CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Market Size, Competition, and the Product Mix of Exporters
American Economic Review, vol. 2(104), p.495-536, février 2014
Thierry MayerMarc MelitzGianmarco Ottaviano

Short-Run Dynamics in Bank Credit: Assessing Nonlinearities in Cyclicality
Economic Modelling, vol. 37, p.127-136, février 2014
Vincent Bouvatier, Antonia Lopez-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon

Where is the system?
International Economics, Vol. 138, p.1–27, Q2 2014
Sylvain Benoit

Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU's ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island
International Economics, Vol. 137, p.1-21, Q1 2014
Fabien Candau, Michaël Goujon, Jean-François Hoarau, Serge Rey

Credit constraints and firm imports of capital goods: Evidence from middle- and low-income countries
International Economics, Vol. 140, p.1-18, Q4 2014
Dario Fauceglia

Competitiveness and growth within the CFA franc zone: Does the switch to the Euro matter?
International Economics, Vol. 139, p.1-18, Q3 2014
Issiaka Coulibaly

Frictions de recherche sur les marchés financiers
Revue Française d'Economie, N°4, janvier 2014
Fabien Tripier

Deep Integration and Production Networks: an empirical analysis
The World Economy, vol. 37(1), Wiley, p.106-136, janvier 2014
Gianluca Orefice, Nadia Rocha

Are complementary reforms a "luxury" for developing countries?
Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 42, p.417-435, 2014
Joaquim Oliveira Martins, J. Braga de Macedo , Bruno Rocha

Health, Pension Benefits and Longevity: How they affect Household Savings?
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 2014
Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Najat El-Mekkaoui

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