Visiting Researchers
This programme is intended to foster new projects and collaborations between CEPII’s economists and scholars working in foreign countries. It offers selected scholars a high-quality working environment, as well as a lump-sum allowance, for a one- to three-month stay at CEPII during which they will have the opportunity to be integrated in CEPII’s working life, in a flexible way. For the visiting scholars as for the Centre, this programme is thought of as a way to plant the seeds of future collaborative works.
Researchers are invited to send two-page research proposals to Thomas Grjebine

Each proposal should contain:
- a policy-oriented motivation of the research;
- a description of the methodology envisaged;
- a description of the data required;
- a list of the researchers involved in the proposal, with their affiliations, CVs and lists of publications. Direct collaboration with CEPII’s researchers is welcome but not mandatory;
- a planned schedule (from 1 to 3 months).
The programme is flexible and potentially concerns different types of researchers. For young researchers (PhD students & post-docs), a reference letter should be attached to the research proposal.
Selected visiting scholars will be asked to publish the outcome of their research in CEPII’s working papers series.
The CEPII offers:
- research facilities at CEPII for the period concerned;
- access to CEPII’s databases (with restrictions for individual data[*]), see;
- research collaborations, seminars, etc;