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©CEPII 2001

Mentions légales


Policy Competition and the Welfare State November 29-30
Social Policy in the EU: One for all? Tito Boeri
Will Eastern European Migrants Happily enter the German Pension System? Tim Krieger
Christoph Sauer
Demographic Evolutions and Unemployment: a French Labour-Market Analysis with Generations of Workers Jean Chateau
Jean-Louis Guérin
Florence Legros
Pensions and Savings in a Monetary Union: an Analysis of Capital Flows Alain Jousten
Florence Legros
Immigration and its Economic Effects Paul O'Brien
Financing Retirement in the European Union Lans Bovenberg

Fiscal Discipline November 21
Monetary Unification and Public Debt: the Rationale for the Stability and Growth Pact Roel Beetsma
Reforming the Stability and Growth Pact Daniele Franco
Marco Buti
Sylvester Eijffenger
Fiscal Discipline and Policy Coordination in the Eurozone: Assessment and Proposals Jean Pisani-Ferry

Europe Coping with CAP Reform 14 novembre
Why does the CAP Need Reforming? Sir Christopher Haskins
Desirable and Undesirable International Effects of Agricultural Liberalization in the North Antoine Bouët
Jacques Le Cacheux
Building the Second Pillar of the CAP Vicki Swales
CAP and the WTO: Agriculture in the Doha Round Patrick Messerlin
How to Reform the CAP? Jack Thurston

Methodological Tools for Assessing the Sustainability Impact
of EU's Economic Policies, with Applications to Trade Liberalisation Policies
7-8 novembre
Existing Methodology for Sustainability Impact Assessment: SIA Study of the WTO New Round Colin Kirpatrick
Assessing the Impact of Trade Policy on Labor Markets and Production Joseph Francois
Sustainable Impact Analysis: the Use of Computable General Equilibrium Models Christoph Boehringer
Impact of Trade Liberalisation on the Environmental Sustainability of Agriculture in the the Countries Applicants to EU Accession Luiza Toma
Building Agri-Environmental Indicators by the Integration of Bio-Physical and Economic Models for Assessing Sustainability of Agricultural Trade Liberalisation Guillermo Flichman
Modelling the Effects of Trade on Women, at Work and at Home: a Comparative Perspective Marzia Fontana
Trade Liberalisation and Inequality Between Households. A Review of the Recent Empirical Evidence Pier Giorgio Ardeni  

Welfare and the Labour Market in the EU 25-26 octobre
Demographic Evolutions and Unemployment: an Analysis of French Labour Market with Workers Generations Jean Chateau
Jean-Louis Guérin
Florence Legros
Designing Optimal Benefit Rules for Flexible Retirement Andras Simonovits
Protecting Against Labour Market Risk: Employment Protection or Unemployment Benefits Tito Boeri
Ignacio Conde-Ruiz
Vincenzo Galasso
Micro-Simulation of Social Security Reforms in Belgium Raphael Desmet
Alain Jousten
Sergio Perelman
Pierre Pestieau
Female Labour Supply, Taxes and Benefits in France: Policy Experiments Extending the Model INES Marco Fugazza
Sylvie Le Minez
Muriel Pucci
The Dynamics of Immigrant Welfare and Labour Market Behavior Jorgen Hansen
Magnus Lofstrom
Labour Force Developments in the Euro Area since the 1980s Véronique Genre
Ramon Gomez-Salvador
Inter-Regional Labour Mobility and Unemployment Benefits: Evidence Using the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) Konstantinos Tatsiramos
The OECD Jobs Strategy and the European Employment Strategy: Two Views of the Labour Market and of the Welfare State Bernard Casey
Household Labour Supply Effects of Low Wage Subsidies in Germany Holger Bonin
Wolfram Kempe
Hilmar Scheider
An Extra Time Duration Model wit Application to Unemployment Duration under Benefits in Spain José Maria Arranz
Juan Muro
Technological Change and Incetive Pay Schemes in Finland, New Challenges for the Labour Market Institutions and Income Distribution Hannu Piekkola
Institutions Breaking the Law: the Role of Unemployment Benefits and Minimum Wages in Tax Shifting Ed Westerhout
Egbert Jongen
Retirement Age Policies and Demographic Uncertainty in Lithuania: a Dynamic CGE Analysis Jukka Lassila
Tarmo Valkonen
Social Welfare Function in a Generalized Form and its Disaggregation by Components of Income Pundarik Mukhopadhaya
How Sustainable are Old-Age Pensions in a Shrinking Population with Endogeneous Labour Supply Pedro Cardoso
Bernard Van Praag
Ageing and Pensions in Europe: a Quantitative Assessment of Some Reform Options Werner Roeger

Marmotte 18 septembre
Fondements théoriques du modèle Marmotte : présentation du modèle à 17 pays et trois zones Jean-Pierre Laffargue
Bronka Rzepkowski
Première application : une analyse de l'évolution courante de l'économie américaine grâce au modèle à trois zones (Ce chapitre est tiré du rapport EFN, automne 2002) Paolo Zanghieri  
Deuxième application : impact d'une réduction des dépenses publiques isolée ou coordonnées en Europe grâce qu modèle à 17 pays Stéphane Capet  

The Impact of Alternative Policy Rules 1er-2 juillet
Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area: What do Agregate and National Structural Models Tell Us? Peter Van Els
Alberto Locarno
Julian Morgan
Jean-Pierre Villetelle
Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area Stéphane Capet
Frédéric Karamé
Jean-Pierre Laffargue
Bronka Rzepkowski
Paolo Zanghieri
The Impact of Interest Rate Policy and the Eurozone and the UK Vanessa Rossi  
Estimates of the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Ray Fair  
The Efficiency of the Taylor Rule A Stochastic Analysis Using the Macsim Model Jean-Louis Brillet
Gilbert Cette
Patricia Augier
The Implications of Diversity in Consumption Behaviour for the Choice of Monetary Policy Rules in Europe Ray Barrell
Joseph Byrne
Karen Dury
The Optimality of the Taylor Rule in MARCOS: Some Deterministic and Stochastic Experiments Pascal Jacquinot
Ferhat Mihoubi
Monetary Policy Rules for the Euro Area: What Role for National Information?

Paolo Angelini
Paolo Del Giovane
Stefano Siviero
Daniele Terlizzese

Policy Rules and Policy Errors: Some Simulations with the QUEST Model Jan Int'Veld
Werner Roeger
On Modeling the Effects of Inflation Shocks Ray Fair  
EUROMON: the Nederlandsche Multi-Country Model Maria Demertzis
Peter Van Els
Marga Peeters
Price Setting and Optimal Monetary Cooperation: A Neo-Keynesian Perspective Matthieu Darracq-Pariès  

Towards Regional Currency Areas 26-27 mars
Exchange Rate Regimes and Optimum Currency Area Theory    
Does the Time Inconsistency Problem Make Fixed Exchange Rates More Desirable? Roc Armenter
Martin Bodenstein
The Survival of Intermediate Exchange Rate Regimes Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
Beno�t Coeur�
Currency Depreciation and Financial Instability. A Financial Accelerator Approach Fran�ois Hermet  

Estabilidad cambiaria, credibilidad y pol�tica antinflacionaria

Julio Pineda
Manuel Toledo
Harold Zavarce
Exchange Rate and External Sustainability : a Dynamic Model Yannick Bineau
Bernard Dupont
Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging Countries    
Hard Peg versus Soft Float. A Tale of Two Latin-American Countries Martin Grandes
Helmut Reisen
Long-Run Determinants of Exchange Rate Regimes : a Simple Sensitivity Analysis Grace Juhn
Paolo Mauro
Real Fluctuations and Exchange Rate Regime : an Empirical Study of Developing Countries Am�lie Charles
Laetitia Ripoll-Bresson
The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas : an Application to Ten Central and East European Countries Guergana Stanoeva  
How Optimal are the Extremes ? Latin American Exchange Rate Policies during the Asian Crisis Ricardo Ffrench-Davis
Guillermo Larrain
International Capital Markets and Regional Currency Areas    
Local Currency or Foreign Currency Debt ? Patrick Artus  
Exchange Rate Systems and Financial Stability : General Considerations, Experiences and Prospects Wolfgang Filc  
Financial Liberalization and Currency Areas in Latin American and Asian Emerging Countries : Towards New Convergence Criteria Andr� Cartapanis
Vincent Dropsy
Financial Aspects of Regional Currency Areas John Hawkins  
Dette externe des pays �mergents : comment neutraliser la volatilit� des monnaies fortes ? Pierre Laurent
Nicolas Meunier
Luis Miotti
Carlos Quenan
V�ronique Seltz
EMU's Experience and the Birth of Euro    
The Depreciation of the Euro : an Explanation in terms of Capital Flows Didier Borowski
C�cile Couharde
Monetary Integration and Price Dispersion in Europe Larbi Dohni  
The Effects of the EMU Progress on Stability and Sensitivity to Shocks of the Euro-Dollar Exchange Rater Jean-Fran�ois Goux  

The Euro and Financial Relations between Latin America and Europe : Medium-And Long-Term Implications

Luis Miotti
Dominique Plihon
Carlos Quenan
Euroisation : Assessing the Loss of Seigniorage and the Impact on the Interest Premium Franziska Schobert  
Exchange Rate Regimes and Eastern and Central European Countries Integration in European Union  
Exchange Rate Regimes, Monetary Policies and Competitiveness in Central Europe Michel Aglietta
Camile Baulant
Sandra Moatti
Exchange Rate Regimes and sustainable Parities for CEECs in the Prospect of  Joining   the EMU Virginie Coudert
C�cile Couharde
Gresham's Law and the Euroization of the Central and Eastern European Countries Paul A. Heise  
Real Exchange Rate Trends in Transitional Countries Jan Frait
Lubos Komarek
One Currency for all the Europes ? Relative Advantage and Political Economy Problems of EMU Enlargement Rainer Schweickert  
Dollariser : un authentique dilemme ? Beethoven Herrera Valencia  
La dollarisation comme solution en dernier ressort Henri Bourguinat  
Ecuador's Dollarization : the Good, the Bad and the Ugly Salvador Marconi  
Regional Perspectives on Dollarization in Canada Michel Beine
Serge Coulombe
Hard Peg Experiences in Latin America: the Cases of Argentina and Ecuador Alfredo Calcagno
Sandra Manuelito
Daniel Titelman
Optimal Currency Areas, International Trade and Labor Markets    
Does a Free Trade Area Favor an Optimum Currency Area ? The Case of Morocco and the European Union Lacen Achy
Juliette Milgram
Foreign Trade Pricing and Consistency of a Monetary Union Raphaëlle Bellando
Jean-Paul Pollin
Monetary Integration in the Southern Cone : Mercosur is not Like the EU Ansgar Belke
Daniel Gros
The Effect of a Currency Union on Trade : Lessons from the Irish Experience Rodney Thom
Brendan Walsh
Wage Setting and Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union Patrice Borda
Olivier Manioc
What Policy Mix in a Monetary Union?    
Monetary Dilemmas : Argentina in Mercosur Jos� Maria Fanelli
Daniel Heymann
Are there Benefits to a Monetary Rule in the EMU ? Jean-Jacques Durand
Nathalie Payelle
V. Traclet
Monetary, Fiscal Policy and Economic Performance in a Monetary Union. The Case of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union Michael Hendrickson
Kavazeua Katjomuise
Helen McBain
Esteban Perez
Politique budg�taire et guerre d'usure : le cas des pays de l'Am�rique latine Jean-Pierre Allegret
Marie-Noëlle Cales
Exchange Rate Regime, Real Exchange Rate, Trade Flows and Foreign Direct Investments : The Case of Morocco Jamal Bouoiyour
Serge Rey
Regional Currency Areas and Financial Systems
Currency Regimes and Process of Regional Financial Integration of the Emerging Countries Daniel Goyeau
Jacques L�onard
Dominique Pepin
Pensions and Saving in a Monetary Union : an Analysis of Capital Flows Alain Jousten
Florence Legros
Emerging Sovereign Bond Markets : a View from the Extremes   Pierre Laurent
J�r�me Teiletche
Currency Boards and Banking Fragility : a Modelling Attempt Sandrine Morin  
Towards a Regional Currency Area in Asia and in Africa    
China in a Regional Monetary Framework ? Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
Lionel Fontagné
Amina Lahrèche-Revil
Exchange Rate Regimes and Equilibrium Exchange Rates in East Asia Jacques Mazier
Se-Eun Jeong
The Choice of Monetary Regime for the Post-Crisis Asia: the Case of Korea Gongpil Choi  
The Case for an Asian Exchange Rate Mechanism Philippe Saucier  
The Second Monetary Zone in West Africa and the Future of a Single Monetary Zone in Sub-Saharan Africa Olawale Ogunkola  
Regional Currency Unions and International Macroeconomic Coordination  
Macroeconomic Coordination and Inflation Targeting in a Two-Country Model Eui Chang Jung
Marcelo Kfoury Muinhos
Joanilio Rodolpho Teixeira
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Games and Consequences of Organizational Differences between the European Union and the Rest of the World Pierre Faure  
The Euro Bloc, the Dollar Bloc and the Yen Bloc : How much Monetary Policy Independence can Exchange Rate Flexibility Buy in an Interdependent World ? Marcel Fratzscher  
Monetary Union in West Africa : an Agency of Restraint for Fiscal Policies ? Paul Masson
Catherine Pattillo
Dollarization en Equateur et degré de symétrie des chocs avec les Etats Unis Imed Drine
Chistophe Rault
Towards a Regional Currency Area in Central and Latin America
Regional Integration and the Issue of Choosing an Appropriate Exchange Rate Regime in Latin America Hubert Escaith
Christian Ghymers
Is a Monetary Union in Caricom Desirable ? Olivier Manioc
Jean-Gabriel Montauban
Options for Monetary Integration in the Andean Community Stefania Scandizzo
Exit Options for Argentina with a Special Focus on their Impact on External Trade Sophie Chauvin
Modelling the Regional Integration in Latin-America : some Evidences about the Relationships between Argentina, and Brazil using a Quantitative Macroeconomic Framework Jean-Louis Brillet
Alain Sand

Exchange Rate Regimes in a Regional Context 31 janvier
The Survival of Intermediate Exchange Rate Regimes Benoît Coeuré  
Economic Interdependance and International Coordination in East Asia Takatoshi Ito  
Eiji Ogawa  
China in a Regional Monetary Framework Agnès Bénassy-Quéré  

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1998