CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Lionel Fontagné

Scientific Advisor
Trade Policy Research Program Manager
Adviser to the Director for Trade Policy

Trade & Globalization
Competitiveness & Growth


Tél. +33 (0)1 53 68 55 06


updated : March 7, 2022
Shooting Oneself in the Foot? Trade War and Global Value Chains
CEPII Working Paper, N°2019-18, December 2019
Cecilia Bellora, Lionel Fontagné

TBTs, Firm Organization and Labour Structure
CEPII Working Paper, N°2019-14, October 2019
Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Lionel FontagnéGianluca Orefice, Giovanni Pica & Anna Cecilia Rosso

Shooting oneself in the foot? Trade war and value added
European Trade Study Group (ETSG) - Annual Conference, 14 September 2019
Cecilia Bellora, Lionel Fontagné

Faut-il ratifier le CETA ? La question qui agite les députés à la veille du vote
Le Monde, July 16,  2019
Lionel Fontagné

Guerre commerciale: le pire est à venir pour l'Europe
L'Usine Nouvelle, July 12,  2019
Lionel Fontagné

Évaluation macro-économique des impacts de l’Accord économique et commercial global entre le Canada et l’Union européenne
CEPII Research Report, N°2019-01, June 2019
Cecilia Bellora, Jean Fouré, Lionel Fontagné

Shooting oneself in the foot? Trade war and value added
GTAP Annual Conference, 20 June 2019
Cecilia Bellora, Lionel Fontagné

Shooting oneself in the foot? US trade policy coping with Global Value Chains 
La Lettre du CEPII, N°398, April 2019
Cecilia Bellora, Lionel Fontagné

Trade wars and global value chains: Shooting oneself in the foot
Vox EU, N°-, April 2019
Cecilia Bellora, Lionel Fontagné

Trade wars and global value chains: Shooting oneself in the foot
Le Blog du CEPII, Post, April 23, 2019
Cecilia Bellora, Lionel Fontagné

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