CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale


For all countries, from 2019 to 2022, GeoDep provides information on HS6 product-level import dependencies. The dataset includes the value of the various criteria for identifying a dependency, specifies whether HS6 products belong to strategic sectors, and indicates the leading exporter of each imported product.

Reference document to cite: Lefebvre K. and Wibaux P., “Import dependencies: where does the EU stand?”, CEPII Policy Brief, No 47, September 2024

Person in charge & contact: Pauline Wibaux, geodepcepii.fr

Licence: Creative Commons BY NC SA


- Stata


We use bilateral product-level trade data from BACI database (CEPII) to identify import dependent product along four criteria: i) the level of concentration of imports; ii) the level of concentration of world exports; iii) the substitutability of exports by domestic supply; and iv) the long-lasting dimension of dependencies.

More specifically:
  • Criterion 1: we measure the product-specific level of import concentration for each destination country and each year using a Herfindahl-Hirschman index: a value higher than 0.4 defines a concentrated product.
  • Criterion 2: we compute a Herfindahl-Hirschman index capturing the concentration of world exports: a value higher than 0.4 defines a concentrated product.
  • Criterion 3: we compute the product-level ratio of imports over exports for each country: a product is non-substitutable by domestic production if this ratio is larger than one. When exports are null, we impose the value of 9999.
  • Criterion 4: we consider only those products for which all three criteria hold for at least two years in a three-year window.