CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Jeudi 13 février 2025
2:00 - 3:15 pm - CEPII, 20 avenue de Ségur, 75007 Paris
The CEPII research seminar "Opportunities or Benefits: Local Conditions an Refugee Labor Market Integration"

Andreas Steynmar
Professor of Empirical Economic Research at the University of Innsbruck
Professor Andreas Steynmar will present "Opportunities or Benefits : Local Conditions and Refugee Labor Market Integration" co-autored with Valentin Wett and Katia Gallegos Torres.

The authors analyze the effects of variations in labor demand and the generosity of welfare benefits at the time of receiving protection on the labor market integration and location choice of refugees. Due to a series of reforms, initially, exogenously dispersed refugees face substantial differences in benefit levels and labor demand - but are free to move after receiving protection. Higher labor demand increases employment rates, while higher benefits have a small negative effect. These effects last for 2.5 years. However, both shocks persistently affect internal migration. Finally, changes in benefit levels have larger effects on employment when labor demand is high.

Contact: conferencesatcepii.fr