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©CEPII 2001

Mentions légales


Impacts of Trade Liberalization Agreements on Latin America and the Caribbean 5-6 novembre
Regionalism Versus Globalization in the Americas: Empirical Evidence on Opportunities and Challenges David Roland-Holst  
Dominique Van der Mensbrugghe
Scenarios for Trade Integration in the Americas Xinshen Diao  
Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla  
Sherman Robinson  
Regional Trade Agreements for MERCOSUR: the FTAA and the FTA with the European Union Masakazu Watanuki  
Josefina Monteagudo
How Many Forms do I Have to Fill in to Export my Coffee? The Role of Transaction Costs in Explaining Economic Performance in Latin America Maurizio Bussolo  
Poverty Impacts of Multilateral Trade Liberalization Thomas Hertel  
Paul Preckel
John A.L. Cranfield
Maros Ivanic
Simulation of an FTAA from a North-South Perspective John Gilbert  
Trade Policy Options for Chile: The Importance of Market Access Glenn Harrison  
Thomas R. Rutherford
David Tarr
Textile and Clothing Trade: Comparing Multilateral Agreement to Regional FTAs Richard Avisse  
Michel Fouquin
Trade Liberalization in Latin American Countries and the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing in the WTO Inés Terra  
Comprehensive Migration Policy Reform in North America: the Key to Sustainable and Equitable Economic Integration Raul Hinojosa  
Scale Economies and Imperfect Competition David Roland-Holst  
Capital Flows and Economywide Modeling David Roland-Holst  
Notes on Dynamics in CGE Models Shantayanam Devarajan  
Market Access Maps: a Bilateral and Disaggegated Measure of Market Access Mimouni Mondher  
Antoine Boüet
Trade in Services Philippa Dee  

Ageing, Skills and Labour Markets 7 - 8 septembre
Labour Market Impacts of Demographic Evolution Jean Chateau  
Jean-Louis Guérin  
Florence Legros  
Labour Market Implications of an Ageing Population Thai-Thanh Dang  
Howard Oxley  
Does Population Ageing Call for Large Adjustments in Training or Wage Policies? Didier Blanchet  
Age Discrimination in Hiring Decisions: A Questionnaire Study Victoria Büsch  
Manfred Königstein  
Population Ageing and Labour Markets: Synthesizing Macroeconomic Accounts and Individual Behaviour in an Economic-Demographic Growth Model Landis Mac Kellar  
Martin Spielauer  
The Decline in Participation Rates Among the Older Age Groups in France Pauline Givord  
Social Security and Variable Retirement Schemes Helmut cremer  
J-M Lozachmeur  
Pierre Pestieau  
Pension Schemes and Participation Rates of Older Workers Carine Burricand  
Emmanuelle Klotz  
Pauline Givord  
Béatrice Sédillot  
Employment, Leisure and Pension: Incentives with Limits Andras Simonovits  
Pension Risk, Saving and Retirement Decisions Andreas Wagener  
When will the Germans get Trapped in Their Pension System? Hans-Werner Sinn  
Silke Ubelmesser  
The Employment of Older People: Can we Learn from Japan? Bernard Casey  
The Impact of 1990's Reform on Farmers Retirement Decisions Madior Fall  
Muriel Roger  
Unemployment and Early Retirements of the Aged Workers in Finland Pasi Huovinen  
Hannu Piekkola  
Social Security Reform, the Case of Romania Costin Borc  

Simulation Properties of Macroeconometric Models 5 - 6 juillet
QUEST II - A multi Country Business Cycle and Growth Model Werner Roeger  
Jan in't Veld
MULTIMOD Mark III Douglas Laxton  
AWM - An Area-Wide Model for the Euro Area Jérôme Henry  
MARMOTTE Jean-Pierre Laffargue  
Stéphane Dées  
Arjan Kadareja  
Bronka Rzepkowski  
NIGEM - Modelling the World Economy: The National Institute Global Econometric Model Ray Barrel  
Karen Dury  
MARCOS - Modèle à Anticipations Rationnelles de la Conjoncture Simulée Pascal Jacquinot  
Ferhat Mihoubi  

French-German Economic Forum - 9th meeting 25 - 26 juin
Political Economy of the Nice Treaty: Rebalancing the EU Council Frédéric Bobay  
Daniel Laskar  
Stephan Collignon  
The Future of European Agricultural Policies Winfried von Urff  
Jean-Jacques Becker  

Forum OCDE 2001 15 mai
Ouverture et réduction de la pauvreté au 21ème siècle Michel Camdessus  

Le taux de change d'équilibre de l'euro 22 mars
The Equilibrium Value of the Euro/$US Exchange Rate: An Evaluation of Research Jérôme L. Stein  

French-German Economic Forum - 9th meeting 16 janvier
Enlargement of the European Union Herbert Br�cker  
J�r�me Sgard  
Pension Reform in the European Union Countries Florence Legros  
Claus Hofmann  
Jacques Le Cacheux  

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1998