CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Lionel Fontagné

Scientific Advisor
Trade Policy Research Program Manager
Adviser to the Director for Trade Policy

Trade & Globalization
Competitiveness & Growth


Tél. +33 (0)1 53 68 55 06


updated : March 7, 2022
A First Assessment of Environment-Related Trade Barriers
CEPII Working Paper, N°2001-10, October 2001
Lionel Fontagné, Friedrich von Kirchbach, Mondher Mimouni

International Trade and Rent Sharing in Developed and Developing countries
CEPII Working Paper, N°2001-09, October 2001
Lionel FontagnéDaniel Mirza

L'environnement, nouvel obstacle au commerce de produits agricoles et alimentaires
Economie internationale, N°87, La Documentation Française, July 2001
Lionel Fontagné, Mondher Mimouni

Good Taxes Make Good Friends
La Lettre du CEPII, N°203, July 2001
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné

Les bons impôts font les bons amis
La Lettre du CEPII, N°203, July 2001
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné

Exchange-Rate Strategies in the Competition for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, June 2001
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné, Amina Lahrèche-Révil

Foreign Trade and FDI Stocks in British, US and French Industries: Complements or Substitutes? (in "Inward investment, technological change and growth: The impact of multinational corporations on the UK economy")
, N°60, Palgrave, p.pp. 59-83, 2001
Lionel Fontagné, Michaël Pajot

Foreign Direct Investment and the Prospects for Tax Co-Ordination in Europe
CEPII Working Paper, N°2000-06, May 2000
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné, Amina Lahrèche-Revil

Exchange Rate Strategies in the Competition for Attracting FDI
CEPII Working Paper, N°1999-16, December 1999
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Lionel Fontagné, Amina Lahrèche-Revil

Haute technologie et échelles de qualité : de fortes asymétries en Europe
CEPII Working Paper, N°1999-08, June 1999
Lionel Fontagné, Michaël Freudenberg, Deniz Ünal-Kesenci

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