Tuesday February 14, 2012
How Economics Shapes Science
Conférence organisée par le CEPII et le Club du CEPII avec Paula Stephan à l’occasion de la sortie de son ouvrage : « How Economics Shapes Science » (séance en anglais)
Le Club du CEPII et le CEPII sont heureux de vous inviter à une rencontre avec Paula Stephan à l’occasion de la sortie de son ouvrage :
« How Economics Shapes Science »

The beauty of science may be pure and eternal, but the practice of science costs money...
At a time when science is seen as an engine of economic growth, Paula Stephan brings a keen understanding of the ongoing cost-benefit calculations made by individuals and institutions as they compete for resources and reputation. With funding tight, investigators pursue safe projects rather than less fundable ones with uncertain but potentially path-breaking outcomes. Career prospects in science are increasingly dismal for the young because of ever-lengthening apprenticeships, scarcity of permanent academic positions, and the difficulty of getting funded.
Vivid, thorough, and bold, How Economics Shapes Science highlights the growing gap between the haves and have-nots—especially the vast imbalance between the biomedical sciences and physics/engineering—and offers a persuasive vision of a more productive, more creative research system that would lead and benefit the world.
Paula Stephan is Professor of Economics at Georgia State University and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). She has served on the Board on Higher Education and Workforce at the NRC, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences Council, and the Social, Behavioral, and Economics Advisory Committee at the NSF. 
Frédérique SACHWALD, Chef du département Politiques d'incitation à la R&D des entreprises, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche.
Président de séance
Christophe Destais, Directeur-adjoint du CEPII ; Administrateur-délégué du Club du CEPII ; Enseignant à Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
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