CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Mardi 25 octobre 2016
Big data and migration: the next frontier in migration measurement and analysis

By Invitation only
The Migration Seminar is a monthly seminar series that is organized with the support of the Paris School of Economics, the CEPII and the Labex OSE. Most of the sessions include a presentation from an international scholar and another from a researcher in the Paris area. The aim of this seminar series is to provide a forum to discuss high-quality empirical and theoretical research on the economics of migration.
Contacts :
Anthony Edo (anthony.edo@cepii.fr;
Hillel Rapoport (Hillel.Rapoport@univ-paris1.fr)
Alexia Lochmann (alochmann89@gmail.com)
Biagio Speciale ( biagio.speciale@univ-paris1.fr )
Session 1

“So Little Data: Existing Information Sources on International Migration Flows”
Simone BERTOLI - CERDI, University of Auvergne

“Data-driven models of human mobility”
Fosca GIANOTTI  - Information Science and Technology Institute, Pisa

- Catholic University of Louvain

Session 2

“Big Data, Diversity and Wellbeing”
University of Pisa

Philipp KETZ - PSE