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  Mentions légales
  CHELEM GDP Database
The CHELEM-GDP database contains macroeconomic aggregates stretching back to 1960, and covering the world using both the 61 elementary geographic zones of CHELEM-INT and figures of 204 independent countries and territories. A particular effort has been made to provide statistics on the countries of the Former soviet Union. The data given in CHELEM-GDP are first Gross Domestic Product, in millions of US dollars. Five data series are provided for each country or zone:
F in US dollars, that is to say prices in national currencies in current terms are converted using current exchange rates;
F in international volume terms, with national prices in constant terms of the base year 1990 being converted using the corresponding exchange rates;
F in PPP volumes, using a system of constant prices in time and space, which allows constant national prices relative to a base year to be converted using the corresponding Purchasing Power Parities.
The GDP data are completed by population statistics (in millions of inhabitants at the mid-year point), and by nominal exchange rate statistics for all independent countries.
26 Balances