Le blog du CEPII
Competitiveness & Growth

Éclairage sur la balance commerciale 2023 : entre défis énergétiques et résilience sectorielle, le déficit s’installe

 Facts & FiguresJanuary 29, 2024
By Manon Madec
Le solde commercial de la France, qui a atteint son plus bas niveau historique en 2022, s’améliore légèrement en 2023 grâce à la baisse des prix de l’énergie. Cette tendance est soutenue par des exportations dynamiques dans les secteurs de spécialisation de la France ainsi que des services. Le déficit reste important, bien supérieur à celui affiché par nos voisins européens. À l'échelle de l'UE, la baisse des prix de l'énergie conduit au rétablissement d'un excédent commercial.

Why the WTO needs reform

 PostNovember 16, 2018
By Sébastien Jean
The world trading system is facing an existential crisis. This calls for a significant update of the rulebook, dealing with dissatisfactions regarding negotiation and rules, surveillance, as well as adjudication.

Why denser areas are more productive

 PostDecember 2, 2016
By Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni
A key driver of productivity is ease of resource allocation. This column uses firm-level data for France to show that misallocation has a spatial dimension: resource allocation and the associated effect on productivity are related not only to firms’ characteristics, but also to the environment in which they operate. Denser commuting zones seem to offer a better match between employers and employees, leading to more productive firms.

Back to the Great Moderation?

 PostApril 30, 2015
By Stéphane Lhuissier
Following the largest financial shock since the Great Depression, modern industrial countries appear to be coming back to a moderate growth trajectory, as was the case for the last three decades.

Europe is trapped by its competitiveness obsession

 PostApril 22, 2015
By Sébastien Jean
While European external surpluses are accumulating and domestic demand is slacking, insisting on improving the Union’s external competitiveness, as some in the Commission are presently doing, is paradoxical. For Europe, the paramount risk is not losing its competitiveness. It is not recovering cohesion and growth.

Emerging turbulences

 PostSeptember 10, 2013
By Christophe Destais
The current turmoil in emerging capital markets is the result of a classical reversal of market sentiment after an excess of optimism. There are good reasons for being cautiously optimistic but uncertainties remain.

International specialization: a focus on services

 Facts & FiguresDecember 19, 2011
By Colette Herzog, Deniz Ünal
The specialization of countries in international trade reveals their comparative advantages and disadvantages. The CHELEM database which provides complete and consistent statistics classified by country in the long term is used to analyze the structural aspect of the competitiveness of nations in all economic sectors, namely the primary sector, industry and services.

CEPII's Well Being Indicator

 Facts & FiguresDecember 19, 2011
By Michel Fouquin
Although economists have long stressed the limitations of using GDP to evaluate standards of living, the debate was recently reignited by the publication of the Stiglitz report. The CEPII has proposed to calculate an indicator for the year 2009 and 34 countries incorporating certain social data items in terms of income equivalents.

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