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  About CHELEM-GDP 5 data series  
Countries or isub-regionsj total population is reported in millions of inhabitants, and measured in mid-year. These time series are from the US Census Bureau, The International Data Base, Washington, DC.     Population
The exchange rates are the annual averages published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in International Financial Statistics (IFS), World Bank, World Development.   Exchange
The Gross Domestic Product using nominal exchange rates. This time series keeps the national price system specific to each country and allows definition of the world revenue shares. The main sources are the World Bank, World development Indicators 1997 and OECD, National Accounts   GDP at International Values
The Gross Domestic Product on a volume basis over time, is measured in national constant prices and converted into million of US dollars, for a given base year (currently 1995). The main sources are the same as for the current dollar series.   GDP in
The Gross Domestic Product on a PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) basis, is expressed in international prices and constant base-year dollars (currently 1990). Most PPPs are (up dated) from the various International Comparisons Programs (ICP 1990, 1985, 1980 and 1975). For countries excluded from the ICP programs CEPII has estimated PPPs on the basis of average prices in the region.   PPP GDP
26 Balances