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  Mentions légales
CHELEM Balance of Payments Database
    131 headings
Code Long title Short title  
2110 General merchandise: exports, f.o.b. Gen. merchandise: exp., f.o.b.  
2150 Goods for processing: exports, f.o.b. Goods for proces.: exp. f.o.b.  
2160 Repairs on goods, credit Repairs on goods, credit  
2170 Goods procured in ports by carriers, credit Goods in ports carriers, cred.  
2180 Nonmonetary gold, credit Nonmonetary gold, credit  
3110 General merchandise: imports, f.o.b. Gen. merchandise: imp., f.o.b.  
3150 Goods for processing: imports, f.o.b. Goods for proces.: imp. f.o.b.  
3160 Repairs on goods, debit Repairs on goods, debit  
3170 Goods procured in ports by carriers, debit Goods in ports carriers, debit  
3180 Nonmonetary gold, debit Nonmonetary gold, debit  
2205BA Passenger transportation services, credit Passenger transport, credit  
2205BB Freight transportation services, credit Freight transport, credit  
2205BC Other transportation services, credit Other transport, credit  
3205BA Passenger transportation services, debit Passenger transport, debit  
3205BB Freight transportation services, debit Freight transport, debit  
3205BC Other transportation services, debit Other transport, debit  
2236 Travel, credit Travel, credit  
3236 Travel, debit Travel, debit  
2245 Communications, credit Communications, credit  
2249 Construction, credit Construction, credit  
2253 Insurance, credit Insurance, credit  
2260 Financial services, credit Financial services, credit  
2262 Computer and information services, credit Computer, information serv., C  
2266 Royalties and license fees, credit Royalties, license fees, cred.  
2268 Other business services, credit Other business serv., credit  
2287 Personal, cultural, and recreational services, credit Pers., cult., recreat. serv. C  
2291 Government services, n.i.e., credit Government services, n.i.e., C  
3245 Communications, debit Communications, debit  
3249 Construction, debit Construction, debit  
3253 Insurance, debit Insurance, debit  
3260 Financial services, debit Financial services, debit  
3262 Computer and information services, debit Computer, information serv., D  
3266 Royalties and license fees, debit Royalties, license fees, debit  
3268 Other business services, debit Other business services, debit  
3287 Personal, cultural, and recreational services, debit Pers., cult., recreat. serv. D  
3291 Government services, n.i.e., debit Government services, n.i.e., D  
2310 Compensation of employees, credit Compensation of employees, C  
3310 Compensation of employees, debit Compensation of employees, D  
2330 Direct investment income, credit Direct investment income, C  
2339 Portfolio investment income, credit Portfolio investment income, C  
2370 Other investment income, credit Other investment income, cred.  
3330 Direct investment income, debit Direct investment income, D  
3339 Portfolio investment income, debit Portfolio investment income, D  
3370 Other investment income, debit Other investment income, debit  
2380 Current transfers, general government, credit Cur. transf., gen. gov., cred.  
2391 Workers' remittances, credit Workers' remittances, credit  
2392 Other current transfers, credit Other current transfers, cred.  
3380 Current transfers, general government, debit Cur. transf., gen. gov., debit  
3391 Workers' remittances, debit Workers' remittances, debit  
3392 Other current transfers, debit Other current transfers, debit  
2402 General government, debt forgiveness, credit Gen. gov., debt forgiveness, C  
2410 General government, other capital transfers, credit Gen. gov. other cap. transf. C  
2431 Other sectors, migrants' transfers, credit O. sect., migrants' transf., C  
2432 Other sectors, debt forgiveness, credit O. sect., debt forgiveness, C  
2440 Other sectors, other capital transfers, credit O. sect., o. cap. transf., C  
3402 General government, debt forgiveness, debit Gen. gov., debt forgiveness, D  
3410 General government, other capital transfers, debit Gen. gov. other cap. transf. D  
3431 Other sectors, migrants' transfers, debit O. sect., migrants' transf., D  
3432 Other sectors, debt forgiveness, debit O. sect., debt forgiveness, D  
3440 Other sectors, other capital transfers, debit O. sect., o. cap. transf., D  
2480 Nonproduced nonfinancial assets, credit Nonprod. nonfin. assets, cred.  
3480 Nonproduced nonfinancial assets, debit Nonprod. nonfin. assets, debit  
4510 Direct investment abroad, equity capital DI abroad, equity capital  
4525 Direct investment abroad, reinvested earnings DI abroad, reinv. earnings  
4530 Direct investment abroad, other capital DI abroad, other capital  
4560 Direct investment in reporting economy, equity capital DI in report. eco. equity cap.  
4575 Direct investment in reporting economy, reinvested earnings DI in rep. eco., reinv. earn.  
4580 Direct investment in reporting economy, other capital DI in report. eco., o. capital  
4610 Portfolio investment, equity securities, assets Portf. inv., equity secur., A  
4620 Portfolio investment, bonds and notes, assets Portf. inv., bonds & notes, A  
4630 Portfolio investment, money market instruments, assets Portf. inv. mon. mar. instr. A  
4640 Portfolio investment, financial derivatives, assets Portf. inv., fin. deriv., A  
4660 Portfolio investment, equity securities, liabilities Portf. inv., equity secur., L  
4670 Portfolio investment, bonds and notes, liabilities Portf. inv., bonds & notes, L  
4680 Portfolio investment, money market instruments, liabilities Portf. inv. mon. mar. instr. L  
4690 Portfolio investment, financial derivatives, liabilities Portf. inv., fin. deriv., L  
4708 Other investment, trade credits, general government: long-term, assets OI trade cred. gen. gov.: LT A  
4709 Other investment, trade credits, general government: short-term, assets OI trade cred. gen. gov.: ST A  
4711 Other investment, trade credits, other sector: long-term, assets OI, trade cred., o. sect. LT A  
4712 Other investment, trade credits, other sector: short-term, assets OI, trade cred., o. sect. ST A  
4717 Other investment, loans, monetary authorities: long-term, assets OI, loans, mon. auth.: LT, A  
4718 Other investment, loans, monetary authorities: short-term, assets OI, loans, mon. auth.: ST, A  
4720 Other investment, loans, general government: long-term, assets OI, loans, gen. gov.: LT, A  
4721 Other investment, loans, general government: short-term, assets OI, loans, gen. gov.: ST, A  
4723 Other investment, loans, banks: long-term, assets OI, loans, banks: LT, assets  
4724 Other investment, loans, banks: short-term, assets OI, loans, banks: ST, assets  
4726 Other investment, loans, other sectors: long-term, assets OI, loans, other sect.: LT, A  
4727 Other investment, loans, other sectors: short-term, assets OI, loans, other sect.: ST, A  
4731 Other investment, currency and deposits, monetary authorities, assets OI currency depo. mon. auth. A  
4732 Other investment, currency and deposits, general government, assets OI, currency depo. gen. gov. A  
4733 Other investment, currency and deposits, banks, assets OI, currency depo., banks, A  
4734 Other investment, currency and deposits, other sectors, assets OI, currency depo., o. sect. A  
4738 Other investment, other assets, monetary authorities: long-term OI, oth. assets, mon. auth. LT  
4739 Other investment, other assets, monetary authorities: short-term OI, oth. assets, mon. auth. ST  
4741 Other investment, other assets, general government: long-term OI, oth. assets, gen. gov. LT  
4742 Other investment, other assets, general government: short-term OI, oth. assets, gen. gov. ST  
4744 Other investment, other assets, banks: long-term OI, other assets, banks: LT  
4745 Other investment, other assets, banks: short-term OI, other assets, banks: ST  
4747 Other investment, other assets, other sectors: long-term OI, oth. assets, o. sect.: LT  
4748 Other investment, other assets, other sectors: short-term OI, oth. assets, o. sect.: ST  
4758 Other investment, trade credits, general government: long-term, liabilities OI trade cred. gen. gov.: LT L  
4759 Other investment, trade credits, general government: short-term, liabilities OI trade cred. gen. gov.: ST L  
4761 Other investment, trade credits, other sector: long-term, liabilities OI, trade cred., o. sect. LT L  
4762 Other investment, trade credits, other sector: short-term, liabilities OI, trade cred., o. sect. ST L  
4766 Other investment, loans, use of Fund credit and loans from the Fund, liabilities OI, loans, use of Fund cred., L  
4767 Other investment, loans, monetary authorities: long-term, liabilities OI, loans, mon. auth.: LT, L  
4768 Other investment, loans, monetary authorities: short-term, liabilities OI, loans, mon. auth.: ST, L  
4770 Other investment, loans, general government: long-term, liabilities OI, loans, gen. gov.: LT, L  
4771 Other investment, loans, general government: short-term, liabilities OI, loans, gen. gov.: ST, L  
4773 Other investment, loans, banks: long-term, liabilities OI, loans, banks: LT, liab.  
4774 Other investment, loans, banks: short-term, liabilities OI, loans, banks: ST, liab.  
4776 Other investment, loans, other sectors: long-term, liabilities OI, loans, other sect.: LT, L  
4777 Other investment, loans, other sectors: short-term, liabilities OI, loans, other sect.: ST, L  
4781 Other investment, currency and deposits, monetary authorities, liabilities OI currency depo. mon. auth. L  
4782 Other investment, currency and deposits, general government, liabilities OI, currency depo. gen. gov. L  
4783 Other investment, currency and deposits, banks, liabilities OI, currency depo., banks. L  
4784 Other investment, currency and deposits, other sectors, liabilities OI, currency depo., o. sect. L  
4788 Other investment, other liabilities, monetary authorities: long-term OI, oth. liab., mon. auth. LT  
4789 Other investment, other liabilities, monetary authorities: short-term OI, oth. liab., mon. auth. ST  
4791 Other investment, other liabilities, general government: long-term OI, oth. liab., gen. gov. LT  
4792 Other investment, other liabilities, general government: short-term OI, oth. liab., gen. gov. ST  
4794 Other investment, other liabilities, banks: long-term OI other liabilities banks: LT  
4795 Other investment, other liabilities, banks: short-term OI other liabilities banks: ST  
4797 Other investment, other liabilities, other sectors: long-term OI, oth. liab., o. sect.: LT  
4798 Other investment, other liabilities, other sectors: short-term OI, oth. liab., o. sect.: ST  
4810 Reserve assets, monetary gold Reserve assets, monetary gold  
4820 Reserve assets, special drawing rights Res. assets spec. draw. rights  
4830 Reserve assets, reserve position in the Fund Res. assets, res. posit. Fund  
4840 Reserve assets, foreign exchange Res. assets, foreign exchange  
4880 Reserve assets, other claims Reserve assets, other claims  
4998 Net errors and omissions Net errors and omissions  
      .txt file
26 Balances