Vendredi 6 décembre 2013
9h30 - 19h
Immigration in OECD Countries - Conference
For this third edition, the conference will focus on economic recession and migration.
Third annual Conference on IMMIGRATION IN OECD COUNTRIES Economic Recession and Migration
6 December 2013
OECD Conference Centre, Paris The OECD, the French research center in international economics (CEPII), the research team Equippe of the University of Lille, the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, the University of Luxemburg and IRES (Université Catholique de Louvain) are jointly organizing the Third annual Conference on “Immigration in OECD Countries“. This edition will have one outstanding keynote speaker: Professor Timothy Hatton from the Australian National University and the University of Essex. The conference is devoted to examining the economic aspects of international migration in OECD countries. In particular, this edition aims at shedding some light on the consequences of economic downturn in OECD countries on migration flows and on migrants’ behavior: How do labour migration flows react to changes in economic conditions in destination countries? What is the impact of the great recession on the composition of migration flows by main categories (labour, family, humanitarian, students) and on destination choices? What are the available evidence regarding return and secondary migration? How immigrants and their children are faring in the labour market? Call for paper This conference is organized by: Xavier Chojnicki (CEPII ; EQUIPPE ; Université Lille 2), Jean-Christophe Dumont (OECD), Maëlan Le Goff (CEPII), Lionel Ragot (CEPII ; Université Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense).
09:15-09:45 – Welcome coffee 09:45-10:00 – WELCOME ADDRESS (Room C) Sébastien JEAN (CEPII Director) and Stefano SCARPETTA (Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs at the OECD) 10:00-11:00 – KEYNOTE ADDRESS (Room C) Timothy HATTON (Australian National University) The Slump and Immigration Policy in Europe Moderator: Stefano SCARPETTA 11:00-11:30 – Coffee break 11:30-13:00 – INVITED SESSION (Room C) Chair: Hubert JAYET (Université Lille 1 - EQUIPPE) Hillel RAPOPORT (Paris School of Economics) “Birthplace Diversity and Economic Prosperity” Discussant: Mariya ALEKSYNSKA (ILO) Michel BEINE (University of Luxemburg) “Aggregate Fluctuations and International Migration” Discussant: Hubert JAYET (Université Lille 1 - EQUIPPE) Jesus FERNANDEZ-HUERTAS MORAGA (Foundation for the Study of Applied Economics and IZA) “The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows” Discussant: Tito BOERI (Bocconi University) 13:00-14:30 – Lunch