CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Jeudi 27 juin 2019 - Vendredi 28 juin 2019
Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Ilot Bernard du Bois, Marseille
19th Doctoral Meetings in International Trade and International Finance

The RIEF network organizes a yearly doctoral meeting which offers the opportunity for a limited number of PhD candidates or young PhDs to present their papers to active senior researchers in the field. Previous meetings took place in prestigious Universities such as Munich, Lille, the European University Institute in Florence, Zürich, Paris I, Bocconi, Nice, Kiel or Barcelona.

This year, the RIEF is pleased to welcome Linda Tesar (Department of Economics – University of Michigan and NBER) and Mathias Thoenig (HEC – University of Lausanne and CEPR) as keynote speakers.

PhDs candidates and young PhDs (still on the job market) should submit their papers (exclusively in English) in electronic format (pdf) to:


by March 1, 2019 at the latest. Papers are refereed and selected by RIEF board members (complete list can be found here: http://sites.google.com/site/riefnetwork). Decisions will be notified by end of April 2019. A prize of 500 euros will be awarded to the best paper presented. To be eligible, authors and co-authors should be PhD students at the time of papers’ submission.

Thanks to our sponsors, there will be no submission and participation fees. Participants will have to cover hotel and travel expenses themselves.

CONFERENCE VENUE: Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Ilot Bernard du Bois, Marseille
SCIENTIFIC MATTERS: Anne-Célia Disdier (anne-celia.disdier@ens.fr), Mathieu Parenti (mathieu.parenti@ulb.ac.be)
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: Sophie de Salée (sophie.desalee@cepii.fr)
LOCAL ORGANIZERS: Nicolas Berman (nicolas.berman@univ-amu.fr), Lorenzo Rotunno (lorenzo.rotunno@univ-amu.fr)
RIEF WEBSITE: http://sites.google.com/site/riefnetwork/

The financial support of the following institutions is gratefully acknowledged: