Le blog du CEPII

Six pack: the case for a simplified scoreboard

 PostNovember 14, 2012
By Laurence Nayman, Sophie Piton, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
In December 2011, the ‘six pack’ introduced a new surveillance procedure of macroeconomic imbalances at the European level. However, the ten indicators used for the early warning of imbalances do not seem much more relevant than the simple indicator of the current account balance.

The case for the ECB sovereign bonds purchases

 PostJuly 10, 2012
By Urszula Szczerbowicz
On Thursday July 5th the ECB decided to cut its main refinancing rate to 0.75%, for the first time crossing the historical low of 1%. More importantly, it reduced the overnight deposit facility rate to 0%. In doing so, the ECB encouraged banks to transform the liquidity received via two 3-year LTROs into credit to companies and households, instead of keeping it at the ECB deposit facility.

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