Le blog du CEPII

Emerging turbulences

 PostSeptember 10, 2013
By Christophe Destais
The current turmoil in emerging capital markets is the result of a classical reversal of market sentiment after an excess of optimism. There are good reasons for being cautiously optimistic but uncertainties remain.

Challenges ahead for the next WTO DG

 PostMay 2, 2013
By Sébastien Jean
The WTO is going through a leadership transition as after 8 years, the incumbent Director-General steps down on September 1, 2013. What are the challenges ahead for Pascal Lamy’s successor? The next DG will certainly have to take the Doha loss and move toward an updated multilateral trading system.

Monetary policy in exceptional times

 PostJanuary 31, 2013
By Urszula Szczerbowicz
The last 5 years have been a major challenge for the theory and practice of monetary policy. The key channel of conventional monetary policy has been severely impaired and the target policy rates in some countries have approached zero.

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