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©CEPII 2001

Mentions légales


An Anatomy of International Trade: Evidence from French Firms 28 octobre
An Anatomy of International Trade: Evidence from French Firms Jonathan Eaton

L'économie mondiale 2006 14 septembre
Panorama mondial Vladimir Borgy video
L'aléa pétrolier Denis Babusiaux video
Tensions dans le système monétaire international Michel Aglietta video
La compétitivité des industries européennes Lionel Fontagné video
Le chômage en Europe est-il une fatalité ? Francis Kramarz video

Agglomeration Economies and Regional Growth 20-21 mai
Capital Taxation and Local Labor Markets Institutions Yasuhiro Sato
Empirical Growth Models with Spatial Effects Bernard Fingleton
European Integration, FDI and the Internal Geography of Trade: Evidence from Western-European Border Regions Miren Lafourcade
The Political Economy of Urban Transport-System Choice Harris Selod
The Cohesion vs Growth Tradeoff: Evidence from EU Regions (1980- 2000) Matthieu Crozet
Agglomeration Economies and Growth in Italian Local Labour Systems - 1991-2001 Raffaele Paci
Macroeconomic Effects of the Geography of Technological Change Attila Varga
Rising Trade Costs? Agglomeration and Trade with Endogenous Transaction Costs Gilles Duranton
Analysing Growth and Distribution Dynamics: Isolating Divergence Factors Paul Cheshire
Regional Wage and Employment Responses to Market Potential in the EU Keith Head
Urbanization Externalities, Market Potential and Spatial Sorting of Skills and Firms Giordano Mion
The Dynamics of Regional Inequalities Salvador Barrios
Knowledge Flows and Regional Disparities in Europe: Geographic vs. Functional Distance Mario Maggioni
Testing the 'Home Market Effect' in a Multi-Country World: A Theorybased Approach Gianmarco IP Ottaviano

Les nouvelles frontières de l'Union européenne 16-17 mars
Trade Integration with Emerging Countries with Substantial Resources in Skilled Labour: What Effects are to be Expected for European Countries? Patrick Artus
How Important Regional Arrangements Actually Have Been for the Pattern of Trade Flows in the Enlarged European Union? A Gravity Model Estimate for the Central Eastern European Countries Roberta De Santis
A Re-Evaluation of the Impact of Regional Agreements on Trade Patterns: The EU Case Lionel Fontagné
The Effects of Policy Heterogeneity on Trade and Investment in Services: Empirical Analysis for the EU Arjan Lejour
Border Effects and East-West Integration Andrea Cheptea
New European Economic Geography: the Case of the Automobile Industry Yann Lepape
Assessing the Economic Impacts of Incorporating Romania’s Agricultural and Food Sectors into EU’s Customs Union: an Applied General Equilibrium Approach Silviu Scriesciu
Measuring Trade Intensity within the European Zone Adja Sissoko
The Larger Europe: Technological Convergence and Labour Migration Michel Aglietta
L'hétérogéneité sociale de l'Union européenne après l'élargissement et la question des délocalisations Audrey Koulinsky
Foreign Direct Investment, Wage Inequality, and Skilled Labour Demand in EU Accession Anna Falzoni
Giovanni Bruno
Rosario Crino
Le rôle des effets de change sur l'investissement direct étranger : analyse comparative des investissements américains et européens dans les PECOs Jacques Léonard
Christian Aubin
Jean-Pierre Berdot
Daniel Goyeau
Corporate Taxation and FDI within the EU25 Amina Lahrèche-Revil
The Currency Union Effect on Trade and the FDI Channel Julie Lochard
The European Union After the Enlargement: Institutional Frontier or Strange Attractor? Jean-François Nivet
Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanisms in the CEECs: How Important are the Differences with the Euro Area? Sandrine Levasseur
Exchange Rate Regimes and Exchange Market Pressure in the New EU Member Countries Jacques Vanneste
André Van Poeck
Maret Veiner
EU Accession and Income Growth: an Empirical Approach J.G. Tang
Arjan Lejour
Vladimir Solanic
Trade as International Transmission Mechanism: the Case of Central and Eastern European "New" EU Member Countries Roberta De Santis
The Stock-Flow Approach to the Real Exchange Rate of CEE Transition Economies Amina Lahrèche-Revil
Poland and the Euro Zone Enlargement: Monetary Policy, the ERM 2, and Other Issues Zbigniew Polanski
Les frontières optimales de l'Europe : une question d'éthique Michel Herland
Corporate Governance Systems and Institutional Complementarities: What Consequences for European Financial Integration? Anne Gaël Vaubourg
Does "Deep Integration" Foster Trade? Empirical Evidence and Simulations for the EU Democratic and Anti-Corruption Criteria Cindy Duc
Council Voting in the Constitutional Treaty: Devil in the Details Mika Widgren
The Perspectives on a Currency Union in the CIS Sergey Drobyshevsky
D. Polevoy
Choice of Exchange Rate Regime in Central and Eastern European Countries: an Empirical Analysis Agnieszka Markiewicz
Black Tie Required? How to Enter a Currency Union Nitsch Volker
Why do Bigger Countries Have More Problems with the Stability and Growth Pact? Bodo Herzog
Modelling Fiscal-Monetary Interaction and the Stability and Growth Pact in a Complex European Framework Bodo Herzog
On Enhanced Cooperation Massimo Bordignon
The Political Economy of European Integration Pavel Diev
Asymmetric Shocks and Fiscal Federalism in EU Luca Di Gennaro
Can an Enlargement of the European Monetary Union Lead to a Fall in Public Investment? Pierre Faure
Trade Liberalization, Industrialization and Specialization in a North/South Model Corine Bagoulla
Policy Reform and Convergence Prospects in the Broader European Union Neighbourhood Mariem Malouche
Intégration économique régionale au Moyen-Orient : conditions requises et possibilités futures Morgane Lohezic
The EU Neighborhood Policy: a Quantitative Assessment Nicolas Peridy

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1998