Trade Unit Values
TUV provides trade unit values (in USD/ton) at the year – reporter – partner – product level. Products categories correspond to the 6-digit Harmonized System nomenclature, which allows for international comparisons. Unit values are available either as reported by the exporter (FOB, without transport costs) or as reported by the importer (CIF).
Please read the documentation and the working paper. If you don't find the answer to your question, contact us.
Reference document to cite: Berthou, A. & Emlinger, C. (2011), The Trade Unit Values Database, International Economics, N°128, Q4 2011
Person in charge & contact: Pierre Cotterlaz, tuv

Licence: Etalab 2.0
Quantities provided in BACI sometimes result from operations performed by Comtrade to improve the data coverage. When this treatment is applied to the source data, the quantities are not well suited for the computation of unit values.
TUV provides more reliable unit values, constructed from the most disaggregated existing data (at the tariff line level). Unit values are computed at this very high level of precision, before being aggregated into 6-digits HS codes to allow for international comparisons. This method preserves the differentiation of unit values across flows within a product code.
TUV provides more reliable unit values, constructed from the most disaggregated existing data (at the tariff line level). Unit values are computed at this very high level of precision, before being aggregated into 6-digits HS codes to allow for international comparisons. This method preserves the differentiation of unit values across flows within a product code.