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©CEPII 2001

Mentions légales


Inégalités et politiques sociales au Brésil 28 novembre
Séminaire organisé par le CEPII
  Marcelo Neri Centre d'Etudes des Politiques Sociales
Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro
  Jérôme Sgard CEPII  
  Lionel Fontagné CEPII  

Le risque de déflation et les moyen de la combattre 17 novembre
Séminaire organisé par le CEPII, le CIREM et Groupama Asset Management
Sources et raisons du risque déflationniste  
  Michel Aglietta CEPII
Université Paris X
  Laurent Berrebi Groupama Asset Management  
  Richard Koo Nomura  
Les politiques pour combattre le risque déflationniste  
  Philppe Moutot European Central Bank  
  Jeffery D. Amato Bank for International Settlements  

Global Economic Prospects 2004 3 septembre
Présentation du rapport par la Banque mondiale et le CEPII

Employment, Productivity and Skills in the Knowledge Economy 16 mai
Skill Use and Technical Change: International Evidence Mary O'Mahony
Kate Robinson
Michela Vecchi
ICT and Employment Growth in Italian Industries Alessandro Sterlacchini
Nicola Matteuci
The Employment of IT Personnel: a Comparison Between the US and the UK Michael Peneder  
Growth Accounts for France 1982-2000: the Role of Skills Laurence Nayman  
The Impact of ICT Investment on Establishment Productivity Thomas Zwick  
The Impact on Firms of ICT Skill-Supply Strategies - A British-German Comparison of Four Industries Karin Wagner  
Innovations and Job Stability Thomas Coutrot  
The Computerisation of the "Old" Economy: New Machines, New Structures and New Workers Nathalie Greenan  

Ageing and Welfare Systems: What Have we Learned?
A Comparative EU-US Perspective
24-25 janvier
Welcome Guy Quaden
Immigration: Panacea or Danger for the EU? Tito Boeri
Fewer Young People: Less Unemployment? Juan Jimeno
The Impact of Enlargement, Ageing and the Labour Market Karl Pichelmann
Demographic Evolutions and Unemployment: an Analysis of French Labour Markets with Workers Generations Jean Chateau
Jean-Louis Guérin
Florence Legros
The Influence of Wage and Unemployment Differentials on Labour Mobility in the EU: A Meta-Analysis Sjef Ederveen
Nick Bardsley
Immigration and the Dutch Economy: Labour Market Effects Rob Euwals
Hans Roodenburg
Migration and Regional Adjustment to Asymmetric Shocks in Transition Economies Jan Fidrmuc
Migration Policy, Irregular Migration and Aging in the Welfare State M. Alofs
Budgetary Costs of Ageing Henri Bogaert
Scenarios for Health Care Systems in an Ageing Society Erika Schulz
Ageing and Pensions in the Euro Area. Survey and Projection Results P.C. Rother
M. Catenaro
G. Schwab
Macroeconomic Consequences of Pension Reforms in Europe: an Investigation with the Ingénue Model Equipe Ingénue
Population Ageing, Electoral Behaviour and Early Retirement Florence Legros
Assessing the Political Sustainability of Parametric Social Security Reforms: The Case of Italy Marcello D'Amato
Vicenzo Galasso
What Have we Learned in Europe? Richard Blundell
What Have we Learned in the US? Robert J. Willis
Demographic Risks and Uncertainty Juha Alho
Behavioural Sclerosis and the Future of the Welfare State Bengt-Arne Wickström

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1998