International Economics

<< N°172

Issue Q3 2022  
Financial market economy vs self-financing economy and the role of risk aversion  
Laurent Augier
Chao Yin
This paper revisits the thesis of Levine (1991) on the positive contribution of the financial market on the rate of economic growth. According to the author, the stock market performs, because it facilitates the formation of capital by increasing the liquidity of the market. In contrast, the economy private financial markets would be less effective. Such a conclusion is yet far from obvious. From the model of Levine (1991), we examine the equilibrium proportion invested in high-return (illiquid) projects and we show that the self-financing economy can record a growth rate higher than that of the economy of financial markets. Regardless of the stock market, economic growth is related to the interactions between the aversion to risk and the parameters of the set of production.

Economic development ; Financial markets ; Risk aversion ; Keywords
D15 ; O16 ; E20 ; JEL classification
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