CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Thursday February 8, 2018
9.00-10.30 - CEPII, 20, avenue de Ségur, 75007 Paris
Building a Better IMF: Lessons from Independent Evaluations of IMF Performance
with Prakash LOUNGANI, Advisor & Senior Personnel Manager, Independent Evaluation Office, IMF

Advisor & Senior Personnel Manager, Independent Evaluation Office, IMF
He is also an adjunct professor at Vanderbilt University’s Owen School of Management. He has 25 years of job experience at the IMF, the Federal Reserve System and the University of Florida. His research interests include: causes of unemployment; global housing markets; impacts of energy price shocks; and assessment of forecasting performance.
Graduate from the French Ecole polytechnique and ENSAE, emeritus Professor of Economic Sciences at the University of Paris X Nanterre, Michel Aglietta is an Advisor to the CEPII and France Stratégie.
Since its establishment  in 2001 in the aftermath of the Asian crisis, the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) has been providing,  over the years,  evaluations of topics such as the IMF’s role in the crises in Greece, Ireland and Portugal, structural conditionality in IMF programs;  the IMF’s role in capital account crises, IMF advice on exchange rate policy and international reserve management; and the Fund’s approach to social protection.
Prakash LOUNGANI will present the key findings from these evaluations and outline the changes that the IMF has implemented in response.
Beyond the IEO’s studies, this seminar will give participants an opportunity to disscuss how the IMF’s role and doctrine have evolved over time and what are the Fund’s  prospects for the future.

Contact: conferencesatcepii.fr