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  Mentions légales
CHELEM-GDP Indicators
For a given country i:
YAN(i) = GDP at international value (dollars and national current prices)
YOU(i) = GDP on a PPP basis (dollars and international constant prices)
EU(i) = Dollar exchange rate in national currency
EU (EEC at 15) = Dollar exchange rate in ECU

Price level versus the USA:
Price level versus EEC average

Price level versus the world:
  Real exchange rate (%)

Dollar value in national currency:

Ecu value in national currency:

· The real exchange rates are conventional for the eastern countries (R to TA). Furthermore, this calculation does not include the terms of trade effect and this outcome is only significant for manufactured goods exporting countries (A to L, NC, QB, and QC areas).
· The dollar exchange rate against the ECU is for the EEC area. For the ECU purchasing power parity exchange rate in national currency, we take the GDP weighting.
· To convert the dollar trade figures into national currency we multiply the trade flows by the exchange rates.
  Purchasing Power
Parity Rate
26 Balances