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©CEPII 2001

Mentions légales


Tax Competition in the EU 25: What Does the Academic Research Say? 16 décembre
Economic Integration and Tax Policy with Foreign Firm Ownership Clements Fuest Réunion ENEPRI (Taxben)
Tax Competition During the Last 20 Years Alexander Klemm
Cost of Capital and Cross-Border Investment: Evidence from Estonia Jouko Ylä-Liedenpohja
Tax Competition in a Monetary Union Patrick Artus
How Does FDI React to Tax Differentials? Amina Lahrèche-Révil
The TAXBEN Project Kari Alho
Ian Perry
Tax Bloc Formation Among Leviathans Sam Bucovetsky
Regional Tax Coordination Andreas Haufler
Destination- Versus Origin-Based Commodity Taxation and the Location of Industry Jacques-François Thisse

La situation du système financier japonais 29 octobre
Compte rendu Evelyne Dourille-Feer
Keiichi Miyata

La Turquie au tournant 30 septembre
La Lettre du CEPII, n° 237
Présentation Jérôme Sgard
Deniz Ünal
Yves Zlotowskii

L'économie mondiale 2005 15 septembre
Conjoncture mondiale : la reprise d'un choc pétrolier ?
Présentation Michel Aglietta
Présentation Patrick Criqui

L'avenir de l'économie mondiale - Quelle place pour les industries européennes ? 15 juillet
L'insertion de l'industrie européenne dans la division internationale du travail : situation et perspectives Lionel Fontagné

Divergences in Productivity Between Europe and the United States 21-23 mars
Comparing Growth and Labour Productivity - Measurement Issues François Lequiller
Comments Nick Oulton
The Breaks in per Capita Productivity Trends in a Number of Industrial Countries Tristan Maury
Bertrand Pluyard
Comments Neale Kennedy
ICT Diffusion and Potential Output Growth Gilbert Cette
Jacques Mairesse
Yusuf Kocoglu
ICT and Europe's Productivity Performance: Industry-Level Growth Account Comparisons with the United States Robert Inklaar
Mary O'Mahony
Marcel Timmer
Growth Patterns in the OECD Area: Evidence from the Aggregate, Industry and Firm Level Dirk Pilat
Comments Sally Srinivasan
Information Technology and the G7 Economies Dale Jorgenson
Comments Jacques Mairesse
Productivity, Innovation and ICT in Old and New Europe Bart Van Ark
The Case of the Missing Productivity Growth Susanto Basu
John Fernald
Nick Oulton
Sally Srinivasan
Outsourcing and Productivity Growth Sectoral Evidence from Germany Thomas Fuchs
Comments Soledad Nunez
Economic Growth in Japan and the United States in the Information Age Dale Jorgenson
Kazuyuki Motohashi
Labour Quality and Skill-Biased Technological Change in France Johanna Melka
Laurence Nayman

Inde : perspectives de moyen et long terme Jean-Joseph Boillot 3 mars

Towards a Modern Industrial State and the Evolution of China's Labor Markets during the Reforms 26 janvier
Towards a Modern Industrial State and the Evolution of China's Labor Markets during the Reforms Scott D. Rozelle  

Cross-Border Mergers as Instruments of Comparative Advantage 13 janvier
  Séminaire GIS
Cross-Border Mergers as Instruments of Comparative Advantage Peter Neary

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1998