Profils Régions / Region Profiles
As an extension of the Country Profiles, the CEPII has designed the interactive Region Profiles drawing upon its statistical databases. This original tool analyses globalisation through a set of indicators which measure the insertion of each region into the world economy. The Region Profiles also allow to compare different major regions across the world breaking down trade data in flows within regions and with the rest of the world.
They cover 18 geographic areas.
- 8 major regions making up the world:
North America, South & Central America, Europe, Community of Independent States, Middle East & North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, advanced Asia-Oceania, emerging & developing Asia-Oceania. - 10 integrated economic areas:
4 in Europe (European Union, EU before Brexit, Euro Zone, European Economic Area);
4 in Asia & Oceania (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China & Hong Kong, Australia & New Zealand);
2 in America (Southern Common Market, Andean Community).
The data are provided in the form of didactic illustrations over seven categories:
broad patterns, projections, balance & forex, tariff protection, comparative advantages, types & ranges, products & partners.
Each illustration is presented with references (the methodology and nomenclatures used) which are also available in a Panorama du CEPII.
The data used in the illustrations can be downloaded separately for each region and in their entirety. A printable version for each region displaying all illustrations in seven categories is available.
The Region Profiles are provided for informational, educational and research purposes, and are freely and publicly available.
Reference document to cite: CEPII Profiles team (2023), CEPII Region Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications, Panorama du CEPII, N°2023-02, BibTeX
Person in charge & contact: Deniz Ünal, deniz.unal

Licence: Etalab 2.0