Vendredi 7 décembre 2012
9am-6pm - OCDE
Immigration in OECD countries - Conference
This year, the conference will focus on Selecting and integrating skilled migrants.
Second annual Conference on
IMMIGRATION IN OECD COUNTRIES Selecting and integrating skilled migrants 7 December 2012 OECD Conference Centre, Paris Online registration The educational attainment of immigrants in OECD countries has been increasing significantly over the past two decades. This is the result of a combination of higher educational attainment in origin countries and a growing focus on skilled labour migration in destination countries. Yet, labour shortages persist and are expected to grow in many OECD countries for several types of skills. In parallel, there is a large and growing discrepancy between immigrants’ formal qualifications and the type of jobs they perform, although not all groups of migrants are equally affected. In 2005/06, 36% of employed migrants from low/middle-income countries with a university degree were working in intermediate or low-skilled jobs, compared with 21% for native-born workers. A similar phenomenon is also observed among medium-educated migrants. There are several possible reasons behind this, including language difficulties, and uncertainty about the value of qualifications and work experience acquired in the origin country. Yet, also native-born offspring of immigrants often face lower returns to their qualifications, pointing to other, structural obstacles such as lack of knowledge about labour market functioning and lack of networks, as well as discrimination. This conference aims at shedding some light on the measurement and utilisation of migrants’ skills, the reasons behind the observed lower returns for migrants to observable skills and differences in these returns among migrant groups and skills levels. It also intends to discuss the effectiveness of policies to select and retain skilled migrants, as well as of policies to make better use of the skills of migrants - including through the assessment and recognition of qualifications and work experience obtained abroad. The conference is jointly organised by the OECD, the French research center in international economics (CEPII) and its Club, the research team Equippe of the University of Lille, the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, the University of Luxemburg and IRES (Université Catholique de Louvain). Call for papers This conference is organized by: Xavier Chojnicki (CEPII ; EQUIPPE ; Université Lille 2), Jean-Christophe Dumont (OECD), Maëlan Le Goff (CEPII), Lionel Ragot (CEPII ; Université Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense). 10:00-10:30 - Welcome address Auditorium, simultaneous translation in English and French Christophe DESTAIS (CEPII Director) and Stefano SCARPETTA (Deputy Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD) 10:30-11:30 - Keynote Address Auditorium, simultaneous translation in English and French Barry CHISWICK (George Washington University, Washington DC) "The Impact of Surplus Skills on Earnings: Extending the Over-Education Model to Language Proficiency" Moderator: Stefano SCARPETTA
Persons with names in bold will be presenting. Contact: Sophie Piton (CEPII); + 33 (0)1 53 68 55 23 |