méjean, Cyrille Schwellnus
March 2009 N°2009- 03
Productivité du travail : les divergences entre pays développés sont-elles durables
Clément Bosquet, Michel Fouquin
mars 2009 N°2009- 02
From Various Degrees of Trade to Various Degrees of Financial Integration: What do Interest Rates Have to Say?
Adeline Bachellerie, Jérôme Héricourt, Valérie Mignon
January 2009 N°2009- 01
Do Terms of Trade Drive Real Exchange Rates? Comparing Oil and Commodity Currencies
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde, Valérie Mignon
December 2008 N°2008- 32
Vietnam's Accession to the WTO: Ex-Post Evaluation in a Dynamic Perspective
Houssein Guimbard, Hugo Valin
December 2008 N°2008- 31
Structural Gravity Equations with Intensive and Extensive Margins
Matthieu Crozet, Pamina Koenig
December 2008 N°2008- 30
Trade Prices and the Euro
Julien Martin, Isabelle Méjean
December 2008 N°2008- 29
Commerce international et transports : tendances du passe et prospective 2020
Christophe Gouel, Nina Kousnetzoff, Hassan Salman
décembre 2008 N°2008- 28
The Erosion of Colonial Trade Linkages after Independence
Thierry Mayer, Keith Head, John Ries
December 2008 N°2008- 27
Plus grandes, plus fortes, plus loin... Performances relatives des firmes exportatrices françaises
Matthieu Crozet, Isabelle Méjean, Soledad Zignago
novembre 2008 N°2008- 26
A General Equilibrium Evaluation of the Sustainability of the New Pension Reforms in Italy
Riccardo Magnani
November 2008 N°2008- 25
The Location of Japanese MNC Affiliates: Agglomeration, Spillovers and Firm Heterogeneity
Tomohiko Inui, Toshiyuki Matsuura, Sandra Poncet
October 2008 N°2008- 24
Nonlinear Adjustment of the Real Exchange Rate Towards its Equilibrium Value: a Panel Smooth Transition Error Correction Modelling
Sophie Béreau, Antonia Lopez Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon
October 2008 N°2008- 23
Demographic Uncertainty in Europe. Implications on Macro Economic Trends and Pension Reforms
Michel Aglietta, Vladimir Borgy
October 2008 N°2008- 22
The Euro Effects on the Firm and Product-Level Trade Margins: Evidence from France
Antoine Berthou, Lionel Fontagné
October 2008 N°2008- 21
The Impact of Economic Geography on Wages: Disentangling the Channels of Influence
Laura Hering, Sandra Poncet
October 2008 N°2008- 20
Do Corporate Taxes Reduce Productivity and Investment at the Firm Level? Cross-Country Evidence from the Amadeus Dataset
Jens Arnold, Cyrille Schwellnus
September 2008 N°2008- 19
Choosing Sensitive Agricultural Products in Trade Negotiations
Sébastien Jean, David Laborde, Will Martin
September 2008 N°2008- 18
Government Consumption Volatility and Country Size
Davide Furceri, Marcos Poplawski Ribeiro
September 2008 N°2008- 17
Inherited or Earned? Performance of Foreign Banks in Central and Eastern Europe
Olena Havrylchyk, Emilia Jurzyk
September 2008 N°2008- 16
The Effect of Foreign Bank Entry on the Cost of Credit in Transition Economies. Which Borrowers Benefit the Most?
Hans Degryse, Olena Havrylchyk, Emilia Jurzyk, Sylwester Kozak
September 2008 N°2008- 15
Contagion in the Credit Default Swap Market: the case of the GM and Ford Crisis in 2005
Virginie Coudert, Mathieu Gex
September 2008 N°2008- 14
Exporting to Insecure Markets: a Firm-Level Analysis
Matthieu Crozet, Pamina Koenig, Vincent Rebeyrol
September 2008 N°2008- 13
Social Competition and Firms' Location Choices
Vincent Delbecque, Isabelle Méjean, Lise Patureau
July 2008 N°2008- 12
Border Effects of Brazilian States
Marie Daumal, Soledad Zignago
June 2008 N°2008- 11
International Trade Price Indices
Guillaume Gaulier, Julien Martin, Isabelle Méjean, Soledad Zignago
Juin 2008 N°2008- 10
Base de données CHELEM - Commerce international du CEPII
Alix de Saint Vaulry
juin 2008 N°2008- 09
The Brain Drain between Knowledge Based Economies: the European Human Capital Outflows to the US
Ahmed Tritah
June 2008 N°2008- 08
Currency Misalignments and Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging and Developing Countries
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde
April 2008 N°2008- 07
The Euro and the Intensive and Extensive Margins of Trade: Evidence from French Firm Level Data
Antoine Berthou, Lionel Fontagné
April 2008 N°2008- 06
On the Influence of Oil Prices on Economic Activity and Other Macroeconomic and Financial Variables
François Lescaroux, Valérie Mignon
April 2008 N°2008- 05
An Impact Study of the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) in the Six ACP Regions
Lionel Fontagné, David Laborde, Cristina Mitaritonna
April 2008 N°2008- 04
The Brave New World of Cross-Regionalism
Alfred Tovias
April 2008 N°2008- 03
Equilibrium Exchange Rates: a Guidebook for the Euro-Dollar Rate
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Sophie Béreau, Valérie Mignon
March 2008 N°2008- 02
How Robust are Estimated Equilibrium Exchange Rates? A Panel BEER Approach
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Sophie Béreau, Valérie Mignon
March 2008 N°2008- 01
Testing the Finance-Growth Link: is There a Difference Between Developed and Developing Countries?
Gilles Dufrénot, Valérie Mignon, Anne Péguin-Feissolle
December 2007 N°2007- 24
Labor Migration: Macroeconomic and Demographic Outlook for Europe and Neighborhood Regions
Vladimir Borgy, Xavier Chojnicki
December 2007 N°2007- 23
Economic Geography, Spatial Dependence and Income Inequality in China
Laura Hering, Sandra Poncet
December 2007 N°2007- 22
Does FDI in Manufacturing Cause FDI in Business Services? Evidence from French Firm-Level Data
Benjamin Nefussi, Cyrille Schwellnus
December 2007 N°2007- 21
Bilateral Trade of Cultural Goods
Anne-Célia Disdier, Silvio H.T. Tai, Lionel Fontagné, Thierry Mayer
November 2007 N°2007- 20
China and India in International Trade: from Laggards to Leaders?
Françoise Lemoine, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
November 2007 N°2007- 19
How Remote is the Offshoring Threat?
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer, John Ries
November 2007 N°2007- 18
Costs and Benefits of Euro Membership: a Counterfactual Analysis
Emmanuel Dubois, Jérôme Hericourt, Valérie Mignon
November 2007 N°2007- 17
Location Decisions and Minimum Wages
Isabelle Méjean, Lise Patureau
November 2007 N°2007- 16
MIRAGE, Updated Version of the Model for Trade Policy Analysis: Focus on Agriculture and Dynamics
Yvan Decreux, Hugo Valin
October 2007 N°2007- 15
Globalization in Services: from Measurement to Analysis
Isabelle Bensidoun, Deniz Ünal
August 2007 N°2007- 14
How are Wages set in Beijing?
José De Sousa, Sandra Poncet
July 2007 N°2007- 13
IMF Quotas at Year 2030
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Sophie Béreau, Yvan Decreux, Christophe Gouel, Sandra Poncet
July 2007 N°2007- 12
FDI and Credit Constraints: Firm Level Evidence in China
Jérôme Héricourt
May 2007 N°2007- 11
Fiscal Policy in Real Time
Jacopo Cimadomo
May 2007 N°2007- 10
Global Ageing and Macroeconomic Consequences of Demographic Uncertainty in a Multi-Regional Model
Juha Alho, vladimir Borgy
May 2007 N°2007- 09
The Effect of Domestic Regulation on Services Trade Revisited
Cyrille Schwellnus
May 2007 N°2007- 08
The Location of Domestic and Foreign Production Affiliates by French Multinational Firms
Thierry Mayer, Isabelle Méjean, Benjamin Nefussi
May 2007 N°2007- 07
Specialisation across Varieties within Products and North-South Competition
Lionel Fontagné, Guillaume Gaulier, Soledad Zignago
May 2007 N°2007- 06
Trade Costs and the Home Market Effect
Matthieu Crozet, Federico Trionfetti
March 2007 N°2007- 05
The Impact of Regulations on Agricultural Trade: Evidence from SPS and TBT Agreements
Anne-Célia Disdier, Lionel Fontagné, Mondher Mimouni
February 2007 N°2007- 04
International Comparisons of Living Standards by Equivalent Incomes
Marc Fleurbaey, Guillaume Gaulier
January 2007 N°2007- 03
Does Risk Aversion Drive Financial Crises? Testing the Predictive Power of Empirical Indicators
Virginie Coudert, Mathieu Gex
January 2007 N°2007- 02
Asian Catch Up, World Growth and International Capital Flows in the XXIst Century: a Prospective Analysis with the INGENUE 2 Model
Michel Aglietta, Vladimir Borgy, Jean Chateau, Michel Juillard, Jacques le Cacheux
January 2007 N°2007- 01
Current Account Reversals and Long Term Imbalances: Application to the Central and Eastern European Countries
Kenza Benhima, Olena Havrylchyk
December 2006 N°2006- 27
On Legal Origins and Brankruptcy Laws: the European Experience (1808-1914)
Jérôme Sgard
December 2006 N°2006- 26
Taux d’intérêt et marchés boursiers : une analyse empirique de l’intégration financière internationale
vladimir Borgy, Valérie Mignon
décembre 2006 N°2006- 25
Changing Patterns of Domestic and Cross-Border Fiscal Policy Multipliers in Europe and the US
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Jacopo Cimadomo
December 2006 N°2006- 24
Market Access Impact on Individual Wage: Evidence from China
Laura Hering, Sandra Poncet
December 2006 N°2006- 23
FDI in Chinese Cities: Spillovers and Impact on Growth
Nicole Madariaga, Sandra Poncet
December 2006 N°2006- 22
Are Financial Distortions an Impediment to Economic Growth? Evidence from China
Alessandra Guariglia, Sandra Poncet
December 2006 N°2006- 21
World Consistent Equilibrium Exchange Rates
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Amina Lahrèche-Révil, Valérie Mignon
December 2006 N°2006- 20
Institutions and Bilateral Asset Holdings
Véronique Salins, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
December 2006 N°2006- 19
Vertical Production Networks: Evidence from France
Michel Fouquin, Laurence Nayman, Laurent Wagner
November 2006 N°2006- 18
Import Prices, Variety and the Extensive Margin of Trade
Guillaume Gaulier, Isabelle Méjean
November 2006 N°2006- 17
The Long Term Growth Prospects of the World Economy: Horizon 2050
Sandra Poncet
October 2006 N°2006- 16
Economic Integration in Asia: Bilateral Free Trade Agreements Versus Asian Single Market
Mohamed Hedi Bchir, Michel Fouquin
October 2006 N°2006- 15
Foreign Direct Investment in China: Reward or Remedy?
Sandra Poncet, Olena Havrylchyk
August 2006 N°2006- 14
Short-Term Fiscal Spillovers in a Monetary Union
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
July 2006 N°2006- 13
Can Firms’ Location Decisions Counteract the Balassa-Samuelson Effect?
Isabelle Méjean
July 2006 N°2006- 12
Who’s Afraid of Tax Competition? Harmless Tax Competition from the New European Member States
Amina Lahrèche-Révil
June 2006 N°2006- 11
A Quantitative Assessment of the Outcome of the Doha Development Agenda
Yvan Decreux, Lionel Fontagné
May 2006 N°2006- 10
Disparities in Pension Financing in Europe: Economic and Financial Consequences
Jean Chateau
May 2006 N°2006- 09
Base de données CHELEM-BAL du CEPII
Houssein Guimbard, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
mars 2006 N°2006- 08
Deindustrialisation and the Fear of Relocations in the Industry
Hervé Boulhol, Lionel Fontagné
March 2006 N°2006- 07
A Dynamic Perspective for the Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact
Christian Deubner
March 2006 N°2006- 06
China’s Emergence and the Reorganisation of Trade Flows in Asia
Guillaume Gaulier, Françoise Lemoine, Deniz Ünal
March 2006 N°2006- 05
Who Pays China’s Bank Restructuring Bill?
Guonan Ma
February 2006 N°2006- 04
Structural Determinants of the Exchange-Rate Pass-Through
Guillaume Gaulier, Amina Lahrèche-Révil, Isabelle Méjean
February 2006 N°2006- 03
Exchange-Rate Pass-Trough at the Product Level
Guillaume Gaulier, Amina Lahrèche-Révil, Isabelle Méjean
February 2006 N°2006- 02
Je t'aime, moi non plus : Bilateral Opinions and International Trade
Anne-Célia Disdier, Thierry Mayer
January 2006 N°2006- 01
World Trade Competitiveness: A Disaggregated View by Shift-Share Analysis
Angela Cheptea, Guillaume Gaulier, Soledad Zignago
December 2005 N°2005- 23
Chômage et réformes du marché du travail au Japon
Evelyne Dourille-Feer
décembre 2005 N°2005- 22
Profitability of Foreign and Domestic Banks in Central and Eastern Europe : Does the Mode of Entry Matter?
Olena Havrylchyk, Emilia Jurzyk
December 2005 N°2005- 21
ECB Governance in an Enlarged Eurozone
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Edouard Turkisch
December 2005 N°2005- 20
What Are EU Trade Preferences Worth for Sub-Saharan Africa and Other Developing Countries?
Fabien Candau, Sébastien Jean
December 2005 N°2005- 19
Binding Overhang and Tariff-Cutting Formulas
Mohamed Hedi Bchir, Sébastien Jean, David Laborde
October 2005 N°2005- 18
International Trade and Income Distribution: Reconsidering the Evidence
Isabelle Bensidoun, Sébastien Jean, Aude Sztulman
October 2005 N°2005- 17
China and the Relationship Between the Oil Price and the Dollar
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Valérie Mignon, Alexis Penot
October 2005 N°2005- 16
Consequences of Alternative Formulas for Agricultural Tariff Cuts
Sébastien Jean, David Laborde, Will Martin
September 2005 N°2005- 15
Is Erosion of Tariff Preferences a Serious Concern?
Antoine Bouët, Lionel Fontagné, Sébastien Jean
September 2005 N°2005- 14
The Consequences of Agricultural Trade Liberalization for Developing Countries: Distinguishing Between Genuine Benefits and False Hopes
Jean-Christophe Bureau, Sébastien Jean, Alan Matthews
August 2005 N°2005- 13
From Bound Duties to Actual Protection: Industrial Liberalisation in the Doha Round
Mohamed Hedi Bchir, Lionel Fontagné, Sébastien Jean
July 2005 N°2005- 12
Impact de l’ouverture financière sur les inégalités internes dans les pays émergents
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Véronique Salins
juillet 2005 N°2005- 11
Disentangling Horizontal and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade
Lionel Fontagné, Michael Freudenberg, Guillaume Gaulier
July 2005 N°2005- 10
China’s Integration in East Asia: Production Sharing, FDI & High-Tech Trade
Guillaume Gaulier, Françoise Lemoine, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
June 2005 N°2005- 09
Tax Competition and Public Input
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Nicolas Gobalraja, Alain Trannoy
June 2005 N°2005- 08
Trade Liberalisation, Growth and Poverty in Senegal: a Dynamic Microsimulation CGE Model Analysis
Nabil Annabi, Fatou Cissé, John Cockburn, Bernard Decaluwé
May 2005 N°2005- 07
Migration, Trade and Wages
Alexander Hijzen, Peter Wright
May 2005 N°2005- 06
Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Maylis Coupet, Thierry Mayer
April 2005 N°2005- 05
L’économie indienne : changements structurels et perspectives à long-terme
Françoise Lemoine, Sophie Chauvin
Avril 2005 N°2005- 04
Market Access in Global and Regional Trade
Thierry Mayer, Soledad Zignago
January 2005 N°2005- 02
Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate in China
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde
January 2005 N°2005- 01
A Consistent, Ad-Valorem Equivalent Measure of Applied Protection Across the World: The MAcMap-HS6 Database
Antoine Bouët, Yvan Decreux, Lionel Fontagné, Sébastien Jean, David Laborde
décembre 2004 N°2004- 22
The Impact of Multilateral Liberalisation on European Regions: a CGE Assessment
Sébastien Jean, David Laborde
November 2004 N°2004- 20
La compétitivité de l’agriculture et des industries agroalimentaires dans le Mercosur et l’Union européenne dans une perspective de libéralisation commerciale
Nanno Mulder, Alexandre Vialou, Beatriz David, Monica Rodriguez, Marta Castilho
novembre 2004 N°2004- 19
Multilateral Agricultural Trade Liberalization: The Contrasting Fortunes of Developing Countries in the Doha Round
Antoine Bouët, Jean-Christophe Bureau, Yvan Decreux, Sébastien Jean
November 2004 N°2004- 18
UK in or UK Out? A Common Cycle Analysis Between the UK and the Euro Zone
Julien Garnier
November 2004 N°2004- 17
Regionalism and the Regionalisation of International Trade
Guillaume Gaulier, Sébastien Jean, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
November 2004 N°2004- 16
The Stock-Flow Approach to the Real Exchange Rate of CEE Transition Economies
Balazs Egert, Amina Lahrèche-Révil, Kirsten Lommatzsch
novembre 2004 N°2004- 15
Vieillissement démographique, épargne et retraite : une analyse à l’aide d’un modèle d’équilibre général à agents hétérogènes
Catherine Bac, Jean Chateau
octobre 2004 N°2004- 14
Burden Sharing and Exchange-Rate Misalignments within the Group of Twenty
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Pascale Duran-Vigneron, Amina Lahrèche-Revil, Mignon, Valerie
September 2004 N°2004- 13
Regulation and Wage Premia
Sébastien Jean, Giuseppe Nicoletti
September 2004 N°2004- 12
The Efficiency of Fiscal Policies: a Survey of the Literature
Stéphane Capet
September 2004 N°2004- 11
La réforme du marché du travail en Allemagne : les enseignements d’une maquette
Stéphane Capet
Août 2004 N°2004- 10
Typologie et équivalence des systèmes de retraites
Pierre Villa
juillet 2004 N°2004- 09
South – South Trade: Geography Matters
Souleymane Coulibaly, Lionel Fontagné
July 2004 N°2004- 08
Current Accounts Dynamics in new EU members: Sustainability and Policy Issues
Paolo Zanghieri
July 2004 N°2004- 07
Incertitude radicale et choix du modèle
Pierre Villa
mai 2004 N°2004- 06
Does Exchange Rate Regime Explain Differences in Economic Results for Asian Countries?
Virginie Coudert, Marc Dubert
May 2004 N°2004- 05
Trade in the Triad: How Easy is the Access to Large Markets?
Lionel Fontagné, Thierry Mayer, Soledad Zignago
Avril 2004 N°2004- 04
Technology Differences, Institutions and Economic Growth: a Conditional Conditional Convergence
Hervé Boulhol
February 2004 N°2004- 02
Croissance et régimes d'investissement
Pierre Villa
janvier 2004 N°2004- 01
A New Look at the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle using an Integrated Panel
Anindya Banerjee, Paolo Zanghieri
December 2003 N°2003- 22
Trade Linkages and Exchange Rates in Asia: The Role of China
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Amina Lahrèche-Revil
December 2003 N°2003- 21
Economic Implications of Trade Liberalization Under the Doha Round
Joseph Francois, Hans van Meijl
December 2003 N°2003- 20
Methodological Tools for SIA
Nina Kousnetzoff
December 2003 N°2003- 19
Order Flows, Delta Hedging and Exchange Rate Dynamics
Bronka Rzepkowski
December 2003 N°2003- 18
Tax Competition and Foreign Direct Investment
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Amina Lahrèche-Revil, Lionel Fontagné
December 2003 N°2003- 17
Commerce et transfert de technologies : les cas comparés de la Turquie, de l'Inde et de la Chine
Françoise Lemoine, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
novembre 2003 N°2003- 16
Trade and Technology Transfers: a Comparative Study of Turkey, India and China
Françoise Lemoine, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
November 2003 N°2003- 16
The Empirics of Agglomeration and Trade
Thierry Mayer, Keith Head
October 2003 N°2003- 15
Notional Defined Contribution : a Comparison of the French and the German Point Systems
Florence Legros
September 2003 N°2003- 14
How Different is Eastern Europe? Structure and Determinants of Location Choices by French Firms in Eastern and Western Europe
Anne-Celia Disdier, Thierry Mayer
septembre 2003 N°2003- 13
Market Access Liberalisation in the Doha Round: Scenarios and Assessment
Lionel Fontagné, Jean-Louis Guérin, Sébastien Jean
September 2003 N°2003- 12
On the Adequacy of Monetary Arrangements in Sub-Saharian Africa
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Maylis Coupet
August 2003 N°2003- 11
The Impact of EU Enlargement on Member States: a CGE Approach
Mohamed Hedi Bchir, Lionel Fontagné, Paolo Zanghieri
August 2003 N°2003- 10
India in the World Economy: Traditional Specialisations and Technology Niches
Sophie Chauvin, Françoise Lemoine
August 2003 N°2003- 09
Imitation Amongst Exchange-Rate Forecasters: Evidence from Survey Data
Michel Beine, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Hélène Colas
July 2003 N°2003- 08
Le Currency Board à travers l'expérience de l'Argentine
Sophie Chauvin, Pierre Villa
juillet 2003 N°2003- 07
Trade and Convergence: Revisiting Ben-David
Guillaume Gaulier
June 2003 N°2003- 06
Estimating the Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rate of Central and Eastern European Countries; The EMU Enlargement Perspective
Balazs Egert, Amina Lahrèche-Revil
June 2003 N°2003- 05
Skills, Technology and Growth is ICT the Key to Success ? An Analysis of ICT Impact on French Growth
Johanna Melka, Nanno Mulder, Laurence Nayman, Soledad Zignago
May 2003 N°2003- 04
L’investissement en TIC aux Etat-Unis et dans quelques pays européens
Gilbert Cette, Pierre-Alexandre Noual
mars 2003 N°2003- 03
Can Business and Social Networks Explain the Border Effect Puzzle?
Pierre-Philippe Combes, Miren Lafourcade, Thierry Mayer
January 2003 N°2003- 02
Hyperinflation and the Reconstruction of a National Money: Argentina and Brazil, 1990-2002
Jérôme Sgard
January 2003 N°2003- 01
MIRAGE, a Computable General Equilibrium Model for Trade Policy Analysis
Mohamed Hedi Bchir, Yvan Decreux, Jean-Louis Guérin, Sébastien Jean
December 2002 N°2002- 17
Evolutions démographiques et marché du travail : des liens complexes parfois contradictoires
Loïc Cadiou, Julien Genet, Jean-Louis Guérin
décembre 2002 N°2002- 16
Exchange Rate Regimes and Sustainable Parities for CEECs in the Run-up to EMU Membership
Virginie Coudert, Cécile Couharde
December 2002 N°2002- 15
When are Structural Deficits Good Policies?
Jean Chateau
November 2002 N°2002- 14
Projections démographiques de quelques pays de l'Union européenne (Allemagne, France, Italie, Royaume-Uni, Pays-Bas, Suède)
Rakhsat Sleiman
octobre 2002 N°2002- 13
Regional Trade Integration in Southern Africa
Sophie Chauvin, Guillaume Gaulier
October 2002 N°2002- 12
Demographic Evolutions and Unemployment: an Analysis of French Labour Market with Workers Generations
Jean Chateau, Jean-Louis Guérin, Florence Legros
October 2002 N°2002- 11
Liquidité et passage de la valeur
Pierre Villa
septembre 2002 N°2002- 10
Le concept de coût d'usage Putty-Clay des biens durables
Marie-Gabriel Foggea, Pierre Villa
septembre 2002 N°2002- 09
Mondialisation et régionalisation : le cas des industries du textile et de l'habillement
Michel Fouquin, Pascal Morand, Richard Avisse, Gildas Minvielle, Philippe Dumont
septembre 2002 N°2002- 08
The Survival of Intermediate Exchange Rate Regimes
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Benoit Coeuré
July 2002 N°2002- 07
Pensions and Savings in a Monetary Union: an Analysis of Capital Flows
Alain Jousten, Florence Legros
July 2002 N°2002- 06
Brazil and Mexico's Manufacturing Performance in International Perspective, 1970-1999
Nanno Mulder, Sylvie Montout, Luis Peres
May 2002 N°2002- 05
The Impact of Central Bank Intervention on Exchange-Rate Forecast Heterogeneity
Michel Beine, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Estelle Dauchy, Ronald MacDonald
April 2002 N°2002- 04
Impacts économiques et sociaux de l'élargissement pour l'Union européenne et la France
Mohamed Hedi Bchir, Mathilde Maurel
Avril 2002 N°2002- 03
China in the International Segmentation of Production Processes
Françoise Lemoine, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
March 2002 N°2002- 02
Illusory Border Effects: Distance Mismeasurement Inflates Estimates of Home Bias in Trade
Thierry Mayer, Keith Head
January 2002 N°2002- 01
Croissance économique mondiale : un scénario de référence à l'horizon 2030
Nina Kousnetzoff
décembre 2001 N°2001- 21
The Fiscal Stabilization Policy under EMU - An Empirical Assessment
Arjan Kadareja
December 2001 N°2001- 20
Direct Foreign Investments and Productivity Growth in Hungarian Firms, 1992-1999
Jérôme Sgard
December 2001 N°2001- 19
Market Access Maps: A Bilateral and Disaggregated Measure of Market Access
Antoine Bouët, Lionel Fontagné, Mondher Mimouni, Xavier Pichot
December 2001 N°2001- 18
Macroeconomic Consequences of Pension Reforms in Europe: an Investigation with the INGENUE World Model
INGENUE, Michel Aglietta
December 2001 N°2001- 17
La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
Agnès Chevallier, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
décembre 2001 N°2001- 16
MARMOTTE : a Multinational Model
December 2001 N°2001- 15
The French-German Productivity Comparison Revisited : Ten Years after the German Unification
Laurence Nayman, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
December 2001 N°2001- 14
The Nature of Specialization Matters for Growth: an Empirical Investigation
Isabelle Bensidoun, Guillaume Gaulier, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
December 2001 N°2001- 13
Political Economy of the Nice Treaty: Rebalancing the EU Council
Forum Franco Allemand
November 2001 N°2001- 12
The Future of European Agricultural Policies
Forum Franco Allemand
November 2001 N°2001- 12
Sector Sensitivity to Exchange Rate Fluctuations
Michel Fouquin, Nanno Mulder, Laurence Nayman, Khalid Sekkat, Joffrey Malek Mansour
November 2001 N°2001- 11
A First Assessment of Environment-Related Trade Barriers
Lionel Fontagné, Friedrich von Kirchbach, Mondher Mimouni
October 2001 N°2001- 10
International Trade and Rent Sharing in Developed and Developing countries
Lionel Fontagné, Daniel Mirza
October 2001 N°2001- 09
Economie de la transition : le dossier
Gérard Wild
octobre 2001 N°2001- 08
Exit Options for Argentina with a Special Focus on Their Impact on External Trade
Sophie Chauvin
October 2001 N°2001- 07
Effet frontière, intégration économique et "Forteresse Europe"
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer
septembre 2001 N°2001- 06
EU Labour Markets
Forum Franco Allemand
July 2001 N°2001- 05
Pension Reforms between Economic and Political Problems
Forum Franco Allemand
July 2001 N°2001- 05
Discrimination commerciale : une mesure à partir des flux bilatéraux
Guillaume Gaulier
mars 2001 N°2001- 04
Heterogeneous Expectations, Currency Options and the Euro / Dollar Exchange Rate
Bronka Rzepkowski
March 2001 N°2001- 03
Defining Consumption Behaviour in a Multi-Country Model
Olivier Allais, Loic Cadiou, Stéphane Dees
February 2001 N°2001- 02
The Future of Banking in Europe
Forum Franco Allemand
December 2000 N°2000- 22
Trade Rules and Global Governance: A Long Term Agenda
Forum Franco Allemand
December 2000 N°2000- 22
The Wage Curve: The Lessons of an Estimation Over a Panel of Countries
Stéphanie Guichard, Jean-Pierre Laffargue
December 2000 N°2000- 21
A computable General Equilibrium Model with Vintage Capital
Loïc Cadiou, Stéphane Dées, Jean-Pierre Laffargue
December 2000 N°2000- 20
Consumption Habit and Equity Premium in the G7 Countries
Olivier Allais, Loic Cadiou, Stéphane Dees
December 2000 N°2000- 19
Capital Stock and Productivity in French Transport : An International Comparison
Bernard Chane-Küne, Nanno Mulder
December 2000 N°2000- 18
La gestion des crises de liquidité internationale : logique de faillite, prêteur en dernier ressort et conditionnalité
Jérôme Sgard
novembre 2000 N°2000- 16
La mesure des protections commerciales nationales
Antoine Bouët
novembre 2000 N°2000- 15
The Convergence of Automobile Prices in the European Union: an Empirical Analysis for the Period 1993-1999
Guillaume Gaulier, Séverine Haller
November 2000 N°2000- 14
International Trade and Firms’ Heterogeneity Under Monopolistic Competition
Sébastien Jean
September 2000 N°2000- 13
Syndrome, miracle, modèle polder et autres spécificités néerlandaises
Sébastien Jean
juin 2000 N°2000- 12
FDI and the Opening Up of China's Economy
Françoise Lemoine
June 2000 N°2000- 11
Big and Small Currencies: The Regional Connection
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Benoit Coeuré
June 2000 N°2000- 10
Structural Changes in Asia and Growth Prospects After the Crisis
Jean-Claude Berthelémy, Sophie Chauvin
June 2000 N°2000- 09
The International Monetary Fund and the International Financial Architecture
Michel Aglietta
May 2000 N°2000- 08
The Effect of International Trade on Labour Demand Elasticities: Intersectoral Matters
Sébastien Jean
May 2000 N°2000- 07
Foreign Direct Investment and the Prospects for Tax Co-Ordination in Europe
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné, Amina Lahrèche-Revil
May 2000 N°2000- 06
Economic Growth in Europe: Entering a New Era?
Forum Franco Allemand
April 2000 N°2000- 05
The First Year of EMU
Forum Franco Allemand
April 2000 N°2000- 05
The Expectations of Hong Kong Dollar Devaluation and Their Determinants
Bronka Rzepkowski
February 2000 N°2000- 04
What Drove Relative Wages in France? Structural Decomposition Analysis in a General Equilibrium Framework, 1970-1992
Olivier Bontout, Sébastien Jean
January 2000 N°2000- 03
Le passage des retraites de la répartition à la capitalisation obligatoire : des simulations à l'aide s'une maquette calibrée
Ottilia Rouguet, Pierre Villa
janvier 2000 N°2000- 02
Exchange Rate Strategies in the Competition for Attracting FDI
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné, Amina Lahrèche-Revil
December 1999 N°1999- 16
Groupe d'Échanges et de Réflexion sur la Caspienne
Dominique Pianelli, Georges Sokoloff
novembre 1999 N°1999- 15
The Impact of Foreign Exchange Interventions: New Evidence from FIGARCH Estimations
Michel Beine, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Christelle Lecourt
September 1999 N°1999- 14
Eastward Enlargement of the European Union
Forum Franco Allemand
September 1999 N°1999- 13
Reduction of Working Time
French-German Economic Forum
September 1999 N°1999- 13
A Lender of Last Resort for Europe
Michel Aglietta
September 1999 N°1999- 12
La diversité des marchés du travail en Europe : Quelles conséquences pour l'Union Monétaire
Loïc Cadiou, Stéphanie Guichard, Mathilde Maurel
juin 1999 N°1999- 11
Marchés du travail en Europe : Quelles conséquences pour l'Union Monétaire
Loïc Cadiou, Stéphanie Guichard
juin 1999 N°1999- 10
The Role of External Variables in the Chinese Economy
Stéphane Dées
June 1999 N°1999- 09
Haute technologie et échelles de qualité : de fortes asymétries en Europe
Lionel Fontagné, Michaël Freudenberg, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
juin 1999 N°1999- 08
The Role of Capital Accumulation, Adjustment and Structural Change for Economic Take-Off: Empirical Evidence from African Growth Episodes
Jean-Claude Berthelémy, Ludvig Soderling
April 1999 N°1999- 07
Enterprise Adjustment and the Role of Bank Credit in Russia: Evidence from a 420 Firm's Qualitative Survey
Sophie Brana, Mathilde Maurel, Jérôme Sgard
April 1999 N°1999- 06
Central and Eastern European Countries in the International Division of Labour in Europe
Michaël Freudenberg, Françoise Lemoine
April 1999 N°1999- 05
Economic Policy Coordination
Forum Franco Allemand
April 1999 N°1999- 04
Financial Supervision in the EMU
Forum Franco Allemand
April 1999 N°1999- 04
Models of Exchange Rate Expectations: Heterogeneous Evidence from Panel Data
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Sophie Larribeau, Ronald MacDonald
April 1999 N°1999- 03
Labor Market in the EMU
Forum Franco Allemand
March 1999 N°1999- 02
Tax Policy in the EMU
Forum Franco Allemand
March 1999 N°1999- 02
Monetary Policy Under a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime, the Case of France 1987-1996
Benoît Mojon
December 1998 N°1998- 14
Wages and Unemployment: Trade-off Under Different Labour Market Paradigms
Olivier Bontout, Sébastien Jean
November 1998 N°1998- 13
Structures financières et transmission de la politique monétaire en Europe, analyses comparatives de l’Allemagne, la France, l’Italie et le Royaume-Uni
Benoît Mojon
octobre 1998 N°1998- 12
Le marché du travail britannique vu de France
Michel Fouquin, Sébastien Jean, Aude Sztulman
octobre 1998 N°1998- 11
Compétitivité et régime de change en Europe Centrale
Michel Aglietta, Camille Baulant, Virginie Coudert
octobre 1998 N°1998- 10
Sensibilité des salaires relatifs aux chocs exogènes de commerce international et de progrès technique: une évaluation d'équilibre général
Olivier Bontout, Sébastien Jean
septembre 1998 N°1998- 09
Evolution sur longue période de l'intensité énergétique
Pierre Villa
septembre 1998 N°1998- 08
Sacrifice Ratios in Europe: a Comparison
Laurence Boone, Benoît Mojon
August 1998 N°1998- 07
La politique monétaire et la crise japonaise
Stéphanie Guichard
août 1998 N°1998- 06
La régionalisation du commerce international: une évaluation par les intensités relatives bilatérales
Michaël Freudenberg, Guillaume Gaulier, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
août 1998 N°1998- 05
Pegging the CEECs Currencies to the Euro
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Amina Lahrèche-Revil
August 1998 N°1998- 04
The International Role of the Euro
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Benoît Mojon, Armand-Denis Schor
July 1998 N°1998- 03
EMU and Transatlantic Exchange Rate Stability
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Benoît Mojon
March 1998 N°1998- 02
Why the Euro will be Strong: an Approach Based on Equilibrium Exchange Rates
Michel Aglietta, Camille Baulant, Virginie Coudert
December 1997 N°1997- 18
How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment
Lionel Fontagné, Michaël Pajot
December 1997 N°1997- 17
Cycles de production industrielle : une analyse historique dans le domaine des fréquences
Pierre Villa
novembre 1997 N°1997- 16
Internal and External Policy Coordination: a Dynamic Analysis
Fabrice Capoën, Pierre Villa
November 1997 N°1997- 15
Optimal Pegs for Asian Currencies
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
October 1997 N°1997- 14
Pour ou contre le système commun de TVA ?
Stéphanie Guichard, Claire Lefebvre
juin 1997 N°1997- 13
The Euro and Exchange Rate Stability
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Benoît Mojon, Jean Pisani-Ferry
June 1997 N°1997- 12
Estimation du cycle à l'aide d'un modèle à tendance stochastique et application au cas du Royaume-Uni
Laurence Boone
juin 1997 N°1997- 11
Looking for French Monetary Policy
Benoît Mojon
May 1997 N°1997- 10
Incertitude sur le choix du modèle et rationalité
Pierre Villa
mai 1997 N°1997- 09
Quel est l'impact du commerce extérieur sur la productivité et l'emploi ?
Olivier Cortès, Sébastien Jean
avril 1997 N°1997- 08
Trade Patterns Inside the Single Market
Lionel Fontagné, Michaël Freudenberg, Nicolas Peridy
April 1997 N°1997- 07
The Exchange Rate Policy of the Euro: a Matter of Size?
Philippe Martin
April 1997 N°1997- 06
Ces taux de change réels qui bifurquent
Pierre Villa
avril 1997 N°1997- 05
Chômage non-qualifié et imitation: les raisons d'un accord international sur la propriété intellectuelle
Lionel Fontagné, Jean-Louis Guérin
avril 1997 N°1997- 04
Symmetry and Asymmetry of Supply and Demand Shocks in the European Union
Laurence Boone
March 1997 N°1997- 03
Interest Rates in East Asian Countries: Internal Financial Structures and International Linkages
Isabelle Bensidoun, Virginie Coudert, Laurence Nayman
January 1997 N°1997- 02
Intra-Industry Trade: Methodological Issues Reconsidered
Lionel Fontagné, Michaël Freudenberg
January 1997 N°1997- 01
The Cost of Fiscal Retrenchment Revisited: how Strong is the Evidence?
Philippine Cour, Eric Dubois, Selma Mahfouz, Jean Pisani-Ferry
December 1996 N°1996- 16
Les dynamiques sectorielles de la croissance industrielle en Europe Centrale
Françoise Lemoine
décembre 1996 N°1996- 15
Growth and Agglomeration
Philippe Martin, Gianmarco Ottaviano
December 1996 N°1996- 14
La coordination interne et externe des politiques économiques: une analyse dynamique
Fabrice Capoën, Pierre Villa
décembre 1996 N°1996- 13
L'intégration asymétrique au sein du continent américain : un essai de modélisation
Philippine Cour, Frédéric Rupprecht
octobre 1996 N°1996- 12
Croissance et contraintes financières dans les PED
Pierre Villa
octobre 1996 N°1996- 11
Bulgaria from Enterprise Indiscipline to Financial Crisis
Roumen Avramov, Jérôme Sgard
July 1996 N°1996- 10
Potentialities and Opportunities of the Euro as an International Currency
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
July 1996 N°1996- 09
Credit Crisis and the Role of Banks During Transition: a Five-Country Comparison
Jérôme Sgard
July 1996 N°1996- 08
Exchange Rate Regimes and Policies in Asia
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
July 1996 N°1996- 07
France in the Early Depression of the Thirties
Pierre Villa
June 1996 N°1996- 06
Pays émergents, emploi déficient ?
Olivier Cortès, Sébastien Jean
Mars 1996 N°1996- 05
Trade with Emerging Countries and the Labour Market: The French Case
Olivier Cortès, Sébastien Jean, Jean Pisani-Ferry
March 1996 N°1996- 04
The Transmission of Monetary Policy in the European Countries
Fernando Barran, Virginie Coudert, Benoît Mojon
February 1996 N°1996- 03
Trade Policy and Trade Patterns During Transition: a Comparison Between China and the CEECs
Françoise Lemoine
February 1996 N°1996- 02
Financial Market Failures and Systemic Risk
Michel Aglietta
January 1996 N°1996- 01
Why NAFTA Might Be Discriminatory
Lionel Fontagné
December 1995 N°1995- 12
Régionalisation et échanges de biens intermédiaires
Lionel Fontagné, Michaël Freudenberg, Deniz Ünal
décembre 1995 N°1995- 11
The Geography of Multi-Speed Europe
Philippe Martin, Gianmarco Ottaviano
November 1995 N°1995- 10
The Political Economy of French Economic Policy and the Transition to EMU
Christian de Boissieu, Jean Pisani-Ferry
November 1995 N°1995- 09
L'importance des exclus de l'intégration monétaire en Europe
Philippe Martin
novembre 1995 N°1995- 08
Asymétries financières en Europe et transmission de la politique monétaire
Virginie Coudert, Benoît Mojon
septembre 1995 N°1995- 07
La mesure du capital éducatif
Pierre Villa
septembre 1995 N°1995- 06
Capital humain, mobilité des capitaux et commerce international
Pierre Villa
mai 1995 N°1995- 05
L'Europe à géométrie variable, une analyse économique
Jean Pisani-Ferry
avril 1995 N°1995- 04
Comparaison de l'efficacité énergétique des pays d'Europe centrale et orientale avec celle des pays de l'OCDE
Nina Kousnetzoff
avril 1995 N°1995- 03
L'organisation de la politique économique dans un cadre stratégique
Pierre Villa
mars 1995 N°1995- 02
Interest Rates, Banking Spreads and Credit Supply: The Real Effects
Fernando Barran, Virginie Coudert, Benoît Mojon
March 1995 N°1995- 01
L'après CAEM : la dynamique des échanges entre les pays de Visegrad
Dominique Pianelli
décembre 1994 N°1994- 16
CEEC Exports to the EC : Country Differentiation and Commodity Diversification
Françoise Lemoine
December 1994 N°1994- 15
Union monétaire et convergence : qu'avons nous appris ?
Jean Pisani-Ferry
décembre 1994 N°1994- 14
Chômage et salaire en France sur longue période
Pierre Villa
novembre 1994 N°1994- 13
Croissance et spécialisation
Frédéric Busson, Pierre Villa
novembre 1994 N°1994- 12
The International Monetary System : in search of New Principles
Michel Aglietta
September 1994 N°1994- 11
French and German Productivity Levels in Manufacturing: A Comparison Based on the Industry-of-Origin Method
Michaël Freudenberg, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci
September 1994 N°1994- 10
La réunification allemande du point de vue de la politique économique
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Pierre Villa
septembre 1994 N°1994- 09
Commerce international, emploi et salaires
Olivier Cortes, Sébastien Jean
août 1994 N°1994- 08
La fonction de consommation sur longue période en France
Pierre Villa
juillet 1994 N°1994- 07
Réglementation et prise de risque des intermédiaires financiers
Benoît Mojon
juillet 1994 N°1994- 06
Turquie 1980-1994 : d'une stabilisation à l'autre
Isabelle Bensidoun
juillet 1994 N°1994- 05
Economic Policy Strategies to Fight Mass Unemployment in Europe : An Appraisal
Henri Delessy, Henri Sterdyniak
July 1994 N°1994- 04
Transmission de la politique monétaire et crédit, une application à 5 pays de l'OCDE
Fernando Barran, Virginie Coudert, Benoît Mojon
1994 N°1994- 03
Indépendance de la banque centrale et politique budgétaire
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Jean Pisani-Ferry
juin 1994 N°1994- 02
Les systèmes de paiements dans l'intégration européenne
Michel Aglietta
mai 1994 N°1994- 01