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©CEPII 2001

Mentions légales

2008 Document de travail CEPII
Do Terms of Trade Drive Real Exchange Rates? Comparing Oil and Commodity Currencies Virginie Coudert
Cécile Couharde
Valérie Mignon
Décembre 2008-32
Vietnam's Accession to the WTO: Ex-Post Evaluation in a Dynamic Perspective Houssein Guimbard
Hugo Valin
Décembre 2008-31
Structural Gravity Equations with Intensive and Extensive Margins Matthieu Crozet
Pamina Koenig
Décembre 2008-30
Trade Prices and the Euro Julien Martin
Isabelle Méjean
Décembre 2008-29
Commerce international et transports : tendances du pass� et prospective 2020 Christophe Gouel
Nina Kousnetzoff
Hassan Salman
Décembre 2008-28
The Erosion of Colonial Trade Linkages after Independence Thierry Mayer
Keith Head
John Ries
Décembre 2008-27
Plus grandes, plus fortes, plus loin... Performances relatives des firmes exportatrices françaises Matthieu Crozet
Isabelle Méjean
Soledad Zignago
Novembre 2008-26
A General Equilibrium Evaluation of the Sustainability of the New Pension Reforms in Italy Riccardo Magnani Novembre 2008-25
The Location of Japanese MNC Affiliates: Agglomeration, Spillovers and Firm Heterogeneity Tomohiko Inui
Toshiyuki Matsuura
Sandra Poncet
Octobre 2008-24
Nonlinear Adjustment of the Real Exchange Rate Towards its Equilibrium Value: a Panel Smooth Transition Error Correction Modelling Sophie Béreau
Antonia Lopez Villavicencio
Valérie Mignon
Octobre 2008-23
Demographic Uncertainty in Europe. Implications on Macro Economic Trends and Pension Reforms (An Investigation with the INGENUE2 Model) Michel Aglietta
Vladimir Borgy
Octobre 2008-22
The Euro Effects on the Firm and Product-Level Trade Margins: Evidence from France Antoine Berthou
Lionel Fontagné
Octobre 2008-21
The Impact of Economic Geography on Wages: Disentangling the Channels of Influence Laura Hering
Sandra Poncet
Octobre 2008-20
Do Corporate Taxes Reduce Productivity and Investment at the Firm Level? Cross-Country Evidence from the Amadeus Dataset Jens Arnold
Cyrille Schwellnus
Septembre 2008-19
Choosing Sensitive Agricultural Products in Trade Negotiations Sébastien Jean
David Laborde
Will Martin
Septembre 2008-18
Government Consumption Volatility and Country Size Davide Furceri
>Marcos Poplawski Ribeiro
Septembre 2008-17
Inherited or Earned? Performance of Foreign Banks in Central and Eastern Europe Olena Havrylchyk
Emilia Jurzyk
Septembre 2008-16
The Effect of Foreign Bank Entry on the Cost of Credit in Transition Economies. Which Borrowers Benefit the Most? Hans Degryse
Olena Havrylchyk
Emilia Jurzyk
Sylwester Kozak
Septembre 2008-15
Contagion in the Credit Default Swap Market: the Case of the GM and Ford Crisis in 2005 Virginie Coudert
Mathieu Gex
Septembre 2008-14
Exporting to Insecure Markets: a Firm-Level Analysis Matthieu Crozet
Pamina Koenig
Vincent Rebeyrol
Septembre 2008-13
Social Competition and Firms' Location Choices Vincent Delbecque
Isabelle Méjean
Lise Patureau
Juillet 2008-12
Border Effects of Brazilian States Marie Daumal
Soledad Zignago
Juin 2008-11
International Trade Price Indices Guillaume Gaulier
Julien Martin
Isabelle Méjean
Soledad Zignago
Juin 2008-10
Base de données CHELEM - Commerce international du CEPII Alix de Saint Vaulry Juin 2008-09
The Brain Drain Between Knowledge Based Economies: the European Human Capital Outflows to the US Ahmed Tritah Juin 2008-08
Currency Misalignments and Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging and Developing Countries Virginie Coudert
Cécile Couharde
Avril 2008-07
The Euro and the Intensive and Extensive Margins of Trade: Evidence from French Firm Level Data Antoine Berthou
Lionel Fontagné
Avril 2008-06
On the Influence of Oil Prices on Economic Activity and Other Macroeconomic and Financial Variables François Lescaroux
Valérie Mignon
Avril 2008-05
An Impact Study of the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) in the Six ACP Regions Lionel Fontagné
David Laborde
Cristina Mitaritonna
Avril 2008-04
The Brave New World of Cross-Regionalism Alfred Tovias Avril 2008-03
Equilibrium Exchange Rates: a Guidebook for the Euro-Dollar Rate Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
Sophie Béreau
Valérie Mignon
Mars 2008-02
How Robust are Estimated Equilibrium Exchange Rates? A Panel BEER Approach Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
Sophie Béreau
Valérie Mignon
Mars 2008-01
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