Why denser areas are more productive
voxeu.org, November 20, 2016
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni

CEPR, July 18, 2023
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni
Skilled immigration, task allocation, and the innovation of firms
voxeu.org, March 6, 2023
Gianluca Orefice, Gianluca Santoni, Anna Maria Mayda
L’industrie française est-elle tributaire de la Chine ?
La Tribune, December 6, 2021
Ariell Reshef, Gianluca Santoni, Isabelle Bensidoun
À quel point l'industrie française dépend-elle de la Chine?
slate.fr, December 6, 2021
Ariell Reshef, Gianluca Santoni, Isabelle Bensidoun
The natural geography of regional trade agreements and why it is changing over time
VOX, April 30, 2018
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni
Donald Trump engage une bataille perdue contre la géographie
La Tribune, February 3, 2017
Lionel Fontagné, Gianluca Santoni

Rexecode, January 10, 2022
Lionel Fontagné, Erica Perego, Gianluca Santoni
Mondialisation : la dépendance industrielle de la France à la Chine a explosé en 20 ans
La Tribune, July 13, 2020
Ariell Reshef, Gianluca Santoni
HD L'HUMANITE DIMANCHE, November 22, 2018
Cecilia Bellora, Sébastien Jean, Gianluca Santoni
La guerre commerciale
Le Progrès, August 14, 2018
Sébastien Jean, Cecilia Bellora, Gianluca Santoni
Montaigne, Voltaire et Donald Trump
Le Point, August 9, 2018
Sébastien Jean, Cecilia Bellora, Gianluca Santoni
Professor da UFPB fala sobre inutilidade econômica da diversidade brasileira
WSCOM • BRA , October 26, 2017
Gianluca Santoni