CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Unconventional monetary policy reaction functions: evidence from the US
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, vol. 24(4), De Gruyter, p.20080088, novembre 2020
Luca Agnello, Vitor Castro, Gilles Dufrénot, Fredj Jawadi & Ricardo Sousa

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Reshaping the Trade Landscape and What to Do About It
Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy, vol. 3(55), p.135-139, juin 2020
Sébastien Jean

Reforming the European Common Agricultural Policy: From price & income support to risk management
Journal of Policy Modeling, vol. 42(3), mai 2020
Yu ZhengAlexandre Gohin

Friendly fire: The trade impact of the Russia sanctions and counter-sanctions
Economic Policy,, N°35(101), p.97-146, 2020
Matthieu Crozet, Julian Hinz

Immigrant entrepreneurs, diasporas, and exports
Journal of Regional Science, vol. 60(2), p.249-272, 2020
Massimiliano Bratti, Luca De Benedictis, Gianluca Santoni

Migrant inventors and the technological advantage of nations
Research Policy, 2020
Dany Bahar, Raj Chojdhury, Hillel Rapoport

Migration and inequality in the Western African Economic and Monetary Union
Journal of Comparative Economics, 2020
Esther Girsberger, Romuald Meango, Hillel Rapoport

Diaspora externalities
IZA Journal of Development and Migration, vol. 10(2), 2020
Hillel Rapoport

Cross-border Investments and Uncertainty: Firm-level Evidence
Journal of International Money and Finance, N°Forthcoming , 2020
Rafael Cezar, Timothée Gigout, Fabien Tripier

Liquidity of fire sales and saving (soumis)
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2020
Axelle Arquié

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