MIRAGE (Modelling International Relationships in Applied General Equilibrium) is a multi-sectoral and multi-regional computable general equilibrium model dedicated to trade policy analysis. It encompasses insights of imperfect competition, product differentiation by quality and origin, as well as foreign direct investment in a sequential dynamic framework where installed capital is immobile. Adjustment inertial come from reallocation of the stock of capital via depreciation and investment. MIRAGE relies on a very detailed measure of bilateral protection and trade barriers thanks to the MAcMap database.
The CEPII is also developping an updated version of the model, called MIRAGE-e, which includes a more detailed description of energy consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as a new baseline scenario at the 2100 horizon based on MaGE growth model.
Reference document to cite: > Decreux, Y. and Valin, H. (2007) "MIRAGE, Updated Version of the Model for Trade Policy Analysis with a Focus on Agriculture and Dynamics", CEPII Working Paper no. 2007-15.
> Bchir, M.-H., Y. Decreux, J.-L. Guérin and S. Jean (2002) "MIRAGE, A CGE Model for Trade Policy Analysis", CEPII Working Paper 2002-17.
> Bchir, M-H., Y. Decreux, J.-L. Guérin and S. Jean (2002), "MIRAGE, un modèle d’équilibre général calculable pour l’évaluation des politiques commerciales", Economie internationale, No. 89-90.
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Person in charge & contact: Yu Zheng, mirage

The demand side is modeled through a representative consumer from each region that maximizes its intratemporal utility function under its budget constraint. This unique agent, which includes households and government, saves a part of his income and the rest is spent on commodities according to a LES-CES function.