Chômage non-qualifié et imitation: les raisons d'un accord international sur la propriété intellectuelle
CEPII Working Paper, N°1997-04, April 1997
Lionel Fontagné, Jean-Louis Guérin
Symmetry and Asymmetry of Supply and Demand Shocks in the European Union
CEPII Working Paper, N°1997-03, March 1997
Laurence Boone
Interest Rates in East Asian Countries: Internal Financial Structures and International Linkages
CEPII Working Paper, N°1997-02, January 1997
Isabelle Bensidoun, Virginie Coudert, Laurence Nayman
Intra-Industry Trade: Methodological Issues Reconsidered
CEPII Working Paper, N°1997-01, January 1997
Lionel Fontagné, Michaël Freudenberg
The Cost of Fiscal Retrenchment Revisited: how Strong is the Evidence?
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-16, December 1996
Philippine Cour, Eric Dubois, Selma Mahfouz, Jean Pisani-Ferry
Les dynamiques sectorielles de la croissance industrielle en Europe Centrale
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-15, December 1996
Françoise Lemoine
Growth and Agglomeration
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-14, December 1996
Philippe Martin, Gianmarco Ottaviano
La coordination interne et externe des politiques économiques: une analyse dynamique
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-13, December 1996
Fabrice Capoën, Pierre Villa
L'intégration asymétrique au sein du continent américain : un essai de modélisation
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-12, October 1996
Philippine Cour, Frédéric Rupprecht
Croissance et contraintes financières dans les PED
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-11, October 1996
Pierre Villa
CEPII Working Paper, N°1997-04, April 1997
Lionel Fontagné, Jean-Louis Guérin
Symmetry and Asymmetry of Supply and Demand Shocks in the European Union
CEPII Working Paper, N°1997-03, March 1997
Laurence Boone
Interest Rates in East Asian Countries: Internal Financial Structures and International Linkages
CEPII Working Paper, N°1997-02, January 1997
Isabelle Bensidoun, Virginie Coudert, Laurence Nayman
Intra-Industry Trade: Methodological Issues Reconsidered
CEPII Working Paper, N°1997-01, January 1997
Lionel Fontagné, Michaël Freudenberg
The Cost of Fiscal Retrenchment Revisited: how Strong is the Evidence?
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-16, December 1996
Philippine Cour, Eric Dubois, Selma Mahfouz, Jean Pisani-Ferry
Les dynamiques sectorielles de la croissance industrielle en Europe Centrale
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-15, December 1996
Françoise Lemoine
Growth and Agglomeration
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-14, December 1996
Philippe Martin, Gianmarco Ottaviano
La coordination interne et externe des politiques économiques: une analyse dynamique
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-13, December 1996
Fabrice Capoën, Pierre Villa
L'intégration asymétrique au sein du continent américain : un essai de modélisation
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-12, October 1996
Philippine Cour, Frédéric Rupprecht
Croissance et contraintes financières dans les PED
CEPII Working Paper, N°1996-11, October 1996
Pierre Villa
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